Part 42

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At school on the ark we learned about marriage and how they used to do it on earth 100 years ago. Some say it was a beautiful thing, a way of expressing themselves and the love they share by making the day exactly like you wanted it. Others say it was a waist of money and time. A celebration didn't make them more married. On the ark, marrige was different. The typical tradition was were you find the person you want to spend your life with and then you give him/her something of yours, something that means alot to you, something they can bear, to signalize that they belong to you. Then the board filed you as husband and wife. It sound really boring, I know, but there was something about it that made sense. Like you gave a part of yourself to the person you loved the most. We hadn't figured out this whole marrige thing yet, and sense we were the first people to get married on earth since the neclear apocalypse, we figured we should start our own tradition and do it our way. So I guess it was safe to say that we had absolutely nothing ready yet. But we had time, and there was no rush.

Bellamy and I decided not to tell anyone. Not yet, anyways. Althought I'm sure people noticed the change in the atmosphere between us. The glances we shared and the disapperings of us both. Then, before they knew it, we were back, doing our jobs like we'd been there all along. We still didn't lose the control though. People listen and didn't dare question us.

One time, this guy named Hector, asked Bellamy why he didn't just get rid of me already, considering he thought I was unessisary to the camp and a burden for the leadership. Let me just say, that he'll regret that question for a long time. His jaw made a cracking sound and he winched in pain as Bellamy's fist flew through the air. People glared with wide eyes and suddently started working faster and more effectivly than ever. Ironic how I endes up being the one holding a cold cloth against Hectors jaw, because, you know, it was my "unessisary" job.

I was in the water tent when Octavia suddently walked in, with a plesant grin on her face.

"So," she started, looking at me like she knew all my secrets. "You worked it out?"

She didn't need me to answere because she already knew we had when she caught me leaving Bellamy's tent last night. She had the habit of going to bed really late. Maybe ever last. I dont know why, she just keeps saying she likes the dark better then the light. Whatever that means.

"Yep" I said, as I felt my blush tensify for every second passing.

"Am I good or AM I GOOD?" she said, taking all the credit for us being back on track. I rolled my eyes and laughed truly happily. Because I really was. Happy, I mean.

"I believe you are the only person he has really, truely loved, besides me and mom" she said, with a smile.

"Thank you, Octavia, for pointing that out. I'm sure it means way more too Clarke when it comes from you instead of me." Bellamy said from the tent opening. Octavia had a horrified look on her face. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth shut closed. I heard her swear under her breath. "shit"

I couldn't help smiling as I tried to suppress a laugh. Key word; tried. Bellamy stared angrily at Octavia and she murmured a quiet "sorry" before she passed him and left the tent. I swifted my eyes towards Bellamy, my smile not fading the slightest as they met his. The quiet opposite actually. It only grew wider and he couldn't help smiling back at me. He closed the tent opening after he steped fully inside.

"Hello Princess"

"Hi" I said, almost like a whisper, feeling out of breath by the sight of him.

"I missed you" he said as he walked closer, piercing is eyes in mine, looking through them and into my soul. I swear to god, he really did. I was actually scared of the fact that he could see so much of me, without me even showing anything. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you talking about? You saw me last night!" I said, smiling foolishly at him.

"To long ago," he stated, smiling widely back at me, as he grabbed my waist, pulling me close. It sent shivers down my spine. I loved it. He made me feel so alive. I threw my hands around his neck pulling him down as I reached up on my tiptoes. I met his lips gently at first then I dared him to go harder by pulling his lower lip with both of mine. I didn't have to ask twice. We made out, tougher and more passionatly than by the river. Lips crashing. Hands running. Breath taking. We rubbed our bodys against each other, making both of us crazy.

"We cant do this here" I whispered against his lips, as I realized anyone could walk in any minute.

"You deside to tell me that now?" he said, humoristic through gritted teeth as he made a big point of rubbing his pants covered erection against me.

"Ah, shit! I definitly just walked into the wrong tent" someone suddently said amused from the tent opening.

Just our luck.

Soooo, I know it's been a long time, but I've had alot going on and I just hope you can understand that we all have our "off" moments. But I'm BACK! And I know it's not the chapter you've waited for but I still hope it's entertaining and that you like it! I am so thankful for 15k reads, 800 votes and 200 comments!! You have no idea how much it means!! It's crazy!! I love you!

Also, make sure to check out my other story "Denouement"!! I would love some feedback! Posting a new chapter tomorrow!

So keep reading, voting, commenting! nothing makes me happier!


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