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Baby stepped back, pulling Stiles with him as Void stepped closer. He could feel himself, or was it stiles, trembling. It was probably both of them. The other stiles advancing on them. Face cold with rage and fury. Eyes black. Baby recalled the look on his face before void had bitten him. Fear was clawing up his throat as the thing stepped closer. Him and Stiles clutching at each other as they stumbled back. "Divine move?" Void asked. "Divine move. You think you have any moves at all?" He was speeding up. Advancing quickly.

Baby and stiles almost tripped trying to keep away. Baby keeping himself between the Void an Stiles. The other boy gripping his shoulders as they staggered backwards, not wanting to stop looking at void. "You think you can kill the oni", Void smirked darkly as he stormed towards them. His voice rising. "But me? Me? I'm a thousand years old. You can't kill me!"

"But we can change you", Baby stated. They stopped. All three of them. Void's black soulless eyes resting on them.


"You forgot about the scroll", Stiles spoke calmly.

"The shugendo scroll", Baby added. They stood straighter, eyes meeting the void head on. Their faces no longer fearful but challenging.

"Change the host", the words were a whisper of realisation. For the first time, void looked a little panicked.

"You can't be a fox and a Wolf".

Void's lips curled and it held up a arm but it was stopped by a clawed hand. Scott's eyes glowed red as he caught the arm and bit in to the flesh. Void screamed as Scott bit down harder. He threw him off, Scott hitting the lockers with a clang. Then the boy, void, was staggering back. Baby and Stiles watching as the body began to shake. A sword stuck through it's chest and thunder boomed. The lights around them flickering as Kira pulled out her katana. The void collapsed to it's knees and a buzzing fly escaped it's mouth. It flew haphazardly along the corridor. Baby turning to grab it. Then it stopped. The sound of a wooden lid closing as Issac caught it in a box. The wood of the Nemeton trapping it. The body of void convulsed for a second then went still. Cracks appeared on the skin like paper and it fell forwards. It hit the ground and exploded into dust.

They all stood staring as the dust vanished. Silence weighing over them. Then Stiles took a step. Baby felt him begin to teeter and turned. The boy dropped like a stone and he caught him. The movement making him drop to his knees as he took Stiles' weight. The dark haired boy's head lolled, eyes closed. "Stiles?"

Stiles woke up. His head was on something firm and he could feel fingers smoothing over his hair. He blinked, the dark corridor fo the school swimming into focus. Scott was kneeled at his side. Lydia and Kira at his feet. Issac standing above them, the box still in his hands. His head was resting on Baby's lap. The vampire gently finger combing his hair. "Oh god I fainted didn't I?" He muttered. Scott and Baby smiled. "We're alive? We all alive?"

"Yeah", Scott nodded. "We're okay". Baby smiled and helped Stiles up into a sitting position. Lydia turned and stood, her head looking out towards the car park. Then she began running. Baby pulled stiles to his feet and they ran after her. She reached the stairs to the tunnel then stopped. There were three figures in the night mist. A fourth on the floor. Derek, Argent and one of the twins surrounding the fourth.

"Aidan", Baby gasped. Lydia let out a sob and turned. Baby caught her and she started sobbing into his chest. He rubbed a hand over her back as they watched Ethan lay his twin down.


Baby was sat on Stiles' bed as he watched the other boy begin to take down the papers lining the walls. There was a rapidly growing pile on the floor as the blue of the wall paint was gradually exposed. There was a silence between them. Not necessarily uncomfortable, but thick with unspoken things. The only sound was of the rustling of paper as Stiles continued to clear his wall. There was a creak on the landing and Noah poked his head through the open door. "What you guys doing?" He asked. He was dressed casually. No uniform today.

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