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"What?" he said as he brought his hand to his nose, where the blood was streaming down. "Oh" he looked at his fingers, which was now red from the blood. I looked around for something to hold against his nose and I grabbed a cloth. 

"Here, hold this and push the bridge of your nose while you tilt your head backwards" I told him. 

"I love it when you talk dirty to me, Princess" He joked, but he followed orders. He looked like doing all three things was to much so I grabbed the cloth from him and held it against his nose for him. 

"Thanks" he mumbled but it sounded stangled. His hand was shaking as he held it to the bridge of his nose. 

"heyheyhey, it's just a nose bleed" I reassured him. "It's be over soon" I smiled at him.

"I'm not afraid of a nosebleed, Clarke" he said, giving me a look. 

"Then why are you..," I started but was cut off as he stumbled backwards for no reason. My smile dissappeared as I saw that his face turned pale and that he steadied himself on the wall, by leaning against it. 

"Bellamy, sit down" I told him, but he wasn't looking at me. 

"No, I'm fine, Clarke" he responded. He looked up and his eyes finally met mine. I gasped in shock. Blood was streaming from his eyes, like when your cry. It covered his face and mixed with the blood coming from his nose. It looked like somebody had sliced his face open and the blood was just streaming. He noticed my stare and he touched his face, buttering the blood on the rest of his face. 

"Oh my god, what is happening to you?" I said as I rushed over to him. The cloth we had used before was now soaked with red blood and my first instinct was to use my shirt, so I did. I pulled it of and tried to wash some of the blood of but only more was pouring down. 

"Hold this!" I commanded him and he applied. I ran towards the opening of the dropship in panic as I desperatly thought about who to find and what they could do to help. I didn't know. I didn't want to make Octavia worried. Besides, she was talking to Jasper and it really didn't look like it was a happy one, so I don't thing I'll interefiere. And there was really no one in camp with more medical experience than me. 

I decided to wave Collin  over. If he didn't have an idea of what to do, at least I wasn't alone to handle a heavy, sick man. 

"What's up?" he smiled at me, a smile I'm sure won over most of the girls in camp, but not everyone like Bellamy's smile could do. 

"I need your help" I said frantically, grabbing his shirt and pulling him with me to the drop ship. If the situation was different, maybe I would care about how it looked. Me basically dragging him along with me. But I didn't. Because the man I loved was sick, and I didn't know what was wrong. 

"Woah woah!" he laughed when we reached the dropship, not registering Bellamy on the ground further inside. "Easy there, Tiger" he flirted. I felt like slapping him, but he obviously got the wrong idea like I assumed would happen if I didn't think of Bellamy. 

"I need your HELP, Collin!" I said, putting pressure on the word "help", and he looked confused. I walked over to Bellamy and sat down beside him. 

"I don't know what's wrong with him" I explained. He looked down at him as Bellamy got a caughing attack and blood started coming from his mouth as well. He puked it out and his whole body hit the floor. 


"Bellamy!" Clarke screamed, her voice failing at the end of the word as she hung over me, trying desperatly to find out what to do. 

I felt like I was dying. I couldn't breath properly, because of the blood constantly coming. I seriously didn't know if there was any more blood left in my body. I felt drained and weak and powerless. How couldn this happen so fast? Minutes ago, I was in here, making out with Clarke. Now, I was here, dying. At least that's what it felt like. 

I hated the fact that she brought Collin, but I guess he's better than nothing. I looked up at her blue, comforting, scared eyes as my blood puking took a short break. 

"It's fine, Cla," I was cut off by more blood. She ran her hands along her forehead and pulled her hair backwards. She turned to Collin and my eyes followed her. He looked like a statue. He looked so scared and like he really just wanted to run back out. 

"What the fuck?" he said, taking in the sight of me. He frowned and sat down next to Clarke. 

"Clarke, could you get some water? He needs water!" he told her and she stood up faster than I could say fast. She ran out of the drop ship, not questioning his knowledge. I was, however. 

He followed her with his eyes until she was no longer in sight. 

"Nice, isn't she?" he said to me, when he met my eyes. His face had changed drastically from when Clarke was here. He had no longer a stone face. He looked very much alive and aweare of what was happening. The corners of his mouth was twitched upwards and his eyes followed, but it was not a calming or concerned smile. I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Stay away from her" I managed to snarl through my gritted teeth, and blood tasting mouth. 

"Well, someone has to take care of her when you're gone" he said. When I'm gone? What the hell? Was he the one doing this to me? How? Would he kill me now?

"Bellamy Blake; scared of death! Who would have thought?" he laughed mockingly and stood up. He must have seen my worried look. I tried to stand up or kick him or something, but I was to weak. I puked again and he leaned his head down. 

"Sleep tight, Bellamy" He said and walked away as Clarke entered the dropship again. He turned around to me again and he's other face was back on place. A worried look crossed his face as he looked from her back to me. 

"Give him the water! I don't know what else to do, Clarke! I'm so sorry" he said, and walked out. I tried to scream. I tried to move. But then my puking started again and I didn't get a word past the blood pouring out. My eyelids felt heavy and.... fuck no! Stay awake, Bellamy! Stay awa...

OKAY, so here it is! So sorry it took so long! Hope you enjoyed it! 

I wanted to know if you guys are interested in me making a chapter about Octavia and Jasper's talk? The one that is mentioned in this chapter? I will only write it if you guys are interested in reading it! 


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