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"Oh my god you're actually wearing colour", Lydia announced as Baby walked through the school doors. She beamed at him and mimed for him to turn. Baby did a reluctant three sixty to humour her as he rolled his eyes.

"I do own a little bit of colour", he huffed.

Lydia pursed her pink glossy lips. "I think this is the first time I've seen you in something not monochrome. I'm all for black and white but really, too much is just too much". She tugged slightly at the sleeve of his maroon turtleneck. It was tucked into his usual ripped black skinny jeans, held up by a belt. His customary vans high tops covered his feet and his black hoodie was peaking out of his school bag. Baby ran a hand through his hair and huffed at her.

"It's only a red top. You don't need to make such a scene".

Lydia laughed as she linked his arm through hers and began leading down the corridor. "So, what's the occasion?" She smiled. "Cause you have dressed nice. Well, nicer than usual".

Baby couldn't help his own smile as he mock sighed. "Well if you just know, Stiles is coming back to mine tonight for a movie marathon". He beamed as Lydia cooed. It was their second, maybe third date. The first one had been at Beacon Hills tiny cinema. They had brought popcorn and watched a cheesy horror film. Stiles had complained loudly the way through about the inaccuracies, making Baby laugh. It had been nice, Stiles had dropped Baby home and Baby had pressed a parting kiss to his cheek. It was cute and completely ordinary. Baby wasn't really sure if their second date counted. It had been at a local cafe but they had been interrupted by Scott calling Stiles in a panic about some homework due the next day. They had rescheduled to tonight.

"Ooo", Lydia grinned. "Is he staying the night?"

"Lydia!" Baby laughed, he was blushing slightly. "We're taking it slow. You know, since we're both pretty traumatised by the whole Darach thing. The whole, almost dying part. Stiles literally dying and coming back to life".

Lydia shrugged. "Never stopped me. If you want good dick then don't be afraid to take it".

Baby cackled. "That's what Danny said. But I haven't really dated anyone before so I want to do this well".

Lydia stopped. "Wait, you're a virgin?"

"No", Baby shook his head. "I've had a few hook ups but they've been part of my hunts. Anyone I've wanted to date before didn't know what I was".

"So you're an Arse virgin", Lydia nodded.

Baby flushed and she gasped. "No, you've done that too! Why you're more experienced than me", she smirked and elbowed him in the ribs lightly. "That's good. Stiles has no experience what so ever. Maybe you could teach him".

Baby groaned and turned his eyes to the sky, willing the blush from his cheeks as Lydia sniggered. When he had regained some of his composure, he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Believe me when I say that having sex with a vampire is a whole new world", he smirked widely at her wide eyes.

"Do you have any friends?" She breathed. "Just to know if I breakup with Aidan". Baby laughed loudly.

They looked up as the escaped doors burst open. Alison stumbled through, students pouring in behind her. Something about her seemed off. It was like she was staring at something without really seeing it. Baby and Lydia wandered over and peered at her. Alison blinked at them like she was coming out of a dream. "Alison?" Lydia asked. "Are you okay?"

Alison was pale and her breathing ragged. She nodded once, looking shaken.


They found Scott and Stiles together under the small bridge at the front of the school. Scott looked worn and jumpy, as if his shadow was about to leap out at him. Baby smiled as he skipped over to Stiles. Only, as he got closer, he slowed. Stiles was pale and a wave of exhaustion seemed to be radiation from him. His usual scent was dim. The smoky undertone that had been there ever since he had died and come back to life, was stronger. Baby sniffed and furrowed his brows in confusion. The smoky scent didn't seem right but he didn't know what could be causing it.

"I'm okay", Scott was insisting. Their conversation becoming audible as they drew closer.

"No you're not", Stiles insisted. "It's happening to you too. You're seeing things, aren't you".

"How'd you know?"

Stiles turned as Lydia, Alison and Baby joined them. Baby smiled at him in greeting and held out his hand. He noticed that Stiles seemed to hesitate for a split second before taking it. As soon as he took it he seemed to relax. Baby interlocked their fingers in reassurance. "Because it's happening to all three of you", Lydia announced. Alison, stiles and Scott all glanced at each other at the news.


"Well well", Lydia spoke gleefully as she pushed open the doors. "Look who's no longer the crazy one".

"We're not crazy", Alison retorted as they all followed behind her. Scott and Alison seeming disgruntled by this new turn of events. Stiles and Baby kept to the back of the group. Stiles had not let go of Baby's hand. He was almost clutching at it as if it would ground him.

"Are you okay?" Baby murmured low enough for just Stiles to hear. He liked the hand holding but Stiles was worrying him

Stiles took a deep breath. "Yeah. I just didn't sleep well", he flashed Baby a slight smile.

"Hallucinating, sleep paralysis", Lydia whirled and looked them over. "Yeah you guys are fine".

Stiles sighed. "We did die and comeback to life", Scott voiced. "That's got to have some side effects right?" He stopped as the bell rang.

"Let's just keep and eye on each other", Stiles instructed. "And Lydia, stop enjoying this so much". He began walking to class, towing Baby along behind him.

Their first class was history. Stiles and Baby took desks next to each other and began getting out their things. Scott took the desk behind Stiles as the class began settling down. "Stiles", Baby said. Stiles blinked and looked over. Baby smiled. "I might need my hand back to take notes", he prompted, squeezing Stiles it hand. Stiles jolted as if he had just remembered.

"Yeah, duh, of course". He let go but it was with a visible reluctance. Baby frowned in concern but got out his notebook and pens.

At the front of the room, and Asian man in a grey suit turned to smile at the class. "Good morning everyone. My name is Mr Yukimura. I'll be taking over for your previous history teacher". Baby raised an eyebrow at the name. Yukimura, sounded familiar.

"My family moved here three weeks ago. I'm sure by now you all know my daughter, Kira. Or you might not since she's not actually mentioned anyone from school. Or brought home a friend for that matter". At the back of the room a pretty brown haired girl grimaced at the class before dropping her head to the desk with a loud bang. Baby sniffed. She smelt static, like a thunderstorm. It clung to both her and her father, although the scent on her father was fainter. Probably transferred due to close contact. He smiled. Ah, that Yukimura. It made sense now.

But why was she here? Now of all times?


Danny and Baby are childhood best friend. But Lydia and Baby being the bitchy best friends is amazing.

Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now