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Stiles stayed in the hospital the next day. Baby stayed with him. Noah called into school for him, which was nice. Baby left during the night to go home and change his clothes and have some blood. He showered and heated another bag up in the microwave as he got changed. Then he packed it in a thermos so that it would stay warm and headed back to the hospital. Stiles was still sleeping when he returned. The boy pale in his bed. Baby put his bag on the floor and sat on the chair next to him. He spent the rest of the night reading his way through the All for the game trilogy as he watched over Stiles. Making sure that the boy did not go anywhere. When morning arrived, so did Noah. The man sat down on the other side of the bed and nodded at him. Baby put his arms on the mattress and closed his eyes. The man now on watch.

Stiles woke around midday. He blinked at them. Baby still asleep with his head resting on his arms. "Hey kid", Noah leaned forwards, voice soft as stiles blinked at him. "It's midday, you hungry?" Stiles pushed himself up into a sitting position. He reached out and rested a careful hand on Baby's head. The boy hummed in his sleep at the touch. "He stayed up all night watching you", Noah nodded. "Wouldn't go to sleep until I got here".

"I scared him, didn't I?" Stiles mumbled. His fingers carefully stroking the auburn strands. Baby sighed deeply and tilted towards the touch.

"Yeah. Disappearing like that. You gave us all a scare", Noah huffed. He stood with a groan at stiff joints. "I'll go and grab you guys some food at the cafeteria. Want anything in particular?" Stiles shook his head and his dad nodded before leaving the room.

The sound of the door closing must have woken Baby up because he stirred under Stiles' hand. He blinked, peering up at him. "Hi Babes", Stiles mumbled softly. Baby blinked and yawned, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. When he was done, he frowned.

"Stiles. Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked.

Stiles furrowed his brow. "I remember calling Scott. Being cold. Something like a basement. Then waking up in the woods with you".

"Anything else?" Baby prompted.

"No. Why?"

Baby sighed and stood to sit on the mattress. Stiles shuffled over and the two boys curled up together on the hospital bed. "I didn't tell your dad this", Baby muttered. "But I was woken by Scott, Issac, Aidan and Lydia bursting through your bedroom door. Until then I was asleep. I didn't even know you had gone. But that's not the weirdest thing".

"What's the weirdest thing?" Stiles asked. A sense of unease growing at the answer.

Baby blinked black eyes at him. "You tied me up. I woke to find my wrists covered in blue string and a blue cloth over my eyes. Somehow you tied me up and I didn't even notice. If you were that kinky then we could have had a discussion", he tone turned jokey and stiles flushed. Baby smirked at him. "I'm just teasing love. But it stop was still weird. I mean, blue string and the blind fold? What does the blue string mean?"

"Nothing. It's just pretty", Stiles shrugged. Baby giggled and he flushed deeper. "I don't know why I would do that though. Maybe to stop you from following me?"

"But why would sleep walking you not want me to follow him?" Baby asked. That was a pretty confusing question.


The doctors wanted to run some tests before he could be discharged. Noah and Melissa had been talking about something. Baby could see it in the way that they looked at each other. The two adults were concerned about something they weren't telling them. He wondered if Stiles knew but the boy was stressed enough as it was. Luckily, Scott had finished school and was there in time for the MRI.

"I don't know how to say this or if it's just a misspelling", the doctor said as he held up Stiles' file. Stiles himself was sat on the bed in his hospital gown. A big machine waiting next to him. Baby frowned at it. He had never seen a MRI before and he was slightly sceptical.

"Just call him Stiles", Noah sighed. The doctor looked at him then flipped the file closed.

"Okay", he turned. "Stiles. Just to warn you. You're going to hear a lot of noise in the MRI. It's due to pulses of electricity going through the coils inside the machine. If you want we can get you some earplugs or headphones?"

"Oh no, no. I don't need anything", Stiles mumbled.

"Hey", Noah smiled at him reassuringly. "We're just on the other side of that window. Okay". Stiles patted his dad on the shoulder as the man turned. Him and Melissa leaving the room with the doctor. Only Scott and Baby staying for a few minutes longer.

"You know what they're looking for right?" Stiles asked Scott. His hand was in Baby's. Their fingers linked but Baby staying silent. "It's called frontotemporal dementia", Stiles sighed. "Sera's of your brain start to shrink. It's what my mother had. It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers". He looked down at their joined hands. "And there's no cure".

Scott ran a hand over his face. "Stiles, if you have it, we'll do something", he promised. He turned to look at his best friend's face. "I'll o something". His tone was strong. Stiles looked up with damp eyes. He let go of Baby's hand and held out his arms. Scott folded him in a hug. The two of them gripping each other's shoulders for a second. When they broke, Scott gave Stiles a smile and turned to leave the room. Leaving the two boyfriends alone.

"Hey", Baby took Stiles' hands and gripped them tightly. He offered a small smile. "I wouldn't recommend becoming a vampire. Very low survival rate and the general life quality is about a three out of ten". Stiles let out a wet chuckle and Baby grinned in triumph. "But I could deal with the smell of wet dog if it's you".

"How romantic", Stiles murmured with a smile. He leaned in and Baby kissed his forehead.

"I am terribly romantic darling. My life quality was a one before I came here. You definitely raised it by two stars".

"Only two stars?"

"Well the whole almost dying every other week is a bit of downer", Baby grinned then sobered. "I'm not going anywhere. Okay. Even if you have it or not. Like Scott said. We'll do something".

"Yeah, I know". Baby pressed another kiss to Stiles' forehead.

"Hey", he let go of one hand and pressed it to Stiles' cheek. Stiles looked up at him. Baby smiled warmly, voice a whisper. "I think I might be falling for you Stilinski". Then he was pressing a gentle peck to Stiles' lips and letting go. Walking out to join Scott in the corridor. The door shutting behind him. Stiles' eyes watching him go.


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