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Stiles, Lydia and Baby all burst through the door to the guidance counsellor's office. There was a large dark skinned girl sat in the chair facing the desk. She turned to glare at them as they entered. "Are you here for Miss Morell?" Stiles asked.

"No I thought this was gym class", the girl replied.

"Sweat heart", Lydia sighed, frustration bleeding into her tone. "We're not in the mood for funny".

"I'm always in the mood for funny", Baby interjected with a grin. His mind was still reeling from the kiss. Embarrassment was beginning to make itself known, so he pushed it down and ignored it. They had other things to deal with. Besides, he had kissed plenty of people before, he didn't need to get embarrassed now.

"Do you know where she is?" Lydia tried to not snap.

"If I did I wouldn't be waiting here for twenty minutes", the girl exclaimed. "So how about you two back out the door and wait your turn".

"We're not here for a session", Lydia stated.

"Well I a,d and I've got some serious issues to work on".

"Sorry", Baby offered. "Hope you work through them and feel better someday".

The girl blinked at him in surprise. "Thank you. At lest someone appreciates that".

"Wait", stiles blinked. "You're Danielle. You're Heather's best friend".

The girl's tone turned melancholy. "I was Heather's best friend. We've been working on that issue three times a week". She gave a wave towards the desk.

"Hold on, did you say that Morell was twenty minutes late?" Lydia repeated.

"And I don't know why either. She's always on time".

"I was seeing her at the beginning of the semester. She was never late", Lydia sighed. That meant that Miss Morell was missing, or detained. Not good.

"Maybe I should see her", Baby muttered.

The girl, Danielle, gave him a glance from head to toe. Baby grinned at her and she grinned back. "Oh you should definitely see her", she joked. "The pretty boys always have the most issues. And all that black only rests your case".

"Trust me", Baby drawled. "I have more issues than you could beat back with a stick darling".

Danielle laughed. "Why I like your accent".

"Guys", Stiles interrupted them. "Baby could you chill it on the flirting for a second please".

"Fine", Baby sighed. "You know that my flirting is just a bad habit right? I am loyal too a fault". Stiles ignored him.

"Maybe we're not the only ones who think she knows something", Stiles muttered. He darted over and began rummaging through her desk.

Danielle sat up in surprise. "Hey. What are you doing? Those files are private".

"Yeah she's kind of right", Lydia added.

Stiles pulled out a cream coloured file. "That ones yours".

Lydia snatched it up. "Let me see that". Baby peered over her shoulder curiously as she set it on the table. She began flicking through the pages.

"Wait, wait", Baby held out a hand to stop her. "Lydia, that's your drawing".

"Yeah I know. It's a tree".

"It's good too", Danielle commented.

"Thank you".

Stiles rose to get a better view. "No. But that's the same one though".

"It is!" Baby exclaimed. "The exact same one. Oh my god".

"What?" Lydia huffed in irritation.

"It's the same one that I always see you drawing in class".

"It's a tree. I like drawing trees".

"No it's the exact same one", Baby stated. "Give me your bag". He pulled Lydia's satchel from her shoulder and rummaged through for her note book. Once he found it, he slapped it on the desk next to the drawing.

Stiles flipped it open to reveal a familiar drawing of a tree. The one in the notebook slight smaller than the one on the desk but in every other way, they were the exact same. "See!" They flipped through a few more pages. The same tree was repeated on each one. Some smaller, some bigger. Some in pencil, some in coloured pen. But each one a perfect mirror copy.

"Okay you can have my session", Danielle said, eyebrows high with confusion. She grabbed her bag. "You've got bigger issues". Then she was pushing past them out the door. Lydia and Stiles barely noticed her, too intent on what they were looking at.

"Wow", Baby muttered. "I didn't realise that being a Banshee gave your such a good visual memory".

"That's it!" Lydia yelped. "That's what Miss Blake called me. Though she sounded surprised". Then she was turning to Baby with steely eyes. "You knew what I was this whole time and didn't tell me?"

Baby held up his hands. "I thought you knew", he defended. "I've only met one Banshee previously and I don't know much about them. I though you just wanted to keep it a secret, being friends with hunters and Wolves and all".

"We are so talking about this later", Lydia threatened with a hiss. Baby nodded. He glanced at the drawing again.

"That is a pretty good drawing of the Nemeton by the way. Even though it's upside down".

Both Stiles and Lydia stared at him. "What?"

"The Nemeton?" Baby suffered in sudden confusion. "The ancient tree worshiped by the druids? There's always one near a large supernatural community. I have been do dozens of them in England. Didn't you know about it?"

"That's where she's keeping them", Stiles muttered as his Brian whirred. "I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner". He turned to Baby. "Do you know where it is?"

"Um sort of", Baby muttered sheepishly. "The last time I was there, I was like five. It was years ago and I wasn't a vampire then. I couldn't remember the way if I tried. But I do know that it was cut down and the ground hollowed out so that it became a root cellar".

"That's it!" Stiles exclaimed. He grabbed both Lydia and Baby by the arms and began dragging them out of the room. Lydia barely having time to grab her notebook and stuff it back into her bag.

The corridor was bustling with students heading to their lockers between classes. The three of them joined the throng, heading for the exit. "Stilinski!" A man's voice called. Stiles looked up to see a man in a suit staring at him down the corridor. He had a police badge tied around his neck. FBI. Stiles groaned.

"Alright", he turned to them. "Go to Derek", he instructed Lydia. "He and Peter have been there before so they should know where it is. Tell them it's the root cellar. I'll meet up with you at Deaton's".

"Do you want me to stay?" Baby asked. "FBI guys does not look pleased to see you". The FBI guy was coming closer.

"Na", stiles scoffed, trying to look carefree. "I can handle him. Go with Lydia".

"Okay", Baby nodded. He reached over to give Stiles a comforting squeeze on the shoulder and a reassuring smile before turning after Lydia. Leaving stiles to the stern face of the FBI guy.


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