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Stiles was gone for two days. There was no word. There was no sighting of him or his jeep. Sheriff Stilinski had out a APB out for it but nothing had been spotted. Other than one text message to his dad, reassuring him that there was no need to look for him, there was no contact. And since the electrical sabotage at the hospital, Issac was in intensive care. Kira had been taken home by her mom and they hadn't heard from her since. Allison was beside herself with worry over Issac. Scott was constantly distracted and Lydia had become silent and uneasy ever since the night where she had failed to find stiles. She had been wrong. Her banshee instincts had never been wrong before.

Baby though, he wasn't sleeping. He couldn't. His house felt empty and exposed. It didn't feel safe or warming anymore and he didn't have the courage to go to someone else's place. Danny's parents knew nothing about the supernatural, so they were out of the question. Also, he didn't want Danny mixed up in this. Scott had caught him up on what happened. After being told what a nogitsune was, Baby couldn't stop playing those words over and over in his head. "I'm going to have such fun with you". The nogitsune was targeting him. Wether it was because of his relationship with Stiles, or because he was a vampire, or some other unknown reason. The nogitsune will not hesitate at using people against Baby. He didn't want that to happen to Danny. So that left him out of the question.

He didn't feel comfortable going to Stiles' house without him there. It didn't feel right. Noah wasn't there much either. He was spending all his time at the station. Baby didn't want to go to Scott's house either. Issac lived there too and he didn't want to stress out the alpha and Melissa anymore, although he knew that they would accept him in a heartbeat. He wouldn't go to Allison's. (Hunters duh!). And he couldn't go to Lydia's for the same reason he couldn't go to Danny's, her parents knew nothing about them. That lest Derek's place. The man still owed him two blood favours, but Baby didn't want to be up in that cold loft. Derek and him were not friendly and Peter honestly bugged him out. So yeah, he was on his own in his big empty house.

It was the second night, just after the clocks passed the 48 hour mark since his disappearance, when Baby woke up. He sat up, bed sheets falling around his waist as he looked around. The clock said that it was 7:56. The sun would be setting soon. The only time he had been able to get some sleep was to give in to his nocturnal urges and nap as soon as he got home from school. The sunset would often wake him up again but this time something was different. Baby pushed back the blankets and reached for the curtains surrounding his bed. His hand faltered as the room swayed. He was dizzy. His head spun and he slumped back on to the pillows.

Fear gripped him. There was something wrong. Why did he feel so ill? He had eaten recently, so it wasn't that. Then he smelt it. Herbs and smoke. He tried to move but all he could do was tilt his head. He sniffed again. Shit, mistletoe and Vervain. The fear in his stomach grew. Mistletoe was a common plant to use against most, if not all supernatural creatures. But each species had their own particular weaknesses. Like how Wolves had wolfsbane, vampires had vervain. It was a plant that was mostly found in Europe and Asia. Not so common in America. The plant had a burning effect on them. If ingested, it burnt and made them feverish and weak. Baby could smell it in the air. The scent stung his nose and the combined effects of it laced with mistletoe, left him dizzy and incapacitated. It must have been burning for a while for the effects to be affecting him so strongly.

Baby let out a noise, hand clutching at the curtains. It was a desperate gasp. The sound must of alerted whoever was there as the curtains pulled back. Baby watched with swaying vision as a figure appeared by his bed. The face swum as he tried to concentrate. Pale skin and dark hair. "Stiles", he gasped. "Stiles. What"-

"Hi Romeo", Stiles greeted with a grin, eyes black. Instantly Baby felt himself recoil. It wasn't stiles. This was the nogitsune.

Stiles reached out a hand and brushed his hair from his forehead, thumb rubbing gently across his skin. "Sorry about the Vervain and the mistletoe", he muttered. Baby reached out and managed to hook his shaking hand on the fabric of Stiles' tshirt. Stiles lifted his other hand and set the bag he had been carrying on the bed next to him. Baby made a distressed noise and he shushed him. A finger gently to his lips. "Hey now", Stiles grinned. It was sharp and dark and scary. Baby had never been scared of his boyfriend like this before. "I'm not going to hurt you. You just need to go back to sleep. Hush".

He leaned forwards and for a second there his eyes changed. Baby saw the grin fall into a confused expression of horror and fear. "Oh Babes", it was his Stiles, baby caught the whiff of his familiar comforting scent. "I'm sorry". He leaned forwards and pressed a fierce kiss to Baby's forehead. "I don't know what's happening". The words were whispered in his ear. Then he sat back and baby could do nothing but watch as a change happened. The head tilted and the eyes darkened as the scent of smoke grew stronger. Sharp and bitter.

"You need to sleep now Romeo", Nogitsune Stiles commanded. He reached out and pressed two fingers to Baby's eyes lids, drawing them closed. Baby felt himself begin to sink. The poison in the air drawing him down and under. "Sleep now. Good boy. Sleep now Romeo".

When he awoke it was to sunlight on his face and the beeping of his morning alarm. Baby blinked and sat up gingerly. He felt worn and still slightly ill. The poison in the air was gone. He sniffed and could smell nothing but his own scent and the lingering smell of smoke. The clock said 6:30 in the morning. Stiles was gone. Baby looked himself over. Nothing was amiss. He wasn't injured, he wasn't marked in anyway. His clothes were still on and there was no sign of anyone being there. Nothing at all. It didn't help the feeling of exposure that prickled his skin as he got out of bed. The feeling of being watched. What the nogitsune wanted with him, he did not know. But he could guess that it wasn't going to be good.


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