Part 17

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Oh my god! I had never been more embarressed in my intire life. I wanted to bury myself and be dead. This was so god damn humiliating. I didn't know what to do. Even Bellamy had no idea what to do. We were like statues that people were eyeing to find any movement or sign of us being real. I knew that this would be impossible to cover up with a lie. Nothing would be believable enough.


I looked at Clarke, trying to find a plan in her somewhere. She looked just as blank as I felt. But then I thought. Maybe we didn't need a plan. We just needed each other. Then I slowly sat my upperbody up, her body still sitting on my lap. She looked at me surprised, not sure what I was planing. I stared back at her, my eyes filled with tenderness and happiness. All I wanted was in front of me, and I was now ready to show everyone that she belonged to me. I placed my fingers on her neck, my thumb landing right below her ear, and my palm resting lightly on her throat. When she understood what I was doing, she didn't back off. She continued it by leaning forward so I met her lips faster. We kissed soft and slow, passionately, not caring that we had an audience. Then all of a sudden, there was a wave of cheering and enouragements and claps from the crowd like "Wooooow!!" and "Way to go Bell!", "Hot daamn!" and "Didn't see that one coming!". That's when Clarke and I broke apart from our kiss. We looked at each other, both smiling from ear to ear. Then the people came hovering over us, pulling us up and clapping us both on the back, pushing us through the crowd, giving us compliments and gratulations. They shoved drinks in our hands, yelling "Chug! Chug! Chug!". I looked over at Clarke. She didn't seem so worried anymore. Actually she had already chuged her cup, waiting for a second one. I smiled at her. She was now mine. And everybody knew it. She met my gaze and took my hand, placing it on her waist, she stood on her tiptoes and draged my neck down so her lips reached mine. This had been my dream, which was now reality. We were real.


It had been 2 weeks since the celebration. Things were as they should be. We were often short on food, but we did the best we could. We all worked our ass off.

"Hey Clarke!" Bellamy called as he entered my tent. Irritating, irresistable Bellamy. Couldn't help love the guy. He made me crazy and filled me with so much love at the same time. We faught alot....then we made up.

"Me and some guys are going on a raid! You need any more medical supplies?" He smiled at me.

"I'm coming with you" I started, ready to go out again.

"No, you're not. Now, do you need anything?" he stated.

"Yes, I need to go with you."

"It's not gonna happen, Princess!"

"And why the hell is that?" I asked irritated as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"We need you here." he was calm, not open for disscousion.

"Oh, fuck you! We need you here to! Why do you get to go?"

"Because you're staying, which means one of us is available at all time. Besides, I need you to be safe" He stretched out his arm and touched my face gently. I pushed it away.

"Come on, Clarke!"

"When are you gonna stop treating me like such a girl?"

"When you stop being one." he joked, and broke into laughter. When he saw that I didn't find it funny at all, he stoped and looked at me like I was being irrational.

"We'll be back in a day." He said, trying to kiss me, but I backed up. I hated it when he treated me like this. Like he needed to protect me from the world, because I couldn't handle it. I felt so weak and defenseless. He sighed and turned around and left the tent. Then another thought stroke my mind. What if something happened to him out there? I would never forgive myself if that was the last moment I had with him. I ran out of my tent looking for him. Him and his group had already reached the gates and were about to leave.

"Bell!" I yelled, while I ran. He turned around and smirked by the sight of me running towards him. When I got to him, I threw myself in his arms and kissed him like there was nobody else there. He held me tight and kissed me back like his life depended on it, which I hoped it wasn't.

I moved my mouth to his ear and whispered "come back to me".

"Always, Princess." he whispered back in one breath, before he let me go and smiled at me one last time.

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