Part 15

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It had been a few days since we got back. Things were starting to get back to normal. People did their jobs, not asking to many questions about our little trip. And thank god for that, cause I would probably just blurt out everything, which would be bad. I wonder how people would react to it. If they knew about me and Clarke, I mean. Spacewalker would freak, that's for sure. I would love to see that.

Then there was Clarke. She had totally blocked me out since we spoke in her tent, the night we got back. Now, she only spoke to me when needed. I didn't understand why. Maybe because she still hated me for what I said or maybe she just needed space and time. She knew that I didn't mean what I said, but that doesn't make up for the fact that I said it. Maybe she stayed away because I told her we couldn't be together anyways. Either way, it was for the best. I hoped. Not that I believed that... I still looked after her. Everyday. Making sure she was okay, and out of danger.

"Hey, Clarke!" I said a little to optimistic and unnatrual, when I walked into the dropship. Her face looked up for two seconds before she got back to fixing a cut on a boys arm.

"Hey" she said casual.

"Need any help with that?" I pointed at the boys arm.

She looked up at me with raised eyebrows, probably wondering what the hell I wanted. Which made me wonder. What did I come for really? she obviously didn't need help. She was wrapping the boy's hand in bandage, which meant she was nearly done. She clapped the boy on his shoulder as he jumped down from the metal table. Before he left, he yelled "Thanks Clarke!" Then he closed the 'door' behind him, and he was gone.

She started cleaning and there was a wierd barrier between us that I was set to break down.

"So..." I started, having no idea what to say next. She looked up at me, with a look of patience.

"Was there something you needed?" She asked.

"What's going on between us, Clarke? We don't collaborate anymore! You can barely fucking look at me! And I need you to look at me...please just, look at me.."

Her eyes looked up from the table, where she was cleaning something up.

"I look at you, Bell! Every damn day! And it hurts like shit! All I want to do is be near you! And I can't because you're the asshole who told me to stay away! so what more do you want from me?"

"Really?! You choose to listen to me NOW?!"

"What was I suppose to do? Be one of the girls who hang around your neck until you finally give in?" She looked at me uneffected, although I knew she wasn't. She just did hell of a job covering it. I move over to where she was standing, facing her with a look of something mixed of confusion and lust. She licked her lips, moving her face to look in the ground.

"I want you." I whisperd against the top of her head. She lifted her head up, looking me in the eye, stoping everything else that happend around us. All I saw was her. I put my hands on her waist, then pulled her up so she sat on the metal table where she usually healed people. She wrapped her legs around, right above my ass.

"We shouldn't do this..." she sighed.

"Who gives a crap about what we shouldn't do, Princess!"

"You are really irresponsible!" she confirmed.

"You are really stubborn!" I teased her back.

"You are really,"

"Hot? Irresistable? Perfect?" I suggested.

"Conceited" She finished. I couldn't help smiling.

"Oh, really?" I challenged her. "So you don't like this then?" I asked as I put my lips on her neck. 

She let out a single moan, but it was loud enough for me to hear it. As I met her eyes again, she still tried to look controlled. 

"Not at all" she replied, although she knew she made a slip and that I heard it. 

"Then this shouldn't effect you either, then?" I said as I leaned her back towards the table and laid half of my bodyweight on top of her, my feet still stuck to the floor. I kissed her neck and  followed her curved with my hands. Then I moved my mouth up to her face and stoped right before it touched her lips. 

"Not at all..." she moaned in pleasure.

"You're a terrible liar, Princess."

"Shut up" she stated, then I fiercly met her lips and the world stoped. It was powerful, passionate, and addicting. I couldn't get enough of her. Our lips moved perfectly together, our moands mixing with each other. I riped off her shirt in smooth movements. Our hands ran wild, hers tangled in my her, mine never leaving her body. Her hands moved to my belt and started to unbuckle when there was a wierd sound behind us. It sounded like a loud cough. Clarke sat up and we both turned around. In the door opening stood Octavia, looking at us with a smirk glued to her face.

"You guys busy?" she asked ironic, still a smirk on her face.

I quickly turned to Clarke.

"No Clarke, your boobs look even if you ask me." I said, with a serious look, trying to find a lie that suited the scenario. 

"Seriously? That's all you got?!" she replied, hitting my arm. She jumped down from the table and put on her shirt. Then she walked over to Octavia. "He's all yours!" She winked at me and left me here to deal with this on my own. Damn you, Princess. 

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