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"Oh my days Danny!" Baby exclaimed as he pulled open the door to Derek's loft and was immediately faced with the rave going on inside. The large room was full of people covered in neon glowing paint. Their bodies gyrating to the electronic music as the ultra violet lights flashed overhead. A DJ stand had been positioned up in front of the windows and there were tables of paint and drinks down the sides.

Danny swung and arm round Baby's shoulder with a proud grin. "You like it? Had to go wild for your eighteenth". He waved at the DJ and the music cut off. "Hey everyone!" He called out to the drunk crowd. "This here is the honoured guest of the party. He's eighteen tomorrow!" A round of drunk cheers as Danny shook Baby by the shoulders. "So let's party and have a happy Halloween!" More cheers and the music started up again. The bodies once again becoming a glowing dancing mess of limbs.

Danny laughed and pulled Baby into the crowd. "Where's your boyfriend and your pack?" He called over the music.

"They will be here!" Baby called back. "I can't believe you did this".

"What are best friends for?" Danny shouted as he shoved Baby towards a woman with long blonde hair. It was tied up in a bun and she had neon yellow lipstick that glowed as she grinned.

"Hello birthday boy, am I painting your face or your body?"

Baby laughed and pulled off his shirt. He let his silver eyes glow and his teeth lengthen. The pearly white fangs glowing as he beamed. Danny let out a whoop as Baby tucked his Tshirt through his belt loop. "Have at it", he grinned an held out his arms. The woman set to work. The next hour was a haze. The woman finished painting him and he was thrust into the gyrating crowd. His hips moving to the beat as he tossed his head back. The new green and red snakes decorating his chest moved with him as if they were alive. They crossed round his stomach and up over his back. Red outlined his silver eyes and yellow neon lipstick that the woman had lent him covered his lips.

"I'm going to go and find Ethan", Danny called at some point. He passed Baby a cup of something before he disappeared. Baby downed it, happy to find that it was pure vodka. He chugged the cup with glee. Eyes silver and black veins standing out on his face. This was his night. Halloween, the one night were he didn't have to worry about how he looked. It was invigorating.

When Stiles finally showed up it was with Scott and Kira. Baby perked up as he spotted him through the crowd. The darker haired boy was yelling to Scott something about a key but Baby didn't care. He just wanted his boyfriend to dance with him. "Stiles!" Baby beamed as he threw his arms round Stiles' shoulders. The other boy grabbed him instinctively in surprise. Baby grabbed Stiles' cheeks and drew him in for a deep kiss. When he pulled back, the lipstick left a glowing kiss stain on Stiles' mouth.

Stiles blinked before he smiled. "Babes. Are you drunk? How does a vampire even get drunk?"

"Vodka. Pure vodka", Baby shouted into his ear. "A lot of it".

"I should try that trick with Scott", Stiles laughed. Baby giggled and began moving his hips to the beat.

"Dance with me". Stiles' flush was prominent even under the ultra violet lights. Baby grinned as he pulled their hips together and began rocking. The movement forced Stiles to move too but his actions were awkward and unsure. "Come on", Baby whined. "Like this. Let me have a night to party and get drunk and dance with my boyfriend". He pulled Stiles' arms up to wrap around his neck and dropped his own hands to the other boy's hips. "Like this". The sound came out breathily.

"Fucking hell", Stiles groaned as Baby made them both move in time with the beats. The world was a blur around them. Scott and Kira had long since disappeared and neither boy cared. They were in their own world. Eyes locked on each other's as they moved. Then Baby was reaching up and their lips were colliding. Open mouthed and panting. Tongues and teeth and pure drunken, lust filed, messy desire. Neither cared who was dominant. The role switching between them as quick as a blink. One second it was Baby grabbing at Stiles and nipping at his lip with his fangs, tongue on the inside of his cheek. Then it was Stiles who had Baby gasping into his mouth, kiss faltering under moans.

They may have progressed in their make out session on the dance floor is someone hadn't knocked into them and made Baby loose his balance. The russets haired boy fell heavily onto his back, catching them both by surprise. Stiles pulled him to his feet and Baby was laughing. Mad drunken giggles that made him clumsy. "Wow, you really are drunk", Stiles commented fondly. "Let's sit you down". He began pulling Baby towards the stair case, one arm round his waist to stop him from falling again. When they got there, he gently sat Baby down and grabbed a bottle of pop.

"Stiles", Baby giggled. "I want to keep kissing you. Come back". He made grabby hands and Stiles smiled as he sat next to him.

"Okay. But only if you drink something". Baby pouted but obediently took the bottle. It was a glass bottle with the metal cap. Baby picked at it with his nails.

"I can normally do this", he frowned. "Why can't I open this?"

"Hey", Stiles pulled out his key ring. "I've got a bottle opener".

Baby took the key ring and stared at it. "Is that new?" He asked, gesturing to the key that had been plaguing Stiles' mind. "It is glowing. It has phos- phospo- phosphorus? Phosphorus on it". When he got the word right he beamed at Stiles proudly. (It was adorable). Baby leaned over and pressed another deep kiss to Stiles' lips but before he could push his tongue in, he was pushed gently back. Stiles popped the lid off of the bottle and handed it back over.

"Drink that before we continue to kiss okay". Baby stuck his bottom lip out but obediently took a swig.

"What are phosphorus?" Stiles asked. "And how did I get them on my key?" The question was half to himself, half to distract Baby into thinking about other things rather than having drunk sex.

"It is things with lumines- luminescences", Baby replied slowly. It was actually adorable to see his speech slowed down and childlike, compared to his cunning quick taking every day self. Stiles liked that alcohol made Baby one track minded. It was cute and a lot easier to deal with than a lot of his other friends. (Scott was horrible to look after when drunk).

"Like teeth, jellyfish. I love jellyfish. Cuttlefish! So cute!" Baby frowned as he tried to think of some more examples. "Laundry detergent? Is that right? Or am I dumb?"

"You're not dumb babes", Stiles reassured. "You are so smart".

"That's good", Baby grinned. He took another swig of his bottle. "Chemicals", he announced. "Chemicals on you key?"

Stiles' eyes widened. "Oh! Oh. That's it". He stood up and pulled Baby to his feet. "Let's get you home Babes. Come on".

"Can we go home and have sex?" Baby asked. "Cause you're my boyfriend and you're hot and I wanna sleep with you". He yawned at the last word.

Stiles blushed deeply as he swung Baby's arm round his shoulders. "Not while you're shift faced drunk Babes. If there's one thing I learnt from my dad is that drunk sex is not completely consensual. Now let's get you back to your bed. It's your birthday tomorrow and you're going to wake up with a hell of a hangover".

"Vampires don't get hangovers", Baby giggled. "Danny! I need to say goodbye to Danny".

"Leave Him a text". Stiles began to steer baby through the crowd and out of the loft. Baby giggling the whole time at something in his head. It wasn't too hard to help him climb into the jeep. Baby fell asleep on the drive back to his house. The last thing he remembered before his head hit the headrest was the distant pounding of the party going on above them and smell of stiles' scent around him. It was smoky. The smoky tone stronger than usual.  Then Baby was asleep and the worries were gone.


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