Part 9

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It's funny how, when you're so close to death, thats when you realize and now understand how tiny and insignificant your life is in this world. You're like a piece the puzzel didn't need. I could feel the infection slowly moving further up my body and making me weaker. I sweated my t-shirt all wet and my hair stuck to my forhead. And even though there was nothing I wanted more then to close my eyes, I didn't. I followed orders, when the leader was strong enough, and Clarke definitely was.


As soon as I reached the river I realized that I forgot what had happened there only one day before. Millers body was gone, obviously, but his blood wasn't. It had dried over the stones and rocks, making me feel uneasy and strained. I needed to leave quickly so I walked out in the river, the water reaching my thighs and grabbed a handful of seaweed. 

When I got back to the hidden safehouse, climbing through the hatch, I found Bellamy the exact way I had left him. Sick and dying. 

"Well, hey there..." he said weakly, trying his best to sound okey. For me. He knew I was this close to breaking and he was trying to prevent it. 

I looked at him and smiled. At least, I tried to. I couldn't relax or say anything before the medicin was inside the wound, doing it's job. 

I prepared the seaweed and laid it upom his injury. I cut of a strip of my sweather, and tied it around the wound. It looked better, mostly because I could no longer see it trough the 'bandage'. 

"Not bad, Princess." Bellamy said, looking impressed.  "I feel better already!"

"Stop lying! You still look like shit" I told him, with a silly smirk on my face. I could finally relax, cause truth was, he did look better. His natrual skin color had returned and I sighed with relief.

He laughed, and the beautiful sound filled my ears like angels singing. 

"Seriously though, I feel better! Tired like hell, but better." He smiled at me, full of graditude. It was a beautiful smile. 

"You look better," I assured him, looking away, wanting to talk about something else than how good he looked.

"Better than usual?" He asked, his voice filled with selfesteem and challenge.

I just smiled at him, not knowing what to say.

I may have kissed Bellamy, but I have never talked to him like this. Like...feelings and emotions and stuff that brought out the playful side of me. As I think of the kiss we had, I yearned for his lips on mine and I think he could tell, because I was staring at them.

He snaped his fingers, pulling me out of my thoughts and into focus. 

"Something you want to relive, Princess?" He asked me cocky, one eyebrow raised.

I would not give him the satisfaction to let him think he had any effect on me. Two people can play this game. 

"There is actually," I started, moving my face slowly towards his. "Do you think you could help me with that?" 

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