Part 33

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"Wait...who are you?" I asked confused as she grabbed my hand. I'd never seen her before, why would she be willing to sarcrifice herself for me? 

"Can we take 20 questions later?!" she whispered frustrated, leading me out of the cell and we started pacing down the hall. I was weak and it was a miracle that my legs were working at all. Her eyes swiped quickly over me in the dim light and she said silently with a look of pitty "They got you good, didn't they". That answered the question of how I looked. 

"Why are you helping me? You're with them.." I said, as I stoped to catch my breath. 

"What they're doing to you..," she started, whispered it with force, like she was really indignant, "is so far from humanity as possible. The question isn't 'What are you?'!! It's 'What are WE?'! I can't sit back and watch anymore. You seem like good people."

"Thank you" I whispered gratefully as I took her hand. "Thank you so much..."

"Let's just get out of here" she said and we started running. It's obvious you had to know this place to get out. All the halls looked just alike and I felt like we had been running for hours until we actually got close to the exit. She suddently stoped and held out a hands to signalize for me to stop as well. She pointed at the guards standing by a hatch. Then she whispered "Wait for my signal. After that, don't hasitate. Just  open the hatch and run. I'll be right behind you."

"Wait! What's your name?" I asked her. 

"Leonovah, but just call me Novah." she answered before she rubbed her hands together and said "Showtime!" 

She ran up to the guards, looking terrified and paniced. 

"They need help in section 4!! Someone snapped and there was shooting and screaming and- and- my mother is there! Please help!!"  She acted out infront of the guards. They immediately started running down the hall. She ran after them a while till she stopped and pointed her finger at the hatch. That was my sign. 

I ran for the hatch and struggled to open it. I saw Novah running up to me. "What are you doing?!" she yelled hysterical. "Open the god damn hatch!"

"It's heavy, and I'm too weak" I said, feeling pathetic. 

"Fine! Get down, and I will do it!" She commanded. So I did. And she rushed up the few steps to the hatch and banged it open with her muscles. It looked so easy when she did it. 

She climbed out, waiting for me at the top. I got up and closed the hatch. I looked around me. It was dark but I could see that we had just emerged from a mountain. I breathed in the fresh air I had longed for. 

"I'm really sorry to ruin your 'back to nature' moment, but we have to run!" she said serious. I prepared myself to run until I was back home. I gathered all the powers I had left and followed Novah into the woods. I didn't know where to run, but it looked like she had a clue so I didn't hasitate to follow her. 

"Waitwaitwait!" I said after we'd run a while. "We can't go back to camp! They'll just follow us! I can't put my people in danger like that!" I panicked. Where would we go now?

"Don't worry! They won't bother going all the way to your camp again, which is why we need a head start. If your long gone, they'll let you go!" she reassured. 

"Why?" I asked confused. 

"Because they were going to kill you off anyway...besides your camp is a two-tree days trip, which is strength they would rather save! Trust me." she stated truthfully. How come she was nothing like her people?

"How long have I been here?" I asked, suddently wondering if it only felt like a few days or if it had actually been more than that. 

She thought about it for a second. "Close to 3 weeks" she concluded.

"WHAT?" how is that possible? I thought to myself. Sure I knew that I'd been there for days, but it's hard keeping track when theres no difference between night and day.  Novah started running again and I needed to sprint to keep up with her. When we had been running for a long time she started slowing down, and look for a place to sleep for the night. We settle down in a small cave, which was big enough to shelter the two of us. 

"We should probably get some sleep! We have a long way to go.." She said.

"Why did you come with me?" I asked, suddently curious why she would leave her own for me. When she didn't answere, I continued.

"I mean, you could've just opened the hatch and told me where to go.." she turned to face me. "Don't get me wrong! I'm really grateful! I just wondered why you would leave your family."

She looked away from me again and just stared at nothing. She was really pretty, I realised. She had long blond hair and a beautiful sunbrown skin tone. 

"It's complicated." she answered without turning to face me. I nooded and turned my face upwards, closing my eyes. Then another thought came to mind.

"Why did they want me?" I asked. "When they walked into camp they wanted me spesifically. Why?"

"Easy! You're a leader which make you stronger and more knowledged than the others." she answered. I guess it made sense, but it wasn't true. 

After a few minutes of complete silence and as I thought she was sleeping, she asks;

"When I walked into your cell you kept saying 'If you die, I die'" she paused, turning her head towards me. "Is that some kind of law you guys have? You all die together?" she asked quietly. I turned my head to face hers and we looked straight at each other. It made me smile that she thought we had a death law. 

"No, it's not" I said, as I let out a short giggle. "It's more of a...fact I declared to someone, as wierd as it sounds." 

 "You love this 'someone'?" she asked like a curious kid. Talking about Bellamy made my eyes tear up and I got a lumb in my throat so I just nodded. I missed him so much. I missed his voice always making sure I was okay. I miss his hands always steadying me. I miss how whole he made me feel.  She smiled compassionatly at me and closed her eyes. I'm thankful that she understood when not to ask more questions. I thought of Bellamy and closed my eyes, hoping my dream would let me see him tonight.


So, I'm trying to make the story whole and answere alot of questions in this chapter that may have helped you understand alittle bit better! I am prepearing myself to write the reunion! I am a hundred percent sure that I will be emotionally damaged after this! My heart is aching with feelings and my brain is exploding with ideas. I don't know which one to choose! If you have any suggestions, please share! :D

Hope you liked todays update! I love you guys and thank you soooo much for reading my story! 


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