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"Is it over?" Mr Argent asked as the storm stopped. Baby heaved himself out of the ground, his power boost fading. He half stumbled as his silver eyes dimmed and all the stress of the night hit him. Stiles caught him as he began to keel over, swinging one of his arms round his shoulders as he helped Baby walk over to the group.

"Yeah", Stiles answered. His phone began ringing and he used his free hand to pull it out of his pocket. "Scott?"

"Hey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah we're okay. We're all okay. How about you? Are you okay?"

"Sort of".

"Think you can come and get us?" Stiles asked.

"Of course".

"Bring a car", he paused to look at Baby, who was half leaning on him. "And several blood bags. Baby drained himself a bit". Scott laughed down the phone and hung up. He looked around at the group. A lot of them had sprawled on the grass. Alison and her dad were pressed together. Her dad stroking her hair as he hugged her. Ms McCall and Sheriff Stilinski were sat on the grass as she checked his injuries. Issac hovering between the two groups. Stiles sighed as he lowered himself and Baby to the ground. All of them curling up to wait for Scott.

Baby exhaled softly. His balanced wavered and he slipped to the side, landing in a sprawl in Stiles' lap. Stiles didn't move him. "Fucking hell", Baby groaned, eyes closed. "You know when you have a great night out and you feel on top of the world?" He asked.

"Yeah?" Issac voiced.

"Well this is the hangover the next morning". Everyone chuckled.

"Yeah well we'll find you some blood bags and you'll be as good as new in a few hours", Stiles replied. One of his hands landed on Baby's head, absentmindedly patting his hair. He stopped once he noticed his Dad's eyes on him. The sheriff watching with a confused but teasing look. Baby didn't notice. He had fallen asleep.


"Danny! Danny! The boy who does not like Fanny!" Baby crowed as he ran up to throw his arms round Danny's shoulder. Danny laughed and turned to face him with a smile. Around them students bustled through the corridors. Some heading to their lockers and some just catching up before class. The sun was shining outside and the smell of blood was gone from the halls. It felt almost fresh. The darach and the alpha pack gone for good.

"Hey Baby", he greeted as he threw his arm over Baby's shoulders. His locker clanging shut. "What's new?"

Baby grinned happily at his best friend. "Well I seemed to have joined a cult of supernatural kids over the weekend", he shrugged. "Scott calls it a pack but well, there's only four werewolves in total. Not to mention the banshee, the Hunter, me and whatever the heck Stiles is". The last part was spoken with a audible degree of fondness.

Danny laughed. "I thought I told you to stay away from them?"

"You're dating a Wolf, you can't talk", Baby retorted. "That probably makes you pack by default".

"Eh", Danny shrugged. "Are you happy at lest? Do you regret coming here?" His tone was clear and his eyes were honest. Baby paused to consider the question. He looked around. Lydia and Allison were down the hall near their lockers. Both girls talking, smelling of silver and dead flowers. Issac was by his own locker, negotiating with how to fit all his lacrosse gear and textbooks in at the same time. He watched as one fell to the floor and Issac growled at it in disappointment. He turned as the doors opened and the twins entered. Aidan immediately going to Lydia while Ethan headed towards Danny. Both boys smiling widely.

"No", Baby replied. "I don't regret it. I think I'm happy. I think I'm actually happy Danny". The realisation made his heart swell with emotion. Danny smiled at him softly as Ethan greeted him with a kiss to the cheek.

"Okay then". Then he turned to greet his boyfriend. Baby stepped away, eyes looking for someone. The doors opened again and Scot came through, baby watched as the alpha surveyed the halls for his pack. His eyes hit Baby and he smiled, before moving on. Baby grinned as Stiles leapt up from behind to lean on Scott's shoulders. The two boys laughed as they began walking. Baby crossing over to join then with a smile.

"Hey Baby", Scott greeted.

"Hi Scott".

"Hey Baby", Stiles smiled. "You know I was wondering- well, wondering if you would like to go and maybe- if you're free and don't have, you know, homework or hunting to do. Well, if you would, maybe, like to go and see a movie with me?" The question was half stuttered.

Baby laughed and leaned over to Kiss Stiles' cheek. The kiss a quick peck that made Stiles' face heat up. Baby basked in the comforting scent of fresh rain, earth and sarcasm mixed with nerves. The smoky undertone still plague it but Baby didn't want to worry about that just this second. "Yeah. I'd like to go and see a movie with you".

"Good", Stiles inhaled and Scott chuckled. "One question. Am I attractive to gay guys?" Scott began laughing.

Baby shrugged. "I'm pansexual so I have no idea. I find you attractive though".

Stiles grinned shyly and Baby intertwined their hands together. Cold against warm. "I'll take that", he murmured as they began to head off to class.


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