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Cali of course, attacked first. She lunged at Jennifer with her claws. The Darach dodged as if it was a dance, weaving and ducking around Cali's swings. Cali lunged out with her foot and Jennifer smiled as she stepped back. Her grin one of andrenaline and enjoyment, not of someone who was afraid of being killed. The momentum of Cali's kick sent her tumbling forwards and Jennifer struck. Some sort of magical force exploded as she landed a blow. Cali was sent spinning through the air to land heavily on the floor. She was still.

Aidan snarled and went in with his claws. Jennifer knocked him back and fell to his knees. At the sight of his brother down, Ethan stood and roared. Baby watched as he pulled off his jacket and ran over. Aidan sat up and ripped off his shirt. Both twins snarling at Jennifer as they stood against her. Baby watched with wide eyes as they locked arms and their skin began to merge. "Whoa", he commented, "so that's voltron Wolf. It's slightly disgusting". Lydia elbowed him and he shut up.

Their heads had been to merge when Jennifer stomped forwards and grabbed them both by the shoulders. She threw them apart, forcefully ripping them from each other before the merge could complete. Ethan and Aidan hit different walls and slid to the floor, both unconscious. Lydia shot to her feet. Baby standing up and keeping and arm in front of her for protections. But before Jennifer could turn to them, Cali was back up. She flipped out with a kick and Jennifer turned back to her.

"That's right Cali", she spoke with repressed anger. "Look at me". Cali was panting, eyes on her. "Look at my face". Jennifer grinned. "Do you know what it takes to be able to look like this? To be able to look normal?"

Cali shook her head. "I don't care".

Jennifer's grin turned sharp and nasty. "It takes power. Power like this". There was a vibration in the air. A rumble as Jennifer raised her hands. All the broken glass on the floor began to shake. Baby's eyes widened and he grabbed Lydia, forcing her down into a crouch and covering her with his body as all the shards began to rise up into the air. Around them, the air whipped itself into a wind. Jennifer smiling as her hair billowed around and the glass hung at her sides. Above them, thunder and lightning crackled in the skies.

"I", Cali stuttered. The vibration of magic in the air making her falter. "I should have- I should have whipped your head off!" The last of her scream was overshadowed by Jennifer's furious screech. At once, all the glass shot forwards. Cali didn't even have time to gasp before she was stuck. The glass all sticking out of her like thousands of daggers as she slumped to the floor. Baby listening to her heart as it stopped. Lydia gasping head trembling in his arms.

Jennifer turned to Lydia and Baby, her face twisted in a triumphant smile. Baby let Lydia go and stood in front of her, arms up defensively as Jennifer took a step closer. A growl sounded. Ethan and Aidan stalked over. Their bodies fully merged into a hulking, misshapen figure. They lunged at Jennifer. But all their new combined strength couldn't make up for Jennifer's sped. She twisted round them and grabbed their neck. The snap of it breaking made Lydia whimper as Ethan and Aidan fell to the floor, blood spilling from their mouths. They were still alive, baby could hear their hearts, but they wouldn't be getting up anytime soon.

Jennifer turned to them and calmly brushed her hair out of her face. "What's the line Coach likes to say?" She asked. "The bigger they are. The harder they fall?" She grinned and it was not a nice smile. "Do you want to try, baby?" She drawled his name as she stepped closer. Baby and Lydia steadily stepping back in an effort to keep some distance between them.

Jennifer laughed. "Baby. Baby Spencer. But that isn't your real name, is it?" Her tone was deliberately light, but weighted down by her anger and malicious intent. "I met you once. When you were a child, before Cali ruined me. It must have been almost twelve years ago now. Such a precious boy you were. Newly turned and so vulnerable", she smiled at the memory. Baby's breath turned shaky. "Your sire was meeting with Cali and you were left to keep yourself occupied. I gave you a lollipop. How old where you then? Five or six? Such a cute boy".

"Shut up", Baby hissed. Lydia's back hit a wall and she stopped. They couldn't go any further. Her fingers gripped the back of his hoodie and he could feel her shaking.

Jennifer ignored him, a sly smile on her face. "Just what was your name again? Everyone called you baby back then too. But I recall you name being long. Ah! Yes! Your sire loved your name. I remember it now". Baby could feel himself shaking.

"No". The word leapt unbidden from his lips.

Jennifer's smile widened into something predatory. "Your name was Italian origin, wasn't it? I recall you being a junior. Where you named after your father? Or a grandparent? I'm sure the Argents will know. Maybe I should ask them. I have one on hand".

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Baby screamed. He lunged, panic making him wild. Jennifer dodged the first two of his swings. But on the third one, he got lucky. He kicked out as he flipped himself back over her head, catching her on the side of her head before landing. She panted for breath as she glared at him. A cut on her forehead starting to bleed.

"It's a shame I have no more holy water, you tenacious little brat", she swore as she rubbed the blood from her eyes.

Baby snarled and lunged again. This time he was not so lucky. She slammed her hand into his chest and the explosive magic sent him flying back into the concrete walls. The impact knocking them breath from his lungs. He slid to the floor, head spinning from the force. Distantly, he heard Lydia cry out his name in alarm. "Baby!"

Jennifer turned back to the red haired girl. "What do you want from me? Lydia whimpered.

"I want you to do what you do best Lydia. I want you to scream". Her face changed, becoming bald and scarred. Baby blinked from where he was lying. His eyes having trouble focusing as his body began to heal his concussion. Distantly, as if through a wall, he heard Lydia scream.


Hinting at Baby's name here guys. Any guesses?

Baby|| Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now