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The hospital was a dead end. Derek headed to the school. Issac was getting Allison and Scott was with the sheriff. Baby volunteered to go back to the station to see if anymore calls came in. When he got there the station was almost empty. Only Parrish remained on the front desk. The man looked up as Baby entered. "Vampire", he nodded. The statement a acknowledged. I know you, you know me.

"Hell hound", Baby greeted back. "Sorry for breaching your territory but it is not malicious".

"I know. Besides. The whole of beacon hills sort of belongs to Scott and his pack anyway".

"True". Baby sighed and sat down on one of the waiting chairs. "Has there been anymore calls?" His voice was slightly desperate.

"No. But agent McCall is here".

Almost at the mention of his name, a office door burst open and the FBI agent burst out. Baby had only seen the man briefly previously. He knew that he was Scott's father but he hadn't actually talked to the man. (After the barrow incident he made himself scarce. He really didn't want fbi attention on him). The man was tall, Scott obvious got his height from his mother. With dark hair and Scott's cheekbones. One of his arms was in a sling and he was waving a piece of paper in his other hand. "Is this the exact transcript of Scott and Stiles' phone call?" Aganet McCall asked Parrish.

"It's what he gave us".

"But these words. Stiles says, 'something smells terrible. My eyes are watering'". McCall looked at Parrish. The man shrugged.

"Hi, my name is Melissa McCall and I'm hoping to see agent McCall", Melissa's voice sounded at the entrance. Baby jumped to his feet and ran out to see her. Behind him he could hear Agent McCall following.

"What are you doing here?" Baby asked.

"My shift was over. I just wanted to see if I could help. What are you doing here?"

"Scott's with The sheriff and Issac went to go and get Allison and Derek is at the school. I just wanted to come here so that if enhancing new comes in I could be there". Baby sniffed at the last word. This reminded him of his sister. Long night where she would go hunting and he would wait until dawn for her return. Then there was the one night when she didn't come back.

Melissa sighed. "Oh baby. Come and have a hug". She opened her arms and Baby stepped into her hold. She smelt reassuring and motherly, tinged with hospital smell. But it was the warmth and the thought that counted. Melissa looked up round Baby's head to Agent McCall. "Did you find anything?"

Agent McCall gave Baby a quizzical look but nodded. "I think I might have an idea. Do you have your car?"

Melissa and Baby ended their hug so that she could fish her keys out of her bag. "Good. I need you to drive". Agent McCall headed to the doors. Melissa and Baby followed without a word. The car beeped when it unlocked and they all folded into the seats, Baby climbing into the back.

"We need to head to the coyote den they found at the Tate case", Agent McCall stated as Melissa started the car. "I think he might be there and I think he might be still asleep". The car pulled out of the parking lot and turned down the road into the woods.

"What do you mean? You think he's still sleeping?" Melissa asked.

"People who sleep walk can do crazy things. One guy cooks himself an entire meal, another was found mowing the lawn naked".

"Stiles has got a history of sleepwalking", Baby nodded.

Agent McCall frowned at him in the rear view mirror. "Who are you exactly?"

Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now