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Stiles' jeep pulled up at the entrance to the trail with a screech. Scott, Stiles and Baby all jumped out. They had sent the twins on ahead to grab the students and make sure that they were safe. "Coach!" Stiles called. The man stood up from where he had been waiting. He turned with a surprised expression.


"Coach, listen closely", Stiles interrupted quickly. "There's a trap on the hiking trail. We've go to stop them!" Stiles pulled Scott's arm and grabbed Baby by the sleeve. "Come on!" He called as he pulled them into the woods. They set off running. Coach following behind them with a confused expression.

Scott ran on ahead and grabbed Kira. Baby no far behind. "Stop!" He called to the crowd of approaching teens. "Stop!" They all stopped in confusion as Stiles ran up.

"Scott! Baby!" Stiles skidded up and waved his arms. "Everybody stop!" He glanced down and picked up something at his feet. It was a loop of chain. He began pulling. The chain emerging from the leaf covered ground. Then it stopped. Just another empty loop. It wasn't attached to anything.

Coach began clapping slowly. "Congratulations Stilinski", he called. "You found a length of chain". He took a few step forward. "Can somebody now please tell me what the hell's going on?" He huffed, walking forwards. That was when his foot caught the trip wire.

Scott saw it just as it happened. "Hey coach!" Then the arrow struck. It hit just below his rib cage, the upper part of his abdomen. Everyone flinched at the impact. Someone screamed.

Coach looked down at the shaft protruding from his chest. "Oh crap". Then he was falling backwards on to the floor. Blood beginning to spread out and stain his shirt. Baby swallowed and turned, immediately grabbing Stiles and clinging to him. He pressed his face into Stiles' neck to drown out the scent of fresh blood and to hide the silver beginning to colour his eyes. He hadn't been eating well recently so the scent was hard to ignore. Stiles gripped him close, arms hugging him as the shock wore off.

Scott and the students were at the Coach's side. Scott pressing on the wound as everyone tried to see. "Get back!" Scott called. "Give him some air!" The students hurried back. Only Scott and Aidan stayed kneeling at Coach's side.

"I'm going to die! Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Get it out of me!" Coach was panicking.


"Oh my god I'm going to die! Get it out of me! I'm going to die!"

"Coach! You're not going to die", Scott stated.

"It will hurt less if you stop moving coach!" Aidan called. Coach wasn't listening. He was flailing and screaming. "An ambulance is on its way". Coach continued to scream. Scott grabbed his hand and concentrated, the pain turning his veins black as he drew it away. Coach sighed and fell limp.

"I think he's just passed out", Aidan muttered.

"I could have killed him", Stiles muttered. He was still standing a few feet away, Baby wrapped in his arms. Only the three of them heard him. "What if it was his head or his throat?"

"But it wasn't", Scott voiced. "And he's going to be alright".

"It's okay", Baby murmured, hugging Stiles a little bit tighter. The boy was shaking slightly. Baby reached up to run his fingers over the hair at the back of Stiles' head. "It's okay".

"I think I hear the ambulance coming", Aidan stated. Sirens were drawing closer.

Stiles turned his head. "And my dad".


The ambulance arrived and the medics attended to coach. Stiles, and Baby along with him, was pulled away by his father. "Stiles", Noah sighed as he pulled the two teens to his car, out of ear shot of the rest of the place and students. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay dad", Stiles nodded. "I don't remember much but I'm okay".

Noah let out a relieved breath and turned his gaze to Baby. "Is he okay?"

"I'm okay, thanks for asking", Baby held up a thumbs up, voice slightly muffled into Stiles' neck. "There's just too much fresh blood. I'm trying to drown it out. If anyone asks say that it makes me feel faint".

Noah nodded. "Right. Makes sense. Can you let him go now? I want to hug my son".

"Yeah. Just give me a second". Baby breathed deeply, inhaling in Stiles' natural scent. There was still the under layer of smoke. The nogitsune still there, as if it was waiting. Then he closed his eyes and let go, taking a step back. He heard Noah and Stiles hugging. Noah patting his son on the back.

"Why has he got his eyes closed?"

"Babe, why are your eyes still closed?"

"There's still too much blood in the air", Baby muttered, staying still. He could still smell it. The ambulance doors were open as the paramedics worked. Fresh blood on the leaves and fresh blood in the air. He could feel his stomach churn with hunger.

"Have you been eating okay?" Stiles asked gently, his hands carefully reaching out to hold Baby's wrists.

Baby licked his lips. "I've been having a bag a day. But I've been a bit stressed lately. I might have forgot this morning".

"Babe", Stiles sighed. "You know that you need at least a bag a day to keep your heart pumping". His fingers moved over to check the pulse in Baby's wrist. He heard him exhaled softly. There was barely a pulse. "That's why you're so cold. When we return to town then you need to go and grab yourself a bag okay?"


"You can open your eyes now", Stiles murmered softly. "It's just me and my dad who can see. He doesn't mind".

"Hey, I've seen Scott's weird red thing and the glow stick eyes", Sheriff Stilinski chuckled. "You don't need to hide them from me".

Baby smiled slightly and opened his eyes. The whites had turned black and the iris was now silver. He grinned a fanged grin at them and turned his hand to link his and Stiles' fingers together. Noah blinked at the sight. "Well, that is a bit different I guess but it could be worse". Baby's grin widened.

"Sheriff! Stiles", Scott came running over, Ethan at his side. He was holding wrapping paper and a box full of bolts. "We found this". He held up the items. "This is the wrapping paper we used last Halloween for that prank on coach. Wasn't this Barrow's thing?"

Stiles' eyes widened. "Oh fuck".


Small soft moment for you there.

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