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Allison met them at the door to the Argent's apartment. She opened it and turned, walking down the hall. "This is everything non lethal I could find", she stated as they followed her into Mr Argent's study. On his desk were an assortment of items. Rope, chains, cuffs, bottles of knock out drugs. Baby wrinkled his nose at it all. Kinky.

"Let's take all of it", Argent stated with a sigh as he grabbed a empty bag.

"What's the plan here?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"Our best shot right now is for Derek to pick up Stiles' scent at Eichen house. Especially if he went through something stressful there".

"Should all five of us be going to the same place?" The sheriff stated.

"Shouldn't I have gone with Derek?" Baby asked. "Vampires are good witch scents too you know".

"No. We need you here with us. You are our advantage. If the nogitsune has some sort of connection to you then you need to be here. Where else has stiles been showing up?"

"The school, the hospital"- Alison started.

"Hold on", Derek interrupted. "We did this already. He disappeared and we started looking for him. Then walked right into a trap at the hospital".

"He's getting us to repeat the same moves", Argent grunted.

"So what do we do? Wait for him to come to us?" Allison frowned.

"We can't. Not if the oni find him when the sun goes down", Derek voiced.

The sheriff sighed. "Scott's working on that right now with Kira".

"That's the problem", Argent muttered. "We're all trying to out fox the fox".

"The school and the hospital aren't the only places he's been", Baby spoke up. "The nogitsune went to my house once too. I don't know why". They all looked at him for a silent second.

"Listen", The sheriff sighed. "I'll understand if anyone wants to back out".

"I won't be the first Wolf to run from a fox", Derek huffed. He grabbed a taser from the table and stuffed it in his pocket.

"Apparently I'm carrying a light saber", Argent raised an eyebrow.

"Dad it's you and Derek at Eichen house", Allison ordered. "Sheriff, it's you and me at the hospital. Baby checks his home and see is he can catch any scent in the town. We all meet at the school".  They all nodded and turned to the door.

"You not bringing any weapons?" The sheriff asked as they all strode to the door.

Baby shook his head, fangs lengthening. "I don't need weapons. I am one".


The lift was tense and slightly awkward. Allison and The sheriff were stood facing the doors while Baby leaned against the wall behind them, eyes closed as he thought. He could smell the worry and fear permeating the small room as the lift moved downwards. Then the sheriff let out along sigh and shook his head. "You know what", he voice broke the silence. "I don't know how you guys do it. You're all so strong. You're fearless. Hell, you even manage to keep your grades up".

"I am failing econ", Allison said slowly. Baby snorted behind her.

"Is that coach's class?" The sheriff asked. Alison nodded, pausing her lips.

"I'm failing math", Baby added. "Danny has been tutoring me when he can. Stiles was helping too".

"Well I'll have a talk with coach", Sheriff huffed. "Not sure what I can do about math though. Tricky subject". Baby let a slight smile cross his lips. He heard the shuddering breath Alison took before the sheriff did. The man turned wind saw the wetness in her eyes and quickly flicked the switch on the control panel. The elevator stopped with a slight jolt.

Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now