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Baby woke up sleepily to a pounding on the door. He jerked awake, half rolling off the bed before he caught himself and stumbled onto his feet. He yawned, blinking at the bright sunlight streaming through his windows. It was midday and Danny and already left for school. Baby hadn't been in school since Stiles went to Eichen house two days ago. He hadn't heard anything from Scott either but he hadn't really left the house in that time. He yawned, bed head a mess and dark shadows under his eyes. He was still wearing his tshirt and jeans from the night before.

He stumbled downstairs as the pounding continued. "Okay okay", he groaned. His stomach rumbled and he frowned as he tried to remember when was the last time he had eaten blood. Judging from his lack of pulse, probably over a day ago. "What?" He asked as he unlocked the front door. A girl was standing on the doorstep. She was dressed in jeans, boots and a tartan shirt over a grey vest. Her auburn hair was messy over her shoulders and he scent stuck of dog. "Werecoyote", he remarked with a raised eyebrow as he leant against the doorframe. "How can I help you?"

"Are you baby?" She asked. She wrinkled her nose. "So that's what a vampire smells like. Ewww. It's so sweet it's choking". She pulled a face.

"Says the one who smells of wet dog", Baby shot back. "Yes I am Baby. Why?" Then he paused, sniffing her. She smelt of anxiety, determination and confusion. There was also a lingering edge to her scent. A smell of smoke. "You've been near Stiles. You're from Eichen house".

"Yes. I'm Malia Tate. I caught your scent on Stiles and followed it here. He's gone missing. Something happened and he's gone missing. I need to talk to Scott McCall".

Baby felt worry stab his gut. "Let me get my shoes on and I'll take you to him", he stated as he turned inside. He left the door open as he grabbed his phone, wallet and keys. He pulled on socks and his black vans before rejoining her outside. He locked the door behind him with a click. "Come on", he muttered to her. "I'll take you to his house".


Baby stayed at Scott's long enough to hear Malia's story and also catch up with what the pack had been up to. Apparently they had decided to rob a armoured van escorting endive de to the fbi. Only, they had run into some trouble. But they had gotten the scroll they had come for. "So you guys went to rob a police van without me?" He huffed angrily as he crossed his arms. "Wow and I thought we were friends Scott".

Scott winced. Only he and Kira were at his house. The others having gone to their respective homes to rest. "I thought you might need some time".

Baby rolled his eyes. "Yeah and now Stiles is running around possessed by a nogitsune. What did the scroll even say anyway?"

"That one way of exorcising a nogitsune is by changing the body of the host".

"Like a werewolf transformation", Baby muttered. "Or a vampire". Scott nodded.

Malia huffed. "Well what has that got to do with this?" She thrust out a photograph, paper yellowed with age, at Scott. Baby and Scott both peered at it.

"Oh that's noshiko", Baby remarked. "Kira really looks like her mother doesn't she?"

"Wait, her mother?" Scott blinked. "Not grandmother? The date says 1943".

"I think you and Kira need to go and talk to Noshiko", Baby stated. Scott nodded and turned to Kira, who was still staring at the photo. She blinked as he touched her hand.

"Yeah. I guess mom owes me some answers".

"Are you coming?" Scott asked Baby.

"God no". Baby snorted. "That woman is scary. And I'm not sure if she'll want to see me again. The last time I saw her, I was seven and it was in New York. The woman nearly killed my sire and I. She didn't think it right for a vampire to change someone so young. Also, my sire had been killing a lot of people in the area, so that might have passed her off too. If she hadn't noticed me at the last minute, she would have cut my head off. That's what you get for surprising a kitsune in the heat of battle". He shook his head. "No. I'm going to go and see the sheriff. He deserves to know that Stiles is missing again, if Eichen house hasn't told him".

Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now