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The sun was shining over the woods when they met up the next day. Stiles gave Baby and Lydia a lift in his jeep. While Scott came on his bike and Issac, suspiciously, turned up with Allison. (He had been spending a lot of time with Allison recently). Baby climbed out as Scott took off his helmet. All of them gathering around him subconsciously.

"Anyone else think that we might be doing more harm then good?" Lydia's voice broke the calm of the forest.

"We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter", Scott stated.

"Actually we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote", Issac corrected. "Who is actually his daughter. Who we don't know how to change from a coyote back into his daughter". Issac finished his thought with a slight frown of confusion. Baby snorted and rolled his eyes.

"And again with the not helping", Stiles grumbled.

Scott turned his eyes to the heavens for a brief second before ignoring them all and turning to Alison. "Did you bring it?"

Alison sighed but opened the boot of her car and picked up a sleek black hunting rifle. Baby whistled. "Nice gun. My sister had one just like it but I could never remember the name".

Alison eyed him with curiosity. "Your sister owned a hunting weapon. In England?"

"Um yeah. We do have hunting grounds in England too you know. For shooting ducks and pheasants and such", he quickly explained. He didn't really want the argents to know about his Hunter family. The past was the past. Stiles gave him a confused look but didn't comment. Baby rubbed at his bandages nervously.

"So", he gestured to the surrounding trees. "Where do we start?"

The answer came as an echo of a gunshot in the distance. Immediately Scott was pulling back on his helmet and climbing on his bike. He took off with a roar of it's engine into the trees. Issac and Alison running after him. Stiles and Lydia watched them all go with simultaneous sighs and defeated looks. "Why have they always got to run off?" Lydia muttered as she began stomping after them. She turned and waved at the two boys to follow her. "Are you going to run after them?" She asked Baby.

"No", he replied. "I'm sure they can handle it. Besides, I'm injured". He held up his bandaged arm with a grin.

"I'm going to call my dad", Stiles announced as he pulled out his phone. They stopped at it rung. After a second stiles was sighing. "It took the doll again? What does it want with that doll?"

"I don't know but listen to me. There's traps all over those woods, probably around the car crash and the hiking trails, and Tate is out there with a rifle. I want you to stay out of those woods, are you listening to me?" Sheriff stilinski's voice cut off as Stiles hung up. He had a gleam in his eyes of an idea forming.

"It's the doll", he turned to them. "It's the doll? But why would it go all the way to the school and all the way back to the house for a doll? One that was in the car wreck and not the coyote den".

"Maybe it's sentimental?" Baby shrugged. "She might have some cling to humanity still and the doll represents that".

"What kind of doll is it?" Lydia asked.

Stiles waved his hands. "I dunno. It's got a big baby head. Dead soulless eyes. Actually I took a pic". He fumbled in his pocket for his phone and tapped on the screen. Lydia wondered over while Baby stayed still. He looked around the woods as another gunshot echoed.

"If that's Malia. Then she's not holding the doll", Lydia pointed out.

"Malia's younger sister is", Stiles mumbled. "It's her doll. I know what's she's doing. I know where she's going".

Baby looked up and began to walk closer to them. The floor was strewn with leaves and dirt so he didn't notice the slight metal glint on the floor. Stiles was pacing in front of the cars. His phone to his ear as he called Scott. "Scott it's me. You've got to call me back. She's going back to the car wreck with the doll, like leaving flowers at a grave. And we stole the flowers. That's all she's trying to do is bring the doll back to the car wreck. Okay. The car wreck". Baby stopped as something clicked under his foot.

He looked down at the metal trap. His foot half pressing on the pressure trigger, and groaned. "Oh for fucks sake. Really?"

Lydia looked over. "What?" She started to approach but Baby held up a hand. "Don't come any closer. I don't know if there are anymore".

Lydia gasped as she noticed the trap. "Oh god. Stiles?" Stiles looked up from his phone and his eyes widened.

"Baby don't move", He ordered.

Baby waved his arms about. "Babes", Stiles groaned. "I mean it".

Baby looked down at the metal trap curiously. "Hey Lydia, what's the power of this thing?"

"It has been known to actually take off people's feet before", Lydia murmured. "The force of it snapping closed breaks the ankle and the iron often causes infection".

"Cool", Baby nodded. "Nice to know. I can heal from this but the problem is getting it off once it's slammed shut. The blood loss from a injury like this wouldn't be pleasant".

"No", stiles snapped. "You're not doing that". He moved to step closer but baby held out a hand. Now that he was looking, he could see the metal gleaming on the floor.

"Stop. There's a second one next to Lydia. It's about a step or two to your left".

"I can't see it", Lydia's voice was starting to grow high with panic.

"Lydia head back to the cars and call my dad", Stiles ordered. She went to protest but nodded and began carefully walking back towards the cars.

"Hey", Baby smiled as Stiles carefully stepped closer. "I'll be fine. It will heal".

"Can you say to me for certain that if it slammed shut, you would be able to get yourself free?"

Baby paused. He calculated the what the pain and blood loss would do to his strength and winced. He glanced down at the thick metal and the heavy dusty locking mechanism. Mr Tate definitely didn't skimp on these traps. "Maybe? Depends on how bad the injury is".

Stiles sighed. "Well that's not good enough for me. Just hang still. I'll figure something out".

"There should be a instruction label!" Lydia called across the clearing.

"Why would they put instructions on this thing?" Stiles asked.

"Because animals can't read", Baby stated.

Stiles huffed at him. "Babes, you're not helping. Try to feel the danger of the situation".

"Oh sorry, would it be better if I acted scared? Oh no! Stiles save me!" He put on a comically shocked expression and slapped his hands to his cheeks.

Stiles just gave him a look. "Actually no. Go back to being sarcastic".

"I was just trying to ease the tension love", baby grinned. "No pressure". Stiles rolled his eyes as he carefully knelt down to look at the instructions.

"Shit", he cursed. "It turns out I can't read either".


(Baby steps into a trap.
Stiles: don't move.
Baby: does the Macarena).

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