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They all stood back as Cora cleaned herself up at one of grimy locker sinks. She was still bleeding and seemed to have a concussion. Baby watched blandly. The girl was annoying and he was honestly getting quite sick of saving her and her brother's arses. "You okay? Scott asked.

"She doesn't look okay", Lydia commented.

Cora gave them a halfhearted glare. "I'll heal". She threw a bloody tissue into the sink and took a step back. She immediately swayed and Scott and Stiles both reached out to catch her. She waved them away and leant on the sink. "I said I'm fine".

"Do you realise how suicidally crazy that was?" Stiles asked. "What were you thinking going after them?"

"I did it for Boyd!" She snapped back. "He left. Packed his bags and left because he couldn't handle it. None of you are doing anything".

"We're trying", Scott defended lamely.

"And you're failing", Cora spoke sharply. "You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers. Running around thinking that you can stop people from being killed. But all you do is show up late, all you do is find the bodies". Scott and Stiles shuffled, the words obviously hitting hard. Baby felt anger well up inside of him. How dare this bitch accuse his friends, his coven!

He started forwards with a snarl. "Big words coming from a little girl. Don't forget that I have saved you and your brother three times now. All you are doing is racking up debt to me. So why don't you stop thinking with your spoiled Wolf twats and start being useful for once. The next time I see you in trouble", he threatened. "I will walk the other way and hope you finally face the consequences of your actions".  His voice dropped to low tone. A rumble to match any alpha. A simple beta Wolf stood nothing against him.

Cora went to snarl but it turned into a whimper. Her instincts screamed at her to run from the threat. Baby smirked at her expression and stepped back. "Tell your alpha that if he continues to let his pack run wild, then I will come and collect all three of my favours and never help you again". He went to walk past her then paused. "Oh, and if you ever attack someone in this school during school hours again, even if they're murderers or whatever, I will kill you. I am claiming this school as my territory".

"You can't do that!" Stiles called. "Can he do that?" He turned to Scott.

"Deaton said that Vampires can be as territorial as Wolves. So yeah. I guess he can do that".

Baby grinned sharply. Not his sarcastic smile or even his genuine one. This grin was sharp with power. "Pass the word around". Then he was storming out, leaving Cora standing shakily next to the sink.


"Hey Lydia", Baby greeted as he entered the school hall. Student swarmed around him as they all settled for the band recital. It had fallen dark outside but the hall was full of light as people milled around and chatted. The bubbly atmosphere at odd with the panic of the day. Another teacher had disappeared and there was going to be a third.

Lydia was standing with Scott near the entrance. Baby walked up to join them. "I thought you were coming to hang out at mine tonight".

"Yeah. I just can't leave. I tried but I can't. There's going to be another death here and I thought that if maybe, if I just stopped trying to fight it, I'd find the bodies before it happens. So that someone can do something about it", she was almost pleading, eyes wide with fear and uncertainty.

"You get me the time and I'll do something about it", Scott promised. "I swear to god I will".

"Hey", baby smiled at her reassuringly. He draped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a half hug. "I'm going to stay with you the whole time okay". She nodded and rested her head against his shoulder tiredly.

"You're cold", she muttered.

Baby laughed. "Yeah. Being a vamp means being cold blooded. Sorry". She giggled as he rubbed her shoulder with his thumb. On the stage, the orchestra started playing.

"You're such a baby boy, aren't you? You just hide it under all your creepy vampire stuff".

"Oh no", Baby joked. "You've seen through me. How am I ever going to keep my scary vampire act up now?"

Lydia smiled. "I am definitely adopting you. You're going to be my new arm candy from now on". Baby laughed. Lydia remained him of his older sister.

"I have no arguments".

"Good", she smirked then paused as her phone vibrated. She pulled it out to see a text from Aidan. Need to see you right now. Life or death.

"Aidan wants to see me. It's apparently important", she muttered sourly. Baby looked over the crowd just as Aidan turned to glance at them.

"Okay. I'll come with you. Make sure he doesn't try anything".

Lydia linked her arm in his as they left the hall. "My hero".


The school was silent and gloomy in the dark. The doors squeaking as Lydia and Baby entered. They were quiet as they walked down the corridor towards their English classroom. Baby could smell the left over residue from the school day and mistletoe. "Lydia", he whispered. "I don't think this is a good idea. We should head back". Her heels clicked on the floor as she continued forwards. Baby sighed and followed her as she turned into the classroom.

The room was empty. Only the light of the moon and the street lamps outside showed the shapes. The shadows of the desks were distorted and the blackboard was empty. Lydia and Baby walked slowly in. The scent of mistletoe getting stronger. Baby let his fangs and nails extend defensively. "Lydia!" He hissed. "I can smell the Darach, we need to leave".

The sound started faintly. Chanting slowly growing louder. Baby cursed and placed himself close to Lydia's side, arms up in defence as the noise grew louder. "You recognise it, don't you?" The voice made them jump. Miss Blake loomed from the darkness. Baby wondered how on earth he didn't see her before.

"I guessed it might have been you", he snarled.

She smiled. "Aww you brought your pet vampire along", she cooed. "Not that it will make much of a difference". She circled them. Baby hissing at her as he followed her circle, keeping himself between him and Lydia. The red haired girl seemingly frozen in fear.

"I have been preparing how to face you", Miss Blake remarked. "Ever since you helped Derek save me over a month ago. It took a bit of digging, you vampires are difficult to deal with, but the research paid off and I found this!" She pulled out a canteen and popped off the lid. She threw the contents towards them. The water splashed over Baby's face and chest, soaking his tshirt and hitting his skin.

He screamed. The water burned. He could feel his skin peeling and blistering where the water had hit him. The pain was so intense that he buckled and dropped to the floor, writhing in agony as the water continued to burn. Lydia gave a cry and immediately bent to help him. Miss Blake knocked her out with a blow to the back of the head and Lydia crumpled. The Darach stood over them smugly. Her eyes watching with glee as Baby whimpered and twitched.

"Holy water. You know that it's called holy water but it is actually water mixed with a mistletoe and silver solution. It would harm a werewolf but it is most harmful against vampires. Your kind hates the stuff", she grinned as she kicked Baby in the stomach with a pointed heel. "You have been interfering with my plans ever since we met. It feels good to get some payback".

Baby coughed. He must look like hell. But he gathered enough strength to bare his teeth. "Scott will stop you", he promised. "Scott and Stiles will stop you".

Miss Blake hummed. "We'll see". Then she turned the canteen over and let the last of the water drip onto his face. Baby couldn't stop himself from screaming.


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