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Baby sighed as he was dragged back to the school. "Why do I need to come?" He complained. Stiles gave him a look. "Because I need to keep an eye on you. You could run off and kill someone. And you're a vampire, never really met a vampire before. So we need you close".

Baby sighed as Stile pulled up in the school parking lot. They had gotten a phone call from Lydia. There had been another disappearance, another sacrifice was going to happen.

"I get that this is important but can't I go home now?" Baby whined as Stiles pulled him along by his hoodie. They were meeting Lydia in the music room. "It's not like I can do anything to help".

"Actually Vampires have a excellent sense of smell, far better at sniffing out emotions and personal smells than any werewolf", Deaton explained. He had accompanied them to see if he could test if it really was a Druid behind it all.

"Not helping", Baby huffed.

They entered the music room to find Lydia standing next to the piano. She held up a phone in a shaky hand. "Listen to this, and there's blood on the piano", she pointed to some marking on the wood.

Baby smelled the blood as soon as he entered the room. Shaking off stiles, he crossed to the piano. On the lid of the keys was a scratch mark dotted with dried blood. Deaton has taken the phone and was listening to the recording. A ominous chanting echoed from the speaker.

"Can we get a copy of this?" Deaton asked. Lydia took the phone and began to load the recording onto her own phone.

"Hey doc, any help might be useful", Stiles prompted. He was rummaging through The teachers drawers, looking for anything which might prove useful.

"I'm not getting much from the smell", Baby spoke. "Just fear, mountain ash and what ever material the guy was wearing in his suit".

Deaton thought for a moment. "Each grouping of three would have it's own type of purpose, it's own power", he explained. "Virgins, healers, philosophers, warriors"-

"Wait, could a warrior be a soldier?" Stiles interrupted. He held up a picture of the missing teacher in a army uniform. "Kyle was in cadets with Boyd".

"That's it!" Deaton exclaimed. "That's the pattern. Where's Boyd now?"

"Probably at home, I'll try calling him", Stiles pulled out his phone.

Baby, who had been watching it play out, noticed Lydia's expression. "Lydia? You got something?" He asked.

She startled."Oh um, I just thought of somebody else with military experience".

Stiles looked up from his phone. "Who?"

They had reached the chemistry room too late. Mr Harrison was gone.

"This is one of the many possibilities, he could have just left for the day", Deaton supplied whilst Stiles, Baby and Lydia looked around.

"Yeah, without his bag?" Stiles dumped the black briefcase onto the desk.

Baby, who was shuffling through the papers on the desk paused. "I don't thing that R is a passing grade", he held up the test which had a huge red R written on top.

"This one's an H", Lydia held up another paper.

Deaton grabbed the papers, dropping them back on the desk as he sorted them out. He paused and looked up. "You knows how Druid means Wise oak. If the druid went down the wrong path then the wise oak was said to become a dark oak", He looked positively frightened. "There's a name for that too, Darach". He pointed to the test papers which now spelled the word in huge red letters.

"Oh shit", Baby swallowed. "We're screwed. I guess I might be sticking around you guys for a while after all. Safety in numbers".

"You could say that again", Stiles murmured.


Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now