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"Danny Danny!" Baby called as he spotted the older male across the car park. "The man who does not like fanny!" Danny turned and his lips stretched into a wide grin as he spotted Baby approaching. They clasped hands and pulled each other into a friendly hug in greeting. "How are you doing mate?"

"Mate?" Danny questioned as they separated. "You have been spending too much time in England Baby". Baby laughed as Danny ruffled his strawberry blond hair. "I am English you prick. You Americans just speak weird versions of English". Danny laughed a threw an arm around the slimmer boy's shoulders as they began walking into school. Around the two, dozens of teenagers, seniors, juniors, and freshmen all herded towards the same double doors. It was the first day of a new school year and everyone was there. The air was filled with a happy buzzing as people talked, caught up, joked and complained. Baby felt his face pull into an excited grin. It was his first day as a freshman. His first day at an American school.

"This way", Danny steered Baby over to the right side of the hallway. "This is your locker. It's right next to mine". Baby, too distracted to pay attention, was observing the other students with interest. There were two girls just up the hall from the, nearer the doors. One of them had long ginger hair whilst the other, her companion, had long dark brown locks. The ginger haired one smelt weird, like perfume and stale dead blood. Baby furrowed his eyes. The brown haired girl was different. She smelt like silver and gunpowder. A hunter.

They seemed to be staring at something and Baby followed their gaze.

Danny turned to his friend as he heard him mumble something. "Oh damn", Baby whispered. "Hot twins". The twins in question were strolling down the hall as if they owned the place, leather jackets shining. They were werewolves, no doubt about it. The smell of wet dog was so strong that it was practically visible. Alphas.

Danny let out a low whistle as his eyes roamed across their figures. One of them, as if he had heard them, turned and his eyes met Danny's. Slowly a smirk spread across his face as he caught Danny staring. Raising his lips in an answering smirk, Danny pointedly let his eyes continue to roam over his body. Baby watched the exchange with a sly grin. "You like him", he sung, disturbing Danny from his thoughts. "I don't blame you. They are hot".

"How long do you think it would take for me to snog him", Danny asked as they both opened their lockers. Baby pretended to think about it. "About a week", he concluded as he shut his locker door with a bang.
"A week?" Danny scoffed. "You think too little of me Baby".

Baby laughed. "Alright, a day. And if you don't then you owe me a meal".

Danny clapped Baby on the back and turned, following after the two boys. "Oh you're on. Wish me luck", he called with a smirk.

Baby shook his head with a chuckle. Danny was after new prey. Stuffing his books into his locker, Baby turned and gazed over the corridor. Two more people caught his eye. One was a werewolf. Tall and tanned, he practically screamed hot but he wasn't what caught Baby's attention. It was the human next to him. Slim and pale, the boy could practically pass for a vampire himself. His hair was short cut and messy, sticking up in every direction and as black as ebony. And he smelled delectable. Like fresh rain, earth and a tinge of sarcasm. Yes, sarcasm has a smell.

Baby felt his eyes start to glow and hurriedly turned back to his locker. Shutting the door, he practically sprinted down the hall to find his class. Unaware of the four sets of eyes watching him.


Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now