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Baby stepped into the concrete loft just in time to watch as the sheriff locked a set of handcuffs around stiles' wrists. The gold of the setting sun lit up their figures as the sheriff locked the cuffs and stepped back. Baby crept down the steps, walking forwards until he was just a few feet away. Stiles' lifted his head and his gaze caught his. Black soulless eyes and the overpowering scent of smoke and burning flesh. Baby swallowed. This was not stiles.

The sheriff must have seen the same thing. "You are not my son", he stated. Stiles smirked and with a snap, broke the chain of the handcuffs. That was when Derek and the Argents walked in. The three of them surrounding stiles as the boy smirked. Not boy, the nogitsune smirked.

Alison held up her taser and pressed the button. The wires shot out but stiles caught them in his hands, twisting them as the electricity sparked. He tugged it out of her hands and it went skittering along the floor. Derek snarled, fangs and claws coming out as he charged. He threw out a arm and Stiles caught it. Baby heard the bone break as Derek yelled. Then the Wolf was thrown across the room. He hit the wall and slid down to the floor in a heap. "I learnt that one from  you", Stiles smiled darkly at him. Baby didn't know what to do. Something clicked and they both turned. Argent had a gun pointed at Stiles' chest.

"Argent listen to me", Noah spoke calmly. "Don't do this".

"Why not. I've done it before. Werewolves, beserkers. I can easily add a nogitsune to the list".

Stiles' eyebrows rose with amusement as the sheriff pulled out his own gun and pointed it at Argent. "You're not going to shoot my son".

"You said so yourself sheriff. That's not your son".

"Put it down. Put it down". The order was ignored.

Stiles' face fell into a look of fear. "Dad he's going to shoot me", his voice was pleading. "He's going to kill me dad". The sheriff made a choking noise at the fear in his son's voice.

"Don't listen".

"Put it down! Put it down now!"

Stiles turned to baby. "Babes. Babes please. Babes he's going to shoot me". Baby gave a painful whine. He didn't want to hear this. He didn't want to hear this. He felt tears in his eyes as a choked sob escaped his lips. Stiles' lips twitched at the look of visible distress on his face. "Can you smell it?" He whispered. Baby could. Fear, pain, grief, resignation, determination. It was all stewing in the room like a cocktail of chaos. Baby pressed his hands over his nose and Stiles' eyes lit up in glee at his answer.

"Argent put it down!"

Stiles turned to argent. "Shoot me".

"Put it down now!"

"Shoot me!"

"Put it down! Put it down!"

"Shoot me!"

Voices echoed round the room as the light began to fade. The sun finally going down. "Stop! Stop!" Alison called. "This is what he wants, this is exactly what he wants". The voices stopped but Argent and the sheriff still had not lowered their weapons.

"Not exactly", Stiles, void, stated. "I was kinda hoping Scott would be here. But I'm glad you all have your guns out. But you're not here to kill me". He turned to the window as four black figures emerged from the shadows. "You're here to protect me". Then stiles was stepping back to Baby's side as the guns turned to the oni. The demons unsheathing their swords.

Baby moved to step forwards as the bullets started firing. Two of the oni disappeared only to reappear behind them. Alison and Derek stepping forwards to protect stiles' back. The bullets didn't appear to have any effect on the demons. They just disappeared into the smoke. Baby stepped forwards to help but a hand caught his wrist. He looked up at the cold face of void. Stiles smiled at him. "Oh no. You're not going anywhere. You are staying with me". Baby gasped as an arm pulled him back against stiles' chest. Behind him he heard Derek cry out in pain. One of the oni's swords slicing his skin.

"Stiles. What are you doing?" He gasped, struggling to get free. But the void's hold on him was tight. The grip leaving bruises as Baby struggled. A hand caught his jaw and twisted his head to face Stiles. The grip claiming as he was forced to meet his eyes. Black on black. Vampire black onto soulless deep all consuming black.

"Ah ah ah", he tutted. Face shadowed by the gloom. "No struggling. I need you to come with me". Around them there was as gasps as the oni vanished. Their forms vanishing in to nothing but smoke disappearing in the gloom. Baby blinked, watching as the sheriff turned and saw the hold Stiles had on him.

"Stiles", Noah commanded. His gun was empty so he held out his hands. "Let him go".

"No. I don't think I will", Stiles grinned savagely as his hand gripped baby's neck. Baby hung limp in his grasp. He could fight but he didn't want to hurt stiles. "He's mine". The words left void in a snarl. Possessive and threatening.

"I don't want to hurt stiles", baby gasped. "I'll be okay", he reassured. He tried to sound confident but he could feel the fear in his chest. Stiles made a scoffing noise, amused by his show of courage.

"I think I will be the judge of that". Then baby felt something happen. A weight falling on him. Hands on his neck tightening. Darkness hit him like a ton of bricks and he was out like a light. Body falling limp into the void's arms.

When Scott and Kira burst into the loft it was to find the two Argents, Derek and the sheriff hall collapsed on the floor with exhaustion. They were littered with small cuts and bruises and were panting. "What happened?" He asked.

"The oni", Alison gasped. "They disappeared".

"And so did stiles", Derek huffed.

Noah looked up at him. "And he took Baby".


Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now