Part 39

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I hadn't seen Bellamy alone in over a week. He had tried to get me alone, but the truth was that I didn't want to. Not yet, anyways. I wanted him to sweat for a while. I was still mad at him for just dragging me along with his idiot plans without consulting me first. I had the right to know everything that included me. That's the way it was and he had absolutly no respect for that. He had sent Octavia for me sometimes, so she could bring me to where he was, but I didn't want to follow her, and to be honest, I think she had more respect for me than her brother. The only times we really spoke, was when we had to in front of the 100, stepping up as leaders, not showing any sign of weakness or affection for each other. Giving cold stares and snarky comments towards each other. We gave orders and people listened and did as they were told. And it seemed to make people both scared and satisfied that the atmosphere between us had changed. Most of the girls, though, was trilled now that Bellamy was now, again, on the 'market'. Not that he really was. They acted like he was the last piece of meat left and they were racing to get there first. Whenever they gave him sexy looks or touched him in a way they shouldn't, I felt a bang of jealousy and anger, but I covered it up. Like I was told to do.

We had decided to take the night off and have a celebration, since it's had been so peaceful around here lately. Everybody was hovering over Monty's moonshine and had more than one drink. I sat down on a log by the fire while watching the sunset, with a cup in my hand. Then somebody threw themself down next to me. It was a guy named Collin. I didn't really know the guy, except he was put in confinement for selling his rations for money. BIG crime. Ridicoulus. 

"Hello, Princess!" he said cheerfully as he handed me another drink.

"Hi Collin" I said a bit uncertain what he wanted. 

"Hey, you know my name!" he said, with a bright smile on his face, like he was spesial to me. 

"I know alot of peoples names" I said, giving him no sign of emotion towards him.

"Auch!" he said as he put his hand to his heart. "That was cold"

I let out a given laughter. "That's me"

"No, that's Bellamy. You're suppose to be the good one, remember?" he said, clearly alittle bit tipsy.

I gave him a look that said really? And he laughed as if I just did something hilarious.

"Let's play a drinking gave!" he said optimistically, ready to have fun.

"I dont think so.."

"Don't be so upthight Princess! It's not attractive"

"Good thing I'm not trying to be attractive then" I snapped back at him, with an amousing smile. 

"You're not doing a very good job, you know"

"What?" I asked confused, hoping he didn't mean as a leader.

"You said you weren't trying to be attractive... I would say you're doing a terrible job actually, considering I definitely feel attracted to you, boss" he declared.

I started laughing like he just said something risible and blushed lightly. Not only by the fact that he found me attractive but that he considered me as his boss. I know I shouldn't have but his words smitten me and I couldn't help it. He wasn't really unattractive himself, with the blond, autumn leaf colored hair and the bright white smile of his. 

"Oh my god, you are so cheesy" I smirked.

"Just sayin'! You're definitely bangable!" he said as he finished his drink in one large chug.

"Wow, thanks" I said sarcastically, as I put my cup to my mouth.

"You know, I dont really believe Bellamy wants kill you" he said as he moved closed to me on the log. I started choking on the moonshine I just drank and coughed uncontrollably as I spit the liquid out of my mouth. 

"Oh, really?" I asked sarcastically, trying to hide that I felt a flicker of worry and surprise cross my mind as I realized that maybe we weren't convincing enough. "and why is that?" I said, with a smirk that I hoped would cover up my fear. He moved his mouth to my ear and brushed it with his lips as he spoke.

"Because he's been staring at us since I sat down, giving me a death stare. Something tells me he wants me to back off." he whispered, making me turn around and meet Bellamy's eyes. He quickly turned away, tried to look busy, but ended up stumbling into a girl who then spilled her drink on another guy, who yelled "what the fuck?!" It was a mess and Bellamy looked so startled, it was very entertaining. For everyone who wasn't involved of course. He then turned to leave.

I couldn't help laughing and I lightly pushed Collin in the chest so he wasn't so close anymore.  

"What?! I'm serious!" he said, smiling. "I feel like if I continue sitting here, there will be a fist attached to my face soon enough!" he continued, while pretending to look for Bellamy's fist around us. 

Right then, Octavia came running up to me, trying to cover up her worry with a fake smile. 

"Clarke, would you mind coming with me for a second?" she said as she tapped her foot repeatedly.

"Is everything okay?" Collin asked before I even had time to open my mouth. 

"Yeah, it's just...somebody fell on a rock as they had to much to drink, nothing big. Eeh, just need to borrow the doctor" she answered as she took my arm and pulled me with her. I stumbled after her as she dragged me further away from people, and all the way to the gate, where there were nobody.

"Octavia, there's nobody here!" I said, as she let go of my arm. 

"Okay, so no one's hurt! This is about Bellamy."

I turned around to leave, but she grabbed my wrist.

"Just hear me out, Clarke!" she begged lightly. I stopped and turned around.

"I'm not going to make excuses for my brother, okay? He's a douchbag 95% of the time! I get it, you're mad! But,-" 

"But what?!" I cut her off. 

"BUT GET OVER IT ALREADY! We all make mistakes! We're fucking human! Mistakes are in the description, god dammit!" she looked just as surprised as me. I didn't want ot admit it, but she had a point. 

"Where is he?" I asked her, finally giving in. 

"eehh, he..left to wash up" she hasitated, still surprised she had yelled at me. I shook my head as I walked out the gate making sure I had a knife in my belt. 

"The river it is then!" I said with fake enthusiasm. 


So what do you thing? Any thoughts on Collin? Or what you think will happen in Part 40? There will definitely be some BELLARKE in there! 

Thanks for reading, and remember to vote and comment! I love to read your comments! 

PS! I imagined Alex Pettyfer playing Collin, if you ever wondered what he would look like if he was actually a character ;)


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