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Stiles had barely parked his truck before Cora was jumping out. They were infront of a old cement apartment block on the outskirts of town. Baby hopped out and followed the others as they rushed inside. The whole place stunk of Wolf. The strong smells of alphas permeated the air so thickly that Baby wanted to gag. He drained the last of his blood and tossed the cup aside as he followed after Stiles.

"Baby. You go upstairs. Maybe you can help", Cora commanded.

Baby pulled a face at her. "Why would I do that? I don't owe any of you anything, nor do I have a death wish, thank you very much". She growled at him.

"My brother might be dying, just go!"

"As I said, I don't owe you Wolves anything. In fact it's you guys who owe me from stopping you from killing that teacher last full moon", he spit back.

"Here's the power room!" Stiles called up ahead. He and Cora snarled at each other as they ran after him. The four of them thumping against the door in their haste to get it open.

"Okay, what do we do", Stiles sled as they stared at the massive wall of switches.

"We pull them", Lydia responded. "We pull all of them". They all fell upon the switches, flicking them and pressing buttons.

"Baby, you go upstairs and warm them that the power is about to come back on very suddenly".

"But"- Baby protested.

"Now!" Stiles shouted. Baby sighed and rolled his eyes before leaving the room.

It wasn't hard to find the floor the Wolves were all on. When he got there, it was to a dramatic scene. The floor was covered in water. A dark skinned alpha woman was in combat against a man who Baby recognised as the alpha he had saved. That must be Derek. Boyd and Issac were on the other side of the room. Boyd half crumpled against the wall and Issac hesitating by the door. In the entrance Ethan and Aidan stood with the familiar figure of Miss Blake trapped between them.

"The electricity is about to be turned on. You all better move!", Baby called as he ran up and kicked Aiden in the back. (Danny would have been pissed if Baby had kicked his boyfriend). The force sent the alpha flying. His hold on Miss Blake failing as he landed heavily into the water.

Issac moved, throwing himself through the doorway to do the same to Ethan. The alpha twins didn't get a chance to move before the power flicked on and electricity made the water sizzle. The female alpha, Derek, the twins, and Boyd all howled in pain as the electricity ran through them. Issac threw his arms around Miss Blake to keep her from running in. She screamed and Baby hissed at her. "Shut up". Her scream dropped to a whimper and she blinked at him with tearful eyes. Baby thought that he caught a whisp of mountain ash and mistletoe clinging to her figure. He shoved the thought aside for later.

Derek and Boyd were down but woman and the twins were struggling to their feet. "Take him!" She commanded. Ethan and Aiden staggered over to pull Derek up and restrain him between them.

"Bloody hell", Baby sighed in defeat. His eyes glowing silver and his fangs descending. "They'll better owe me for this".

The woman grabbed a limp Boyd and hauled him over. She went to lift him up when Baby tackled her. The force of him hitting her sent them both skidding through the water. Boyd dropping to the ground behind them. The female Wolf snarled in pain as they hit the wall. Baby quickly twisting himself up and pinned her to the ground. He dug his nails into the skin of her wrists, the venom hitting her arteries and flowing into her blood stream. "Vampire", she snarled. "We thought we smelled one of your kind. Why are you helping them? This is not your fight".

"Because your pack's presence led to my friend being almost killed. Also, Stiles keeps on nagging me", he lent down and snarled at her. Eyes bright and black veins standing out on his skin as he pierced his claws deeper. The woman let out a howl. "Also," he grinned. "Derek owes me and he can't pay it back if you kill him. After this, he would owe me twice and I am all for benefits".

She growled at him. "You picked the wrong side to place your bets with Leech".

"Oh I trust that your leader knows what it's like dealing with a vampire". He twisted her wrist and it snapped like a twig in his hands, then he broke her other one. She screamed and he punched her in the face. Her head bouncing off the cement with the blow.

"What did you do to Cali?" Aidan asked as Baby got to his feet. Cali unconscious on the floor.

"Just put her down", Baby grinned smugly at them. All the Wolves were staring at him, eyes wide. "Ethan, I like you because you make Danny happy. So I'm offering you and your brother a choice. You can fight me now and keep your pride. Or"- He bared his fangs as he dropped into a fighting stance. -"you can take your friend here and leave, live to fight another day. What's it going to be?"

Aidan growled and started forwards. Ethan stopped him with a hand to the chest. "We need to regroup. A vampire changes things. We need to tell Deucalion". Aidan glared at his brother but obediently calmed down.

Baby smiled and nodded. "Good choice". He grabbed the Wolf woman, Cali, by her leg and dragged her through the water over to the twins. He handed her to Aiden. The twins both nodded at him as they scooped her up. They turned and headed to the door.

"Let them go", Derek called to Isaac, who moved for them to pass.

Once the alphas had left, Derek struggled to his feet. He moved over to help pull Boyd up. The beta still shaky from the electricity. Only then did he turn to look at Baby. "Thank you", he inclined his head. "That is the second time you have helped me now".

"You now owe me two favours", Baby smirked. "I hope that when the time comes, you uphold them Derek Hale".

"I have met other vampires in my life", Derek stated. "Not many but I do know the importance of deals to your kind. I won't break them".

"No", Baby shook his head. "Swear it on your pack. That way, if you die or another alpha takes over, my deal will still stand".

"We shouldn't trust him", Boyd murmured. He was leaning heavily against Derek's side as his wounds healed.

"My interference saved your life twice over Boyd. So you can suck it".

"Your venom gave me a hangover", Boyd grumbled back.

Derek was watching Baby as if he didn't quite know what to make of him. (Baby got that look a lot). Finally he nodded. "I swear on my pack that you are free to ask for two favours in return for lives saved". He bowed his head in a sign of respect and Baby bowed back.

The clatter of footsteps interrupted them as Cora burst through the doors, shortly followed by Stiles and Lydia. She immediately ran to Derek's side. "What happened?"


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