Part 3

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I felt two strong hands wrapped around my waist and a solid, hard chest that my head leaned against. I knew I was crying. Not only by the tears streaming down my face but because Bellamy was whispering soothing sounds in my ear, like; It's okay, I got you, or just a simple Shhh, aweare that his lips were tuching my ear gently. I knew that I let Bellamy see a side of me that I normally would refuse that I even had, but I knew deep inside of me that he would never tell anyone or even think about using it against me. I knew this because I've seen his side to. When he couldn't kill Atom in the woods, although he was in alot of pain, he did not manage to kill of his best friend. I respect him for that. I respect him, period. I always have.

I had stopped crying and Bellamy had stopped the whispering and was now simply just holding me together. We probably looked like two idiot sitting here like statues but he gave me the time to heal that no one else ever did and he understood. Now, the darkness was right at the egde of the last sunrays, and it was warm and cold at the same time. Maybe because Bellamy was really warm and the air was really cold but I liked the mix. But I knew it couldn't last forever. I would have to get up, turn around and face reality.

"Princess..." Bellamy whispered carefully, probably wondering what he should say as a follow up.

"I know," I replied. We both got up and I turned around slowly to look at him. I know that this shouldn't be the first thing I noticed about him but his lips were dry and it looked sorely. His eyes looked tired and he had some leaves in his hair that I couldn't resist the urge to take them away. He looked really suprised when I steped so close to him, leaving just inches between us. I looked into those beautiful eyes of his before reaching to the leaves stuck in his hair and I realized that I had never really seen his eyes before. I've always been so focused on not breaking eye contact that I forgot they had a beautiful color and shined like stars. He looked at me while I removed the leaves, not leaving my eyes for one second.


This was my shot. This moment now. As Clarke's fingers twined in my hair to remove the leaves I took her face in my hands gently, making her movement stop. She looked at me with such intensety and wonder. Before she got a chance to ask me what the hell I was doing I moved my lips towards hers, stopping right before they tuched, daring her to close the deal. She hasitated a second before she met my lips with everything she got. My hands moved to her waist and I pulled her as close as she could possibly get and her hands were running wild in my hair. I kissed her neck and she moaned pleased. I looked at her and smiled.

"What?", she asked, with a shy smile.

Before I got to answere her, somebody jumped me from behind and the last thing I remember before everyting went black, is Clarke begging someone not to hurt me.

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