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When Stiles woke he was alone in his hospital room. The lights were off and the corridor outside was dark and quiet. Baby was no longer by his side and the boy's disappearance nagged at him. Stiles sat up, shaking away then residues of grogginess caused by the sedative, and swung his legs off the bed. Someone, probably Baby, had removed his shoes and left them neatly on the floor. Stiles pulled them on and opened the door. "Baby?" He called questioningly. "Melissa?"

There was no answer. The light bulbs flickered as he began walking down the abandoned corridor. It was night and the lack of light shrouded the halls. Stiles kept walking. Through the double doors and down the right corridor towards the toilets. He was just coming to the second set of double doors, not a soul in sight, when they slammed clicked shut. Hair rose on the back of his neck as he turned. Two masked figures in black tilted their heads at him. Their outlines were hazy, like shadows and their eyes were a burning yellow. Fireflies against the snarling faces of their masks.

Stiles turned to run only to have his way blocked by two more creatures. The four of them surrounded him, blocking him in on all sides with no room to escape. They advanced and Stiles stepped back. One reached out it's hand to grab his neck and something switched on in the dark haired boy's eyes. His hand caught the reaching arm, stopping it. When stiles looked up at the mask, there was something dark and twisted in his eyes. His other hand plunge into the Oni's chest. Golden light spilling from the wound as his fist twisted and he pulled something out with a snap. The action sudden and violent. The Oni disappeared in a burst of smoke and stiles looked down. His fingers uncurling to reveal a small twitching firefly glowing weakly in his palm.

Stiles turned, or the thing pretending to be stiles did. The three other Oni took a step back as the dark gaze flitted to them. Then they lunged. It was over in seconds and the one fled in bursts of black smoke. Stiles tipped the firefly from his hand onto the floor and crushed it under the sole of his shoe. Behind him the doors opened. "Stiles", Scott voiced. "Are you okay?"

Stiles turned and the switch had flicked off. He was normal again. No cold gaze or evil intent. "Yeah", he replied calmly. "Have you seen Baby? I've been looking for him. He was just here". Then Stiles took in Scott's face. "What's going on?"


It didn't take long to fill Stiles in. During that time Scott had explained the oni and why they were there, the rest of the pack had turned up. Ethan, Aidan, Isaac and Allison all arrived and met them in the waiting rooms. Derek hadn't been called but he was there anyway. Kira had gone home and Lydia was still recovering from the one attack on her last night.

When they showed up, they gathered round Scott and Stiles questioningly. "What's the fuss?" Issac asked.

"We think the Oni got Baby", Scott stated. "We need to find him".

"Why?" Aidan shrugged. "He's a vampire. Why should we help a vampire?"

Stiles glared at the Wolf. "Because he's more important to us than you are you over grown piece of"-

"Stiles", Scott voiced. "There's no time for arguing right now".

"Scott's right", Allison nodded. "Baby is in danger".

"How?" Issac questioned. "I've seen him take down alphas. He's like one of the strongest people I know".

Allison rolled her eyes and Stiles exhaled through gritted teeth. "When the Oni checked you, you all were freezing cold afterwards right?" They all nodded. "That's dangerous. Vampires have a cooler temperature than normal humans. They are like cold blooded reptiles, they soak in heat. But when they are cold, their bodies shut down like hibernation".

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