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Sure, wearing a red hoodie whilst wondering through the woods was a great idea. If Baby was a human, then he would be dead for tempting fate. But Baby was tougher than he looked.

Stomping through the woods angrily, he had not been able to find anyone to eat. Baby kicked a tree root with a huff. He stubbed his foot. Hissing in irritation, Baby turned to the offending tree and raked his hand across it. Vampire nails looked like normal nails. They did not grow like werewolf claws but were incredibly sharp and strong, they secreted a toxin similar to the one in their fangs which numbed a persons senses, leaving them paralysed and defenceless. Left behind on the bark was four thin slices about a centimetre deep. Vampire nails were deadly.

There was a low growl, a deep threatening rumbling from the base of the throat. Baby turned. Behind him, about a hundred feet away, were two figures. One was female, the other was Male. He could not see them properly but he could smell them. And from the way their heartbeats were pounding and the doggy smell, they were werewolves.

Baby glanced at the sky just in time to see full moon appear from behind a cloud. He cursed. One werewolf he could take, two maybe, but two on a full moon, not a chance. Turning, Baby sprinted in the opposite direction. Werewolves might be fast but vampires were faster.

Baby ran. His feet pounded lightly on the dirt as he practically flew across the forest floor, two killer werewolves on his heels. Breathing sharply, Baby skidded in a circle as his feet pushed him up into the air. His hands caught onto a low hanging branch and he pulled himself up and into the tree. The two wolves circled beneath him, growling and snarling. Baby just gave them the middle finger.

"Oh just bloody bugger off", he groaned. "Fuck off you hairy wankers. I'm too hungry to deal with this bullshit. Why don't you run along back to your little Wolfe twats and leave me alone".

Surprisingly, both of them turned and retreated back into the forest. Off to find some new prey. They had probably gotten bored of him. Baby waited for five minutes after they left, staying completely still. Sitting by himself fifteen feet off the ground in a tree was not exactly how he had planned to spend the night. All he had wanted was a fresh drink. How hard could that be? When he had judged that they had actually left, he dropped back onto the ground. Dusting himself off, Baby sniffed the air. No close scent of wolf.

He shivered slightly and zipped up his hoodie. He would rather not die at the hands of a overgrown mutt thank you very much. He sniffed the air again and began the follow the scent of the town. He had managed to run quite far and had ended up near the high school which was across town from his house.

It was deserted, as it should be at twelve o'clock at night. Baby stalked across the empty car park warily, alert for any sign of danger. There was a line heartbeat from inside the building, human judging by the speed. Baby licked his lips. Moving with the soundlessness that only a vampire can achieve, he picked the lock of the doors with a few turns of his fingernails and had slipped inside.

Creeping up the gloomily hallway, lit only by the moon, Baby scented the air. It was his teacher. The English teacher whose class had been bombed by suicidal birds, Miss Blake. The door to her classroom was ajar and light poured out of it. She smelt of oak and mistletoe but there was something strange about it. Something off, like food that was about to go mouldy. Baby stopped to think.

Was it really worth it to bite a teacher? Maybe.
Does he want to bite her? No, she's not his type and she smelled funny, but he was hungry.

Deciding that it was not worth it, Baby retreated back towards the doors. He had only gone a few steps when the sharp clacking of heels made him freeze. The woman was leaving the room. She shut the door behind her, not noticing Baby in the shadows, and left down the corridor. His curiously getting the better of him, Baby followed.

What was the woman doing here so late anyway? And where was she going? Baby had seen enough suspicious behaviour to recognise it when he saw it. He could also smell it.

She was going to the boiler room. But why? What was in the boiler room? Baby snuck down the steps after her, slipping through the door which was left slightly ajar. He watched as Miss Blake opened one of the metal cabinets and began shifting through files. Student files.

It was not uncommon for a teacher to look in the files of their students. But even the ones not in her classes? This was definitely odd.

Hiding behind another cabinet, he watched as his innocent looking English teacher read through both students and teachers files. He was just about to leave, having seen enough, when the door flew open and two things rushed inside the room.

Baby recognised the smell and groaned. Curse his luck. It was the two werewolves from the woods. And by the looks of things, Baby could not hide in a tree this time.


Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now