Part 29

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Dark silhouettes ran back and forth between the trees like ghosts. They were impossible to aim at because they disappeard as fast as they showed up. I don't know how they had time shooting but 3 people had already fell to the ground with a bullet in their head. 

"What do we do?!" Wilim asked panic, as he ran over to me from his position. I depreately looked around camp for a plan. For..something! It was no way we could win over somebody we never even got the chance to aim at. 

"Stop shooting!" I yelled. "Save your ammunition!" People stepped back and hid behind the wall. The shadows appeard and disappeard over and over again. Hundreds of them. What were we suppose to do? This wasn't war. This was a game. They were playing us, knowing they would win. I steped down as well and looked at the people who hadn't made it. It was to guys and a girl. Died as warriors. As heros. But also, they died for me. I had started this war from our side even though Clarke hated it, and they fought my side. I looked up from them and at the people who were still live. 79 people. 

We stood there. All 79 of us, gattered in the middle. Behind the wall. Like pieces in a game we never agreed to play. Helpless and deperate. Fearfully waiting for their turn. We held our guns, ready to shoot at any point. 

"Bellamy," Wilim whispered.

"Shhh!" I interrupted, as I listened. It was to quiet. I walked over to the wall, and looked through the holes in the gate. Right then, it slams right into my face and I fell to the ground. In, walked an army of black dressed people with protections shields in front of them. Two guys grabbed me and pulled my hands behind my back. Then he gripped a large knife he had stored in his belt and put it towards my throat. 

"If you shoot, I slit his throat" One of the guys spoke up, loud and serious. 

"What do you want?!" Wilim asked, still pointing his gun at them. 

"We want Clarke Griffin" A woman in the front spoke up, searching the crowd for her.

Clarke?! No way in hell! What would they want with her? 

"Over my dead body!" I spoke through my gritted teeth, trying to get my hands loose. 

"All right then" the man said and pushed the knife alittle harder against my throat, getting ready to push it all the way in. 

"STOP!" Clarke shrieked, stepping up to the front. "Don't hurt him" she begged, her eyes running wild as she looked at the knife ready to dig into my flesh. Her hands were shaking and that was always a sign that she was stressed and emotional. 

"There you are" The woman said like a witch and smiled like the devil, She signalized with her fingers for somebody to grab her. Clarke fought back but she knew it was hopeless. We were outnumbered and weaker. This guys were like muscle giants. Then they brought be forward to stand beside her. They held us in front of our people, like prisoners. 

"Now listen," the woman spoke to the crowd I usually spoke to, "You can either fight back, and have both of your precious leaders killed or you can give in and have your king. It's up to you!" she said like she just gave them the easiest choice in the world. The thing was, people liked Clarke. She was the good in our leadership. I made the tough decisions and she cared for the people. But I also knew that none of these people would want to cause a war they were doomed to lose.  

I laughed a harsh, derisive laugh and everyone turned to me with wonder, even Clarke. But she also had a touch of sadness and terror in her look. 

"You're afraid that they will choose to fight back, aren't you? That way you'll die," she asked like she knew everything. 

I turned my head slowly towards her direction and said "No. I'm just waiting for them to put a bullet between you eyes." 

"And yet, here I am." she looked back at the others. "So, that's your desiscion then?" Nobody said anything. They just looked at her and then at me. I saw that they felt guilty for giving up but they weren't interested starting a war they already knew they would lose. She smirked to herself "Alright then!"  and then they started backing up slowly, with Clarke. I kicked and moved my arms and feet wildly to get loose. They were taking her. I saw her struggling. Then her eyes met mine and everything moved in slow motion. One of the guys holding me, punched me in the gut and removed all air I had in my lungs. I fell to the ground. One guy was still holding me and the other one streched out my leg before he raised his and then stomped as hard as humanly possible. I heard Octavia yelp as I howled in pain and felt my leg break. I heard Clarke scream too as she was being dragged out of here. 

"Bellamy!! she yelled over and over again with fear and worry and pain in her voice. she was kicking and screaming. Tears were streaming down her face as she did so. She was reaching out to me but I couldn't move. I couldn't save her. I watched as they left camp with her in their hands. And that's the last thing I remember before everything turned black and silence filled my ears. 

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