Part 21

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I noticed that Clarke were stressed out. Not only by the heavy breathing but the desperate seeking eyes and her shaky hands.

"There has to be a way out of here." she whispered, mostly to herself.

Her eyes seached the room, or maybe the endless space of darkness was more accurate.

"There is something we're missing here" she contined speaking to herself.

"Clarke, what do we do now?" Jasper asked loudly.

"Got any ideas Goggles?" I yelled back, my throut burning as the words made there way out.

"How much do you weigh?" he questioned.

"What the fuck does that have to do with this?!" I frustratedly yelled back.

"Oh calm down! It's not like I'm flirting with you, Mr.Everybodylovesme! I just need to know if we can manage to drag you up!" He said as they lowered a tree rope also known as a vine.

Clarke looked at me doubtfully, but she knew just like me that it was worth a try. When no one answered Jasper he complained "Seriously guys! If you're making out down there, I swear to GOD, I will leave you for dead!"

"No, you wouldn't" I replied. He would never leave us.
1) Because of his crush on my sister.
2) He always liked Clarke. She was basically one of his best friends down here.

"Whatever...just ... just grab the god damn rope!"

I looked over at Clarke. She smiled. Not the way she used to though. This was more of a 'it's worth a try' smile.

"After you, Princess" I said formally as I bowed.

"No you go first! If it doesn't work out, I would rather stay down here with you then be up there with the rest of 'em."

I always admired her bravery. She was strong, independent, but I still realized she needed me. I put my hand around her waist and pulled her against me. I leaned into her, my lips close to hers. I knew in that moment that Clarke was my always. She was my one and only. My epic love. I kissed her tenderly and slow, showing her the love I felt for her with my lips.

"I love you, Clarke. Just in case you didn't already know." I smirked at her. She smiled back at me, the beautiful, true smile of hers. The one that made you believe in angels and heaven.

"I love you too" She said like a whisper against my lips, so I could not only hear her words, but feel her breath as she said them. I closed my eyes and felt her every word. Then I knotted the vine around my chest.


I watched as them pulled up Bellamy. They sure as hell did struggle, there's no doubt about that. It took them like forever. But he got up. I couldn't help having this bad feeling. It can't be this easy, my brain continued to tell me. Something's not right. When he got to the top, he lowered the rope as fast as he could, eager for me to be safe up there with him. I grabbed the vine and tied it around my waist. As I were being pulled up by four strong people, I looked around the dark room, one last time. It felt like somebody was laughing at us. Like we were doing exactly like they expected us to do, but I wouldn't wait in that hell-hole to find out. I got to the top and loosened the rope and took it off. We all just looked at each other for a moment. Exhausted. Then Bellamy and Octavia embraced each other with force. Their relationship were stronger than any other, I had ever seen, which I envied them. They always had each other. Jasper embraced me as well. Even though it hadn't been that long. Then he moved towards Bellamy. We looked at them for a moment. Wondering if Jasper was daring enough to hug him. "Mr.Everybodylovesme? Seriously?!" Bellamy lightened the mood. Jasper laughed and desided to shake his hand and say "Nice to see you again!" Bellamy smiled. "Got any food?" He asked, half joking, but we all knew he was starving. 

"Good to see you're alive, buddy" Wilim greeted him.

"Yeah, you to."

"We should get moving back to camp. We're far from home, and these woods aren't safe." especially at night, I finished in my head.


"We're almost there" Wilim yelled from the front. We had walked for what I expected was a day and a half, with breaks in between. We hunted while we walked and drank the clean water we found. I felt way better than I did yesterday. I wasn't hungry or thirsty and I felt stronger than I had for days. I tried not to worry about how random and pointless all of this were. Why would somebody bother dragging me into a hole, stitching me up, to after that leave me so I could starve to death, if they wouldn't even stop me when I escaped. I touched the cut in the back of my head. It had already started to close up and heal itself. I looked over at Clarke, who had been walking beside me the whole way. 

"I knew you were alive, you know." She said, when she realized that I was looking at her, and grabbed my hand. 

"It doesn't make sense that I am, though..."

"Does it really matter? I mean, you're here. With me." She smiled shy as she said the last part.

"Princess" I said softly as my lips met hers. 

"GET A ROOM!" Jasper and Octavia yelled at us. 

We both started laughing and smiling, then I whispered sensually into Clarke's ear.

"Oh, we will" 

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