Part 22

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We walked towards the open gates. when we walked through them, people stoped and stared. They never in a million years thought we would make it back alive, probably thanks to Finn. They were even more surprised to see Bellamy. He walked in with his head held high, looking like he hadn't been through hell, but hell had been through him. In other words, fierce, strong, powerfull and uneffected. He looked like a leader. I walked beside him through the crowd. People gazed and stood there with open mouths as we walked passed them towards the main square. Finn stood by the fire, and he was obsiously the leader while we were gone. We walked pass him to, not even glanzing at him for a moment. We reached the drop ship, the place where bellamy and I had fun, just a couple of days ago. Everything seemed different now. More serious. More dangerous. More real. And to be honest it freaked me out. We walked inside the dropship to get som peace and quiet just for a while. When we were inside I gazed over at Bellamy, but the sight shocked me. His hands were pressed against his temples, his eyes shut, and his face were wrinkled, like he was in serious pain.

"hey hey! Bellamy! What's going on?" I said worried. Then suddently he removed his hands and straightend up slowly and shaky.

"Was I seriously the only one who heard that?!" He asked, totally freaked out. His eyes were running wild and he seemed so confused.

"Heard what?" Octavia asked. Luckily the dropship was empty and nobody followed us inside.

"Are you fucking serious?! How is that even possible? Am I going crazy? Clarke, isthereansignofmegoingcrazytoyou?" He rambled.

Octavia and I looked at each other bemused. What the hell was going on?

"Okay, Bell, listen to me! Breath properly and talk slower." I said professional, using my healer instinct.

"I heard this loud beeping sound. It was like 8 or maybe 9 long beeps then it went quiet. Are you sure you didn't hear anything? It was shitty loud.." he asked, begging for somebody else to have heard it, so he didn't sound so crazy.

"It's okay," I started as I took his hand in mine. "You're probably just exhausted and tired. You should go get some sleep"

He calmed his breathing but he was still freaked out, his body still tense after the shook. He nodded and agreed to some sleep. But before we had the chance to leave, Finn barged into the dropship.

"I'm really sorry, Clarke." He said, with disbelief in his look. I looked away from him. "People are starting to panic. Not to be rude, but you guys look like shit. Would you mind talking to them?" He mostly looked at Bellamy.

"Not tonight" Bellamy had had enough for one day. He took my hand, heading for the door. Finn stepped in front of him. Bad move.

"Let me get one thing straight, Spacewalker! You're no leader, nor will you ever be one. That's why people are freaking out. They don't listen to you. Your voice isn't powerfull enough to make them feel like you got things under control. Now, get out of my way." Bellamys voice had made a full recovery. Finns eyes shifted to me. I raised my eyebrows and he moved, which was probably the smartest thing he had ever done. As we walked pass him, he whispered "I really thought he was dead, Clarke". 

Bellamy and I walked hand in hand out in the opening, standing infront of a crowd, who was out of control.

"Hey!" Bellamy started. "Calm down! Get it together! There is things out there that we don't know about, but inside these walls, we're safe! Now I suggest you either do something productive or go to sleep. We'll have a gathering tomorrow." 

I can't explaine why people listened to him, but they did. His voice were steady and his words meant something. People gave him small "welcome back"s and "nice to see you"s as he walked by them, but he never let go of my hand. He led me into his tent, which was untouched since he'd left. People respected him to much. I closed the doorway. He took of his jacket and then he's t-shirt. He turned to me, smiling when he found me staring. He went for my mouth. Almost attacking it with his own. His hands smoothed themselves over my ass as he pulled me as close as possible. He started to kiss my neck, Oh, it felt amazing, I couldn't help throwing my head backwards, but..

"Is this really the time? I think you should sleep." I insisted, thinking about his break down. 

"Who needs sleep? All I need is you, Princess"

"Bellamy..." I know it sounded weak, but his lips kind of had that effect on me. He continued to kiss me as he started taking of my jacket.

"Bellamy, stop.." I whispered against him. But he didn't listen.

"Bellamy!" I finally got out.

"What, Clarke?! You changed your mind? You don't want to be with me anymore now that I'm hearing things and losing my mind?!"

"No! what..?"

"I'm not tried, Clarke! I...I'm.. I'm not crazy either" he studdered. He started pacing back and forth. I grabbed his hand.

"Heyheyhey, look at me! I believe you! But you got to get your shit together, just like you told them." I said as I pointed towards the door, meaning the crowd he had just spoken to. I took his face in my hands, forcing him to look at me.

"Get. It. Together." I said as our foreheads touched.

"They did this to me" he said as he turned his head away from me. Then after a moment of silence "I think you should go, Clarke."

"What? No! Don't you dare push me away, Bell! Not after everything we've been through"

He didn't look at me, just pressed his lips together in a thin line.

"Just go...I need some sleep anyways"

I couldn't believe it. 

"One second ago, you were ready to tear my clothes off!" I frustratedly pointed out, looking at him in astonishment.

"You said it yourself, Princess. I need sleep." He put his mask on. The one that said 'I don't really care about anything or anyone'. I loathed that look. 

"Right... I guess I'll see you whenever it's convenient for you then?" I said sarcastically. I know it wasn't fair towards him, considering what he had been through, but I detested it when he pushed me away all the time. I just wanted him to realize that I'm not just some thing he could get rid of whenever things started to get complicated or difficult. 

"Yeah" he answered, still not meeting my gaze. I went for the door. Before I opened it, I turned.

"It's like you don't get it. I'm here to stay. No matter how hard or tough things get. So stop pushing me away. That would make things alot easier." 

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