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Scott and Ethan stayed long enough to make sure that Danny was stable before Scott dragged Ethan out. Baby ignored them, not wanting anything to do with Wolf business. He took a chair at Danny's bedside to wait in. Danny's parents were on a business trip and wouldn't be back until tomorrow evening. Baby had already called them and reassured them that Danny was stable and going to be okay. They were nice enough folks and they trusted Baby enough to be reassured by him. Once he finally got off the phone with them, he made himself comfortable and listened to the beeping of the machines. He fell asleep like that, half curled in the plastic chair.

He awoke what must have been hours later, most likely the next morning. The sun shining on him. He blinked and let the noises of the hospital drift in. In his bed, Danny was asleep. He was hooked up to a drip and some sort of weird beeping machine. Baby blinked as the door opened and Ms McCall entered and began checking over Danny's vitals. "Morning", she greeted. "Though it is almost lunch time". Baby groaned and shifted. His limbs stiff from the night cooped up.

"Oh, I've missed most of school", he muttered. That didn't particularly worry him.

"Don't worry, I got my son to call in for you. I wasn't going to move you". She finished her task and turned to smile warmly.

Baby ran a hand through his hair and blinked at her. "Something else happened last night. Don't worry. I know about Scott and his friends".

Her smile faltered slightly. "Ah, my son did mention that there were others". She sighed and took a second plastic chair next to him. "Two doctors disappeared last night. One was found asphyxiated and stabbed".

"Shit", Baby pressed his head into his hands. "Another sacrifice". The Darach seemed to have moved on to healers now. That wasn't good. Maybe he should go and meet up with Scott and Stiles. Safety in numbers right? But Danny was sick and he didn't want to leave him in this moment. He had thrown up mistletoe, which was not good.

"Is there anyone I can call for you?" Her voice was soft and motherly. Baby blinked in surprise.

"No. No thanks. I'm emancipated and I don't have anyone anyway". Baby paused for a second. "Well I have him"- he pointed at Danny lazily. "-if that counts at all".

Ms McCall seemed sad at the information. She turned to him with empathic eyes. "Well you feel free to stay as long as you need. There's a canteen on the second floor and l'll come and check on you later". She rose and departed as quietly as she had arrived. Baby stood up and stretched, mind whirring. He yawned and glanced over at Danny. The dark haired boy was still sleeping, breathing normally now under medication and sedatives. He could last while Baby got coffee.

The canteen wasn't hard to find and less than ten minutes after he entered, he left with a mocha in one hand and a blueberry muffin in the other. He was just heading down back to Danny's room when he bumped into a police officer by the lifts. He jerked back, trying not to spill his coffee. The man was familiar. He had the sheriff badge on his uniform and the scent of Stiles was on his clothing. Baby guessed that the man must be his dad.

"Careful there son", the man held out a hand to help steady his coffee.

"Sorry", Baby mumbled through a mouthful of muffin. "Going down?" He asked as the lift doors opened. The sheriff nodded and they entered together. Baby pressing the first floor and the lift doors closed.

"There was another body found, wasn't there?" Baby asked, breaking the silence.

"I can't tell you the details of an ongoing investigation", the man replied stiffly. He paused. "You go to school with my son, don't you? You're that new student from the uk he told me about".

"You're Stiles' dad. He talks about me?" Baby felt a slight smile tug at his cheeks. "Nice to meet you. I'm Baby, Baby Spencer".

"Wait, You're Baby?" Sheriff Stilinski asked. "Your name is Baby. B-A-B-Y baby?"

"Yep. You named your kid Stiles, you can't judge".

The man chuckled, then looked slightly surprised at the noise. He snorted and tried to cover up his humour, schooling his face into a more respectable expression. "That's not his real name. It's just one he goes by".

"Neither is mine. But baby is better than the name my parents called me".

"We named my son after his grandfather, on his mother's side. But he couldn't pronounce it as a kid so we stuck with Stiles". Baby giggled at the image of little Stiles not being able to pronounce his own name. The sheriff blinked. "I don't know why I'm telling you this".

It was the vampire thing, it made people at ease with you. Another biological thing to lure in prey. The only people who were immune were other supernaturals, and probably Stiles. The ease only worked when people were distracted or not paying full attention. Baby just smiled slightly and took a drink of his coffee. "I don't mind", he replied. "I'm called Baby because my name was a mouthful and I was the youngest of the family. My older sister used to call me Baby and it stuck".

The lift stopped and the doors slid open before the sherif could respond. Ms McCall was waiting on the other side. "Is it Dr Hilyard?" She asked as soon as the sheriff stepped out. The two of them began walking down the corridor, seemingly forgetting about Baby now that they were talking about the murders. He inhaled the rest of his muffin and dropped the rubbish in the bin before deciding to follow along after them.

"Did she have ligature marks around her throat?" Ms McCall voiced.

The sheriff blinked in surprise. "No, how do you know that?"

"I need you to take a look at the other body with me. I think I know how they both died and I think that's going to help you find Scott's boss". Ms McCall sped up her pace. Baby following the two of them through the hospital and into the morgue.

The morgue was dark and uninhabited by the living. Ms McCall didn't bother to turn on the lights. She headed straight to one of the metal doors and pulled out the steel shelf where a body covered in a sheet was lying. Baby lingered by the doors. The smell of chemicals and death making his nose tingle. The scents were mixed in with the left overs of grief and melancholy. None of which were unusual in a morgue.

Ms McCall sighed as she pulled back the white sheet. The dead body of the murdered doctor was pale on the metal. "The problem with no ligature marks round the neck is that both doctors were still asphyxiated. So the question is"...

"How did they suffocate if they weren't strangled?" The sheriff nodded.

"Right. Now take a look at the wrist marks, what do they tell you?" Ms McCall held up a cold hand. The wrist raw and open from old wounds.

"His hands were tied".

"Not just tied, look at how deep they go".

"He was hanging", Baby voiced. The two adults whirled to face him, Ms McCall jumping in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" The sheriff sighed. "You're not supposed to be here".

Baby ignored him and walked closer to the body. He ran his eyes over the exposed wrist. "He was crucified", he announced.

"There are no wounds to suggest that", Sheriff Stilinski shot back.

Baby rolled his eyes. "People who were crucified didn't die from being nailed to the cross. They died from hanging with their hands pulled behind them. If the arms are bent a certain way then they hinder the movement of the lungs. It puts pressure on the airway and they slowly suffocate".

"He's right", Ms McCall added. "They would have to pull themselves up for air until they ran out of strength".

"So you think that Deaton is somewhere right now hanging by his wrists?"

Baby blinked, hand gripping his coffee. "Deaton? Has he been taken too?"

The sheriff nodded. "Disappeared this morning in the same way as the other victims. How long will it take him to die once he runs out of strength?"

Ms McCall sighed. "Minutes".


I got Netflix back and now am rewatching season 3. Yay!

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