Part 34

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We had been walking for two days and to be honest I had no powers left. I felt like sinking to the ground and close my eyes. But the hope of seeing Bellamy again kept me going. He gave me power when mine failed. We had mostly walking in silence, besides the times she wanted to know more about us and where we came from. I told her we came from the ark and about our community. She listened closely the whole time, with wide eyes. Then when she ran out of question, we continued walking in silence.

"Are we close?" I asked as she stoped to look around. 

"Actually, yes we are. One hour tops" She said, with a small smile. I smiled back at her, ready to come home. 

"Let's go then!!" I said cheerfully. She stoped me and looked away. 

"There's something I've been wanting to ask you.." She started before she met my gaze. 

"Yeah..?" I said uncertain about what she would want. 

"Do you think it would," she looked down at her feet and kicked some dirt away. In this situation she looked like her age said. 16 years old. Insecure and modest, still beautiful. 

"Would it- would," She had trouble saying it and the words just got stuck in the her throat. I soothed her shoulder and said gently "What is it?"

"Would it be okay if I stayed? With you guys, I mean.."she said bashfully. 

"You kidding me?! Of course! I was already counting on it!" I said as I grinned at her. She smiled widely back and started walking. Walking towards home. Our home.


My leg was better, but it still hurt and was wrapped in bandage. It had been tree weeks since everything happened and I was going out of my mind. Octavia had guards at every exit, ordering them not to let me out. She knew I would try. And I had tried, but I couldn't take two guys on my own, with a broken leg. So I spent my days in the dropship, looking at everything that Clarke had touched and pretended she was here with me. I saw her as she worked focused on the hurt. I saw her as she organized the supplies. I saw her as I kissed her against the wall. I saw her at she saved me from dying. I saw her everywhere. The pain in my chest never reduced, it only grew.  I just wanted to rip my heart out. I knew I loved Clarke, but I never knew I needed her to even function. I was completely useless without her. I was nothing. Looking at her stuff made me feel despondent. And all of a sudden, I was flinging it all on the floor. I hurled her small working chair in the wall and the metal made an ear-splitting sound as it broke. I overturned the metal table and it slammed agaist the wall before it hit the floor upside down. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU??" I yelled to nobody, my voice cracking at the end. "I need you baby, where are you, I need you come back to me" I whispered begging. 

Some people had gathered in the opening and was looking at everything with wide eyes. Octavia came rushing through the crowd and made her way towards me. 

"Bellamy?! What the hell are you doing?" She asked apprehensively. The room was a mess and everything was thrown to the ground. I drew my hair backwards as I breathed heavily. What had I done?!  I looked to the ground and mumbled "I, um, I'm," then I met her stare and her eyes were filled with pitty and understanding.

"Excuse me" I said silently as I limbed past her and the others who had gathered. When I got outside, I saw the sun were starting to disappear behind the horizon.

Then, in that exact moment came the search party entering through the gate, with nothing. No Clarke. The guy in the front, shook his head apologizing at me and walked over to the water tent. 

I sat down with my back to the dropship with tearful eyes and a voice that kept mumbling "no, no, no". After a minute Octavia joined me. 

She didn't say anything. She just took my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder, as I felt my tears escaping my eyes quietly. I knew she couldn't really feel the pain like I did, but she eased it with her presence. I closed my eyes and kept them shut. Suddently her head removed from my shoulder and she stood up, slowly walking a few steps forward. She had her eyes fixated on something but I couldn't spot it. Soon I noticed other people had stoped staring as well. Then they stared at me. I was one my feet as fast as possible when I saw that they weren't staring at something...but...someone. I walked up to the front. We all stood there like statues, staring at Clarke's ghost. Except she was real. She looked skinny and pale, with bruises and cuts, and I felt an anger blossoming up inside me. Her mouth was formed as if she was surprised to see us here. She stood at the open gate with another girl by her side. Nobody moved, scared that they would ruin what felt like a dream. There was this amazing moment of complete silence before I started walking towards her as fast as I could. No pain I felt in my leg could messure to the happiness I felt when I saw her. She started running and met me halfway. She threw herself in my arms and we crashed into each other, scared of not getting close enough, my arms wrapped around her as I spun her around in disbelief. I held her in my arms for what felt like forever and she burried her face in my chest. We were clenched to one another. She was crying (of happiness) so I brushed her tears lightly away as we stood there in front of everybody. 

"Princess" I whispered against her head unable to believe she was really here. I cuped her face and examined cuts and bruises. She had been through hell, and I felt every pain she had been through like a punch in my heart. She touched my face gently, like she was memorizing it, and smiled widely. Her lips slowly met mine, and we took our time appreciating that we found back to each other. We melted into each other and lost our self in the kiss, which was heartfelt, passionate and vehement. I didn't just feel it on my lips, but also in my soul. She healed me. When we broke apart, Octavia came up, hugging Clarke thightly, followed by many others. I never let go of her hand. She was bound to me, and I would never let her out of my sight. I could never lose her again. I grabbed her waist again and pulled her towards me and kissed her sweetly. "I love you" I whispered in her ear. "I lost my mind without you! Don't ever leave me" I whisper without pauses. Then I met her lips again and joy overfilled me completely. 

SO THERE IT IS YOU GUYS! I seriously hope it's something like you imagined or that you're atleast happy with it! I was so nervous, because I had two options and I had no idea which one to choose so I just went with my gut! 

So now that she's back to camp, I will have more bellarke moment for sure and make some more funny moments in between! I want to kind of like give them a break from all the serious stuff :P What do you think? 


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