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Baby honestly wondered how he got himself into these messes. Normal people (well, he wasn't normal but that was not the point) did not get themselves locked in a room with two deranged and savage killer werewolves. It was just his luck. His undead cursed luck.

The two werewolves snarled. Baby could see their glowing yellow eyes in the dark. They banged on the closed door a few times before stopping. Baby slunk away, trying to keep the distance between them as big as possible.

"Hello?" A nervous voice called out. Baby closed his eyes. Shit, Ms Blake. She was going to be killed.

Darn his morality. Baby pulled his hood up over his head, hiding his face from view. Carefully, he snuck around the shelves and cabinet, positioning himself between the wolves and Ms Blake. The two werewolves had not seen him yet. They were sniffing the air.

The door clanged shut behind another figure. Another werewolf and a Alpha if Baby's nose was correct. The newcomer growled in dominance at the two wolves who snarled back. They lunged at each other, tearing and biting. The Alpha managed to grab hold of each of the werewolves necks, holding them steady. Since they couldn't get away, the two of them began slicing at the Alpha holding them.

Baby sighed. Damn violent weres. That man was going to get himself killed. Making sure his hood was covering his face, Baby edged closer to the fight.

"Keep them steady", he commanded. The Alpha looked around in surprise, unable to tell who had spoken.

Baby lunged at the bigger wolf first. His hands latched on to the guy's shoulders, nails digging into the skin. His toxins were seeping into the man's bloodstream but it was not enough. The werewolf shook, trying to throw Baby off. Baby pulled himself tighter around the wolf so that his face was pressed into the guy's neck.

Baby cringed at what he was about to do. Seeing no better option, he opened his mouth and bit into the jugular. The werewolf crumpled, the vampire toxins taking effect.

Detaching himself, Baby spat a mouthful of blood onto the floor. "Erg disgusting", he cursed. "Wolves taste horrible".

He then turned his attention to the female. Being smaller, she succumbed to the venom easier and dropped like a stone. Baby wiped his mouth on her shirt. "Oh relax" he said to the Alpha who was staring at his friends in horror. "They are not dead. They will be fine in a couple of hours. The venom just knocks them out for a bit".

Baby glanced down at the Alpha. The man was covered in scratches and blood. It was not a pretty sight. "A thank you would be nice", Baby said sarcastically. "Bloody ungrateful wolves".

"You'rea vampire", the man stated, breathing heavily. "But I thought that all the vampires left beacon hills. Why are you here? Who are you?"

He was now annoying Baby. "Why are you here? As an Alpha, you should have better control over your pack. Now clean up your mess and explain this to the poor teacher over there". Baby pointed to the corner where Ms Blake was hiding.

The door opened and a boy Baby recognised from his English class, Scott McCall, rushed in followed by someone else. Great, more werewolves. Seeing the open door, Baby took the chance to slip out and escape without anyone noticing. Werewolves were really annoying.

Stiles stared down at the dead cold body of Heather. Her throat was cut, head bashed in and there was ligature marks around her neck. He had went to nursery with her, was going to sleep with her at her birthday party. And now she was a murder victim.

"The ME said that she was not just strangled", Ms McCall was saying. "The killer used a garot, which is a stick put through the rope and you just keep twisting". She stopped when she saw Stile's face. "Oh my god did you know her? I'm so sorry". She covered up Heather's face.

"I was at her party. It was her birthday", his voice shook.

"Okay, we need to call your father. You're a witness".

Something nagged at Stiles' mind. Turning back to the body that Lydia found, he remembered the ring which had been around the boy's finger. A purity ring. He glanced back down at Heather. She had been a virgin as well. Three methods of death.

"Has anyone been through here? Any other bodies?" He asked with a sudden urgency.

"Um no", Ms McCall thought for a minute. "But they did bring in two girls. Katelyn was brought in for a toxin screening and I overheard that her girlfriend, Emily, had gone missing".

"I have to talk to her", Stiles made a move to run forward but Ms McCall stopped him.


"Because I think I know what's happening". And he did know. These were not ordinary killings. They were human sacrifices. Again, the memory of the boy with silver eyes rose up in his mind. What was he? And did he know what was happening? Could he have been part of it? Stiles did not know but he needed to find out.


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