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It was safe to say that Baby had no idea why he was in the back of a car following the lacrosse team on their way to a meet up. After the discover that there was a darach in beacon hills sacrificing people, things had surprisingly continued as normal, well as normal as it could get. Baby had stuck to his house, keeping adventures minimum. It wasn't until Lydia had called him (he had no idea where or how she got his number) and commanded him to accompany her and Allison on this little car trip.

He would rather be back in his old and comforting house working on homework or out in the woods taking photos, not stuck in a car with a hunter and a banshee. The two mentioned girls were in the front of the car leaving Baby to stretch out in a comfortable pose, feet up and black hoodie over his head.

"Baby, get your feet of the seat!" Allison huffed. She eyed him in the mirror as he refused to move his black converse from the other seat. "Why did you even have to bring him?" She complained to Lydia. "It's not like we need him. And you said he's a vampire for God's sake. How do you know he's not just some goth wannabe?" She glanced at his ripped black jeans and baggy hoodie pointedly.

"Oh just shhh he's cold blooded", Lydia bit back. "With what's happening, it's safe to stay together. Besides, he's my friend now and he's cute".

"Thanks", Baby remarked dryly. He grinned at Allison cheekily through the mirror, letting his fangs extend just enough to be visible but not enough to make her crash the car. "I totally understand. I'm not sure why I'm here either. Something about keeping me close to monitor me, just in case I go all Dracula's on peoples arses. Besides, you're a hunter, shouldn't you know about this".

Allison's face froze in shock for a moment before the information slipped in. She nodded slightly, seeming a bit better now that some things had been addressed. "I should know about this", she muttered, clearly not happy about the news that Beacon hills now had a vampire had been kept from her. "But vampires aren't as dangerous or as common as other supernaturals. Dad is actually okay with them. So I guess I'll have to tolerate you".

Baby gave her a smile and stuck his hand round the seat which she shook. "We'll be great friends".

Allison gave him a smaller smile in return. "Either that or I'll have to shot you with arrows, so let's be friends".

"So.." he spoke up after a moments awkward silence. "What happened that has us following the werewolf lacrosse team across state?"

"Yeah I'd like to know that too", Lydia joined.

Allison sighed, fixing her stare on the yellow school bus in front of them. She explained in detail how Scott, Derek and both their packs had joined forces to strike against the alpha pack currently residing in beacon hills. She illustrated how the fight had been brutal and ended with the apparent death of Derek and one of the Alphas. Baby had no idea who most of the people she mentioned were but nodded along as if he understood. It made sense. If an alpha pack had suddenly moved to the area, then the local packs would feel threatened and attack against them. It explained the surprising amount of werewolves in the area, and Scott's ignorance of the Darach issue. The young pack leader had bigger things to worry about.

"So now you're worried about Scott which means we're stalking him", Baby concluded. He clapped his hands together and sat up. "At the next service station, can we stop. I want candy".

"Oh please", Lydia groaned. "I would kill for a soda".

"Fine", Allison relented.

A few hours later Baby was curled up in the corner of the back seat munching on jelly snakes, a few empty bags of crisps and sweets littering the floor of the car.  Allison glared at him slightly, probably annoyed by all the mess that he was making but accepted the snakes that he offered.

Lydia put down her book, biting viciously into the head of a green snake. "So is that whole 'not let them out of your sight' thing a literal or more like a general rule?"


"Because you're running on fumes", Baby answered. Allison let out a groan upon seeing that the fuel tank was nearly empty.

"And I'm pretty sure that bus holds a lot more gas than this Toyota", Lydia remarked as she finished her sweet.

"We could just stop" Allison said.

"And lose them? So what?" Lydia looked down at her book again.

"You didn't see it", Allison muttered.

"Well I know who started it", Lydia sniped.

Baby groaned and hid further under his hood as the girls began arguing about Lydia's relationship with one of the alpha twins. Apparently Aiden was the straight one so Ethan was the one dating Danny, good to know. Baby couldn't tell those twins apart. He shuffled, curling up across the back seats, body buried in his hoodie as he fell asleep, ignoring the two girls in front.


Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now