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"The paramedic did a good job", Deaton commented as he examined the stitches. "You should come back in four days to get these stitches removed and I'll check the wound again to make sure the werewolf venom hasn't caused an infection but I doubt that. If you had been bitten by an alpha then it would be infected already, but luckily this coyote is just an omega".

Baby nodded and slurped at his slushie cup. Stiles was watching nervously at his side as Deaton rewrapped the bandages. The Druid smiled at Baby. "Now keep the stitches dry and you can change the bandages every morning and night. Best to drink a lot of blood to make up for the blood you lost. If you start feeling dizzy or if the wound is inflamed, come back here. Not the hospital".

"Okay", Baby listened.

"Unfortunately it's probably going to scar. The werewolf venom counteracts your vampire healing process. There's nothing I can do about that I'm afraid".

Baby shrugged. "That's fine. It wouldn't be the first scar I've gotten from a Wolf". Stiles pulled a face, obviously not happy at that sentence. The door opened and they all turned as Scott and Issac entered. School must have finished since the two Wolves were here.

"Ah that reminds me", Deaton finished with Baby's arm and turned to disappear into the back room. There was the sounds of him searching for something.

"Sorry you got hurt", Stiles mumbled quietly. "If I hadn't brought the doll".

"Hey", baby interrupted in a soothing voice. "It's okay. I don't blame anyone, not even the coyote. She was acting on pure instinct and aiming for the bag. It was my fault that I put my arms up. If I hadn't then she would have bit the bag instead of me".

"Baby is right", Scott supported. "It was an accident". Stiles pursed his lips but didn't reply.

"Xylazine", Deaton announced as he returned. He set down three little glass bottles of the drug on the metal table next to where Baby was sitting. "It's a tranquilliser for horses. For a werecoyote, expect it to work within seconds. I only have three so whoever's shooting has got to be a damn good shot".

"Alison is a perfect shot", Scott stated.

"She used to be", Issac muttered.

Scott scowled at him. "She can do it".

"If we manage to find the thing".

"Okay what is the point of him?" Stiles gestured to Isaac with one hand. "Serious, I mean, what is his purpose? Aside form the persistent negativity and the scarf? What's up with the scarf anyway, it's 65 degrees out".

"65 degrees?" Baby repeated. "Is that cold or warm? Cause in the uk that's burning".

"Fahrenheit Babe", Stiles replied. "I'm talking about Fahrenheit, so tshirt weather". Baby nodded as if it made sense but he was honestly still confused.

Issac smirked and crossed his arms. "Look, maybe I'm asking the question no one here wants to ask. How do we turn a coyote back into a girl when she hasn't been a girl for eight years?"

"I can do it", Scott mumbled as an idea struck him. He turned to stiles. "Remember the night when Peter trapped us in the school?" Stiles nodded. "In the gym he was able to make me turn using just his voice. Deucalion did the same thing in the distillery".

"This is a werecoyote Scott", Deaton pointed out. "Who knows if it will even work if you can find someone who can teach you".

"That's why you called Derek first", Stiles sighed.

Scott shrugged. "I can try it on my own. But right now I'm scared even to change".

"We need a real alpha". Scott looked offended. "You know what I mean, an alpha who can do alpha things", stiles clarified. "You know, and alpha who can get it going. You know, get it..."

"Up?" Issac finished. Stiles nodded as baby sniggered and slurped loudly from his cup.

"Great", Scott huffed. "I'm an alpha with performance issues".

"Could be worse", Baby grinned. "You could be a normal human with performance issues. And not just the roaring kind". Scott rolled his eyes.

"Thanks baby. Really needed that image".

"Is there anyone else besides Derek who could help?" Deaton asked.

"Maybe the twins?"

"They're not alpha anymore", Deaton stated. "After what Jennifer did, almost killing them. It broke that part of them".

"Yeah but what if they know how to do it?" Stiles pointed out.

"Nobody's seen them for weeks", Scott huffed.

"That's not true", Baby voiced. "Danny and Lydia still see them often".

"Okay", Scott nodded. "We'll go and ask Lydia where to find them". He nodded at Issac and they moved towards the door. "Stiles are you coming?"

"Na. I'm gonna give baby a lift home", Stiles waved them off. Scott nodded and the two Wolves disappeared out the door. Baby gently pushed himself off the metal table.

"Aww", he grinned. "Going to take care of me?" It had been a while since someone had looked after him. The thought made him feel warm.

Stiles scoffed. "Of course. I would be a terrible boyfriend if I let you go home alone with twelve stitches in your arm. Come on, we can catch up on that Star Wars marathon I cancelled".

Baby beamed and took Stiles' hand with his uninjured arm. Deaton took his empty slushie cup and dropped it in the bin as the boys headed to the door. "Shall we watch them in the order they were made, or in the order of the plot?" He asked. "Cause Anakin was hot but traumatised and angst. Luke is definitely a twink. And kylo ren is just Emo".

Stiles gave him a wide eyed stare. "Babe, I've been telling Scott that for years. Anakin is goth, Luke is pop and kylo ren so Emo it's cringy. We have definitely got to watch Luke's movies first. I'll make popcorn. It will be great".


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