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Baby drifted awake slowly. He could hear dripping, like water hitting a puddle. Drip drip drip. It was cold too. A deep burrowing cold that seemed to cling to him. He was already cold and this was freezing. Around him the water kept dripping. It sounded like pipes and concrete. There was a smell of must. A draft and the smell of abandonment. It felt like he was underground. Only underground places had such deep burrowing cold that seemed to seep into your veins. He couldn't help but let out a whine as he trembled. There was something in the air. Vervain, keeping him sedated and cold.

"Hush", a familiar voice muttered as Baby let out another groan. He blinked open his eyes to see the pale face of Stiles crouched over him. The scent of smoke filled his senses and the black eyes watched him. Stiles reached out and tangles his finger's in Baby's hair, pulling his head back so that he could see him more clearly. Baby couldn't resist. The vervain making him lethargic and as shaky as a newborn lamb. "Hi babes. You awake?" The void questioned. Baby tried to response but his tongue felt heavy and useless.

"Stiles", the name was slurred. "M cold". He shivered and the void tutted.

"Can't have that. What use is a pet if he's dead?" The nogitsune spoke aloud. He picked Baby up and cradled him close to his chest. Stiles was warm. Despite the nogitsune, his body was still human. Still pumping blood and generating body heat. Baby instinctively allowed himself to curl up near the heat source. He felt his eyelids start to drop again.

"Romeo romeo, where thou art my Romero?" The void sung. He poked Baby on in the cheek, waking him back up. "Stay awake vamp. I need you to stay awake".

"Where are we?" Baby whimpered. He was scared. The vervain was making him defenceless. Limbs heavy with cold and body on the verge of shut down. He had to hand it to him, Void had done his research. He knew exactly what a vampire's weaknesses were. Baby was nothing more than a limp doll at the moment and it terrified him. "Stiles. Please". He shivered again, voice cracking.

"Shhhh", Void soothed, rocking Baby slightly. "We're somewhere where they won't think to look".

Baby felt as Stiles rested his head against his chest. "Why did you take me?" He whispered. "Why me?"

"This boy is attached to you. What better way to cause strife by taking one of the people most important to him?" He chuckled darkly. "But that is not my only reason. I have never met a vampire before. They're quite rare. Certainly more so than werewolves. You are entertaining. You can smell everything. You can feel the chaos in the blood and I like it". He smiled with savage excitement. Baby didn't like the gleam in his eyes. "I'm killing two birds with one stone. You can feel everything and I can feed off you. While also tormenting Stiles by keeping you at my mercy". The words were raspy and Baby shivered, not in cold this time but in fear.

"My friends will find me", he slurred.

"Friends? You don't have friends. They only tolerated you because of Stiles. You know that".

Baby felt his teeth clench as another shudder made him whimper. Void shifted his hold on him, pulling him up further against his chest. "Oh Romeo", he sighed. "Have you not been feeding Romeo? It's a nice name by the way. Shakespearean. You're like me you know, hungry, feeding on others. Vampires are the stuff from nightmares. You're never truly satisfied with blood bags are you? When was the last time you hunted? Fed off of the high of human blood right form the source. It must have been a while because your as cold as a corpse". He pulled baby onto his lap. One hand grabbing at his jaw to expose his fangs. They had sharpened instinctively with fear and baby felt his eyes start to glow as his body friend to fight the effects of the vervain.

"I'm not like you", he huffed, mumbling around Stiles' fingers.

"Oh but you are. The stories about tricksters and vampires share one thing in common. It's all about food. I can feel it in you, the hunger. I am insatiable", void growled. "You are just like me. You try to hide it. Hide it from your human friends and your human boyfriend but you're always hungry. Soon the blood bags just won't cut it and you will have to go hunting again. How many people have you drained Romeo? Drained until they were nothing but empty bodies. What would happen if Stiles is near you when you snap?"

Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now