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The clanging was loud. Bang. Bang. Bang. Like a hammer hitting an anvil. Stiles could feel it penetrating his head. The noise making his brain feel like it was being squeezed. The hammer hitting him. Bang. Bang. Bang. He wasn't supposed to move but he couldn't help but squeeze his eyes shut. His breaking coming faster. Then the noise cut off.

Stiles opened his eyes. He was standing next to the MRI bed, dressed in his usual tshirt and jeans. The room was lit with cold blue light and everything was quiet. He looked around. Feeling something behind him. He turned, following the thing round the bed. "Have you figured out my riddle yet?" The familiar rasping voice asked. It was the same rasping voice from the night before. The one from the basement. Stiles glanced behind the MRI machine but nothing was there. When he turned back to the bed the thing was standing in front of him. The bed between them.

It was humanoid. A man a few inches taller than him. Cracked grey mouth and face wrapped in dirty bandages. It wore a pair of cargo style pants and big boots, the laces trailing after it as it limped. A leather jacket covered it's torso and there was a sense of deformity about it. Something wrong and something dark. In it's mouth were metal pointed teeth like a shark. "If you answer correctly", it spoke. "We might consider letting them go". It's voice was excited.

"Letting who go?" Stiles asked. Dread in his stomach.

The thing turned to the glass window of the observation room where Noah and Melissa were visible. They were bent over a computer. Looking at the scans of Stiles' brain. Noah had a hand over his mouth, brow furrowed. "Your family", the thing bared it's teeth. "Everyone who ever meant something to you". Stiles felt his lips tremble. "We're going to destroy all of them Stiles", it declared with a sick glee. "One by one". Stiles felt a tear trail down his cheek.

"Why?" He stuttered. The thing was scaring him.

"Everyone has it. But no one can lose it", the thing whispered. "What is it?"

"I don't know".

The thing turned to him. "Everyone has it. But no one can lose it. What is it?"

"I don't know", Stiles muttered.

"Everyone has it. But no one can lose it!" The thing was roaring now. Stiles flinched back. "What is it!" It tugged on the bandages around its head in a fury. Gloved hands tearing. Stiles turned away, somehow knowing not to see it's face. He pressed his hands to his ears and closed his eyes as tears began to trail down his face.

"What is it!"

"I don't know!"

Then something clicked. Stiles opened his eyes. His hands dropping. The voice asked again. No longer horse and wheezing. Now it was almost silky smooth and quiet. "What is it stiles?"

"A shadow". The reply dropped from his lips before he could stop it. He began to turn. The bandages had fallen away from the thing. Something had changed. He saw short spiky dark hair as the hands began unwinding the last few layers of cloth. Pale skin becoming visible. Then the cloth dropped to the floor.

When the thing looked up, it was Stiles' own face staring right back. It smirked.


Baby blinked as the lights flickered out. Then flickered back on. He sat up in his chair. Scott had disappeared with Derek over fifteen minutes ago. Baby could have gone with them but he wanted to stay with Stiles. Scott would catch him up later. Baby pressed his fingers into his palms. His black vans tapping on the floor as he waited. He sniffed as the lights flickered again. He could smell smoke. That was weird.

He stood up as nurses and people began rushing down the corridors. The lights sparked and flickered sharply. Some bursting and some just going out. Then the door to the MRI room burst open. Noah stepped out and glanced quickly up and down the corridor. "Have you seen Stiles?" He demanded.

"What?" Baby blinked. "But he was in there".

"Well he's gone. We need to find him". Noah began running after the crowds of people. Melissa and Baby following.

"What's going on?" Baby asked as they ran through the hospital.

"One of the electricity cables has come loose!" A call echoed round the emergency department. People surged. Baby skidded past a corridor then froze. He could smell smoke. And stiles. The faintest hint of him. Smoke scent, something which had been lingering on the edges of Stiles' scent for a while was now strong and almost overpowering. Baby stopped and glanced down it. The lights in the corridor had gone out, shadowing it in gloom. When he looked back up, Melissa and Noah had disappeared into the crowd.

Baby glanced down it. "Stiles?" He called. He began jogging down the corridor. It was abandoned. Everyone drawn to the chaos outside. His night vision helped as he glanced through the doorways of open rooms. "Stiles?" He heard something move. He started forwards, steps more hesitant. "Stiles?"

Something moved behind him and he froze. He could smell smoke. Nothing of Stiles' usual scent. Strong smoke, choking and sour. There was a bitterness to it. It made him freeze. Instincts screaming at him to run. He could hear breathing. Someone was behind him. So close that they were almost touching. "Stiles?" Baby whispered.

"Shhh". Hands reached out. One caught his wrist and the other looped out round his head to cover his eyes and pull his head back so that it was resting on a shoulder. Stiles shushed him. Voice eerily calm and soft as he pulled Baby back to lean on him. "No need to speak Baby", he whispered. Baby swallowed. He couldn't see and there was fear in his gut. This was not his stiles. This was something else. It made him pale as the hand let go of his wrist and snaked round his waist. Stiles' grip was tight. Stronger than it should be. Supernaturally strong.

Baby licked his lips but did not move. "Who are you?" He whispered back.

"What do you mean?" Stiles's voice had amusement laced through its tone. "I am your Stiles".

"No", Baby swallowed. "You're not. You don't smell like him".

"Oh?" Stiles seemed surprised to hear this. "Vampires and their sense of smell. I've never met a vampire before. I am going to have such fun with you". There were lips on his cheek, the corner of his mouth. Baby stayed still. He didn't know what this thing was but fighting it could hurt Stiles. Still, the intimate touch made him gasp in surprise. It felt like Stiles. But it didn't smell or sound like him. Whatever this was, it spoke darkly. With threat and promise in its tone. Baby didn't like it.

"What are you planning?" Baby whispered desperately. "Why Stiles?"

"Ah ah ah", the arm round his waist squeezed slightly tighter. Baby made a slight gasping noise as he was pressed tighter against the body behind him. Stiles tutted in his ear. "Be quiet now. Just listen". Outside, someone was screaming. The voices echoed back to them. Chaos, confusion, pain. The scents were strong in the air. "You can smell it", Stiles said gleefully. Baby whimpered as the hands gripped tighter. Another kiss was pressed to his jaw.

"There's going to be more", Stiles, the thing, promised. "There's going to be more and I can't wait for you to see it".

Then the arms let him go. Baby stumbled forwards, eyes opening. He caught himself before he could fall and turned. There was nothing there. Just a dark empty hospital corridor. No stiles. Just sour smoke in the air.


Void Stiles guys! How was his first interaction with baby? What did you think?

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