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Bumping into Lydia in the car park of the school was not what Baby had been expecting. After he had helped Derek's pack two nights before, he had not really seen the others. Danny had been released from the hospital yesterday and Baby had been spending most of his time with him until the boy kicked him out. "Go hunting. I can tell you're restless. I'll be fine", Danny urged.

Baby grinned. "You're just sour because I keep on beating you at mario cart".

Danny rolled his eyes. "Yes yes, I'm a sore looser. Just go and bite someone so you don't get all hissy at me". Baby stuck out his tongue but obediently turned to the window.

"I'll text you tomorrow, be glad you're missing school". Danny's laugh followed him as he climbed down the side of the house.

He had found a snack of a pretty blonde boy outside Beacon Hill's only gay club. It hadn't been hard to lure the guy into an alley and have his way with him. The blonde had been intoxicated enough only to moan with pleasure at the venom. Once he was done, Baby propped him up next to his car and began walking round town. His stomach full but his mind still awake enough to battle the idea of sleep. The high school was between him and his house, so he cut through the car park.

"Lydia", he called. The ginger hair girl whirled, phone still to her ear. She was dressed in her usual short skirt and ankle boots. A jacket hung on her shoulders to ward off the night chill.

"Baby", she blinked at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm walking home. What are you doing here?" He replied, hands in the pockets of his black jeans as he shrugged. Lydia gave his tshirt and denim jacket a look of annoyance, as if the lack of fashion offered her. (His tshirt had night crawler from xmen on it, his favourite superhero).

"I'm waiting for my friends, who are apparently taking their time", she huffed, crossing her arms. Baby hummed. He could smell blood on the air. Blood and mistletoe. The Darach had been here.

He offered Lydia a small smile. Banshee, of course she would be the one to find the body. "I'll wait with you. The night can be dangerous".

She snorted slightly at his joke. "Been there, done that, got the scars to prove it".

"Ditto". They both laughed lightly.

"So Vampire. That would be probably more attractive if you weren't so skinny", she eyed him.

"Thank you. But unfortunately, unlike the Wolves, transformation did not give me a free six pack", baby sighed mournfully. "I just get iron deficiency". Lydia laughed again and he couldn't help but grin.

"You're not that bad. Considering that every other renter action we've had was with either Allison or Stiles".

"I'll take that as a great compliment".

Lydia smiled at him. "Though I really need to do something about your wardrobe. Do you own anything that's not black?"

Baby shrugged, "I might have some red? I dunno".

"I'm coming over to your house tomorrow after school", she warned. Baby smiled, he liked Lydia. She was headstrong and slightly terrifying.

"No arguments here". She beamed at him.

They were interrupted by the rumble of a jeep and the purr of a bike. A familiar grey jeep pulled up just as a green dirt bike came into sight. A Toyota arriving a minute later to park itself next to the jeep. Scott, Stiles and Allison all got out. "Where is she?" Stiles asked.

"Over here", Lydia called. Her and Baby waking over to join them.

"You're here too?" Stiles frowned.

"I bumped into Lydia on the way home", Baby stated. Stiles seemed to accept it for he turned his gaze back onto Lydia.

"It's the same thing", she sighed. "Same thing as the pool. I got in the car, heading somewhere totally different and ended up here. And you told me to call if there's a dead body".

"There is definitely a dead body", Baby nodded. "I can smell it". He wasn't getting any closer because even though he had just eaten, the smell of freshly spilt blood was hard to ignore.

Lydia scowled at him. "And you didn't think to mention it".

"You already knew", Baby defended.

"You found a dead body?" Stiles exclaimed.

"Not yet". Lydia shook her head.

"What do you mean not yet? Baby said there was one".

"There is. It's over there somewhere. That's where the scent is coming from", he gestured towards the main doors of the school. Scott drifted closer to get a better look, leaving Lydia and Stiles arguing.

"You guys can find the dead body form now on", Lydia snapped.

"But you're always the one to find the dead body".

"Guy!" Scott called. They all fell silent. "I've found the dead body".

He was staring at the stone sign just in front of the entrance to the school. On top of it a slumped figure lay, blood dripping down the stone and congealing around it's neck. It was a woman, probably in her late twenties, with dark skin and pinned back hair. She wore a police uniform and her eyes were glazed. The slash from her throat splitting her ear to ear.

"Oh", Baby grimaced. "That's not good".


"Why did you drag me here?" Baby asked as Stiles pulled him behind a pillar. It wasn't a very good hiding place. Around them, a few students passed. The horror of the night before cleaned up like it had never happened. The sunny day at odds to the fear of the town. A police officer was dead. That meant seven murders.

"I need you to listen to what they are saying", stiles pointed to where Sheriff Stilinski was talking to one of the teachers.

"You want me to eavesdrop on your dad? Mate you're weird".

Stiles huffed. "Mate, really? Could you just stop with the Britishness and just do what I say".

"You're a bad influence", Baby muttered as he leaned against the pillar. "I was trying to stay under the radar but then you found me and now my life is full of murders and Wolves. Why do I listen to you?"

"Because I'm special", Stiles retorted. "You do realise that you're a vampire right? There's no 'under the radar' for supernaturals in beacon hills".

"Hey". Sheriff Stilinski had spotted them. Stiles quickly tried to hide behind the pillar. One arm pulling Baby after him. "Hey! Back it up".

The two teens turned guiltily. "Hi Sheriff", Baby greeted with a little wave.

Sheriff Stilinski nodded at him, not quite sure how to place him. "Hi Baby". He turned his attention back to his son. "I know what you're thinking. You've got all these ideas about patterns and people dying in threes".

"Dad, murdered okay? Sacrificed actually", Stiles clarified.

The sheriff sighed. "I've got half the state, including the fbi coming in on this. They're not getting away with killing one of our own".

"Oof that is serious", Baby commented. Both Stilinskis ignored him.

Stiles sighed sadly. "Dad. They killed Tara. You know how ma times she helped me with my math homework when I had to wait at the station for you?"

Sherif's eyes were full of grief and guilt. He obviously didn't know what to do. "Just get to class okay?" He sighed before turning and walking away.

Stiles exhaled and ran a hand over his face. Baby hummed and wrapped a arm round the boy's shoulders. For some reason he didn't like to see Stiles sad. It wasn't like him. "We have English next", he spoke up as they began walking inside.

"Yay", Stiles muttered sarcastically.


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