Part 58 - Octavia POV

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"You need to stop stressing, because I don't think it's good for, know, the little one" Jasper stuttered. He must really hate this. First, his friends left for battle without him. Second, he needs to babysit his pregnant ex something. I'm pretty sure this wasn't something he imagined would ever happen. Me either, for that sake.

"This fucking thing just needs to get out already" I inhaled and exhaled. My stress level was way over the limit and the thought that it might be good possibility that Jasper and I and this baby would be the only ones left after all of this, made my legs constantly move.

"Soooo," Jasper held the word. "Got any names?" He really tried his hardest to be okay with all of this. All since Bellamy, he was always there if I needed anything and I never went a day without his regular check ups. It wasn't okay though. None of this was okay.

I shook my head slightly and he took my weak answer as a sign to shut up about the baby. I hoped that he or she wouldn't look like him. That would be the death of me.

The dropship seemed to be closing in on me and my heart rate felt weird and uneven.

"Jasper, something's wrong" I put my hand over my heart, and he lashed towards me.

"What, what is it?" His eyes move frantically.

"I,-" I felt my feet tumble and and stumbled backwards. "I,- I can't breath" I felt like my lungs where closing and I tried desperately to inhale air that seemed out of reach. Jasper quickly put his arms around me.

"Breath, Octavia! You're just having a panic attack, it's all in your head" he told me and sat me down on the ground. "Breath" he repeated, as he inhaled and exhaled with me.

I did as he said but the air never seemed to even enter my airways.

"Oh crap" Jasper bit his fist. I felt a burning pain making it's way from my cheat and upward. "You're turning red"

Everything inside me burned and I started screaming. What the hell was happening to me?

Suddenly I heard his voice and I dont know if I fantasized it or actually heard it but my vision started blurring.

"She needs this" I saw his blurry silhouette. He was really here.

"Get away from her" Jasper raised his voice but he didn't make a move to get him away from me.

"Octavia?" Lincoln's voice suited me, although I tried to convince myself that it didn't. I shouldn't love this man. He got my brother killed. He wasn't the one who shot him, but he knew it would happen.

I pushed him away lazily, but he didn't budge.

"Octavia, if you dont drink this, you and our baby will die" his voice demanding. The sound of him saying our baby made my stomach twist and turn in knots. I opened my mouth and he poured the sour liquid down my throat. No matter what his actions had caused, I still believed that he would never poison me. He sighed in relief as I swallowed the small bottle's content and laid my head down. I slowly felt my lungs reopen. The burning slowly subsided and after a couple minutes, the pain was completely gone. I closed my eyes and appreciated the air that I could easily inhale now.

"How'd you know?" Jasper asked accusingly.

"Pregnant women at my village uses to get infected by a parasite that shut down their lungs and gave them burns all over the body until they were drained of air and their heart stopped beating."

I felt his hand brush some of my hair behind my ear, but my eyes remained closed. "I needed to look after her"

"I think you should go" Jasper's voice sounded shaky and the fear he felt towards Lincoln was evident.

"I will" His hand left my skin, and the loss of contact made me frown. "Just let her sleep for a while"

I heard his boots distancing. Then the noise of footsteps stopped and I felt sad that he must have left the dropship, left camp and left me. Probably for good.

"Her brother is still alive" What?! Lincoln's voice was silent but his words were clear. "Now, you can choose is you want to tell her that or not when she wakes up"

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