Part 13

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"Omg, Bellamy," Octavia came running towards me. She swung her arms around me and hugged me as tight as humanly possible, "I thought you were dead!" She wiped away some tears of joy before she pulled me into a hug again. 

"I don't die" I said, laughing and smiling with her. At the corner of my eye I could see Finn approach Clarke. She didn't look to happy about it and I needed to force myself not to interfere with them. I didn't like Finn, and I definitely didn't trust him with Clarke. 


"I'm not in the mood, Finn." I said, moving my hands up tierd, in slow waves. 

"I just want to now if you're okay! You were gone for days! I thought you were dead, Clarke. It drove me crazy, not knowing where you were." He stretched out his hand, trying to put it on my shoulder, but I backed up fast. I was not ready to be near him yet and I felt my body fill itself with anger and hurt. I was so tired of feeling this way. I turned around, ready to run away from him. All I wanted to do was to lay in my makeshift bed and sleep. I hadn't slept in a long time. Unfortunatly he grabbed my elbow, begging me to meet his gaze. 

"Finn, I haven't slept in days and I almost got killed, so please..just leave me the fuck alone!"

He let go of my shoulder, realizing I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I turned towards the crowd, my eyes landing on a person who was already stearing. Bellamy. When he realized he had been eyeing me and Finn, he quickly turned away, looking disturbed. Then my eyes moved on, landing on a face that had hunted me for days. One of the guys who was with Miller was back in camp. And he looked at me. I stumbled backwards, with fear all over my face. His face looked like stone and there was no expression located in his face what-so-ever. I stubmled over a tree stump and right before the ground was about to welcome me, I was caught by two strong, fit arms, which pulled me to my feet. I turned around, and found Bellamy by my side. He looked down at me, worried. 

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I couldn't speak. I was to frightened, so I just pointed at where Peter had stood, two seconds ago, but he was now gone. He's gone. He could be anywhere. What if he tried to kill us again, when we're not looking. Where the hell is he?! 

"He.. h-e... he was right there..." I confirmed puzzled.

"Who was?"

I looked up at him, not caring if I was suppose to hate him. He was the only one, besides me, who knew what we'd been through.

"Peter.. Peter was here! He IS here. In camp. With the rest of us."

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