Part 37

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"You can't tell her in front of everybody without warning her, Bell!" Octavia whispered hysterical at me. "What kind of horrible person are you?!" her arms moved wildly in the air to signalize that I was a dumbass. 

"We need her reaction! It has to be real!" I whispered back. "It'll make is so much more believable!"

"Of course it will, because Clarke'll believe it! I want you to go through with this plan, but she needs to be on board. She deserves that much" she said, looking at me with a firm look, determined and righteous. I turned to leave.

"Bell!" she said loud behind me, as I left. And suddenly she was right beside me again. She grabbed my wrist, forcing me to look at her. She stared into my eyes for a second before they shifted focus on something that was behind me. "Omg," she started, and it made me turn around, scared of what I would find when I did. But I saw nothing. I tried looking closer, but there was absolutly nothing there. I turned back to face her, but she was gone. I seached for her and saw she was running to the dropship, where Clarke was. Oh, hell no!! I thought as I started running after her.  She was going to ruin everything!


After my teaching session, I left directly for the food station. I was starving. Lately we had had a good hunting period, caught a few deers, rabbits and some birds. Pluss we had an overload of berries, so we we're currently well-fed. I grabbed a piece of meat and walked back to the dropship to eat my food alone. It was empty and the silence felt good. I always found peace in silence. Not that there was much of that around. I couldn't even finish that thought before Octavia peeked inside, her head through the parachutes. Her eyes flushed with relief as she saw me. She ran over to me and grabbed my wrists thight as she panted, exhausted.

"Clarke!" she whispered loudly. 

"What? what is it?! Is somebody hurt?" I asked paniced, ready to run and help. 

"No, no, no, but-" she started before she was cut off by Bellamy as he entered the dropship, sweath and out of breath.

"What's going on in here?" he asked suspiciously, giving Octavia thight, hard, warning looks. What was going on?! I thought to myself, staring unknowing at them both. 

"-nothing" Octavia said with a nervous smile. "Just..eating" she said as she pointed at my meat. Why were they acting so wierd?


"Would you mind leaving me alone with Clarke for a minute" I asked with a smile I faked so Clarke wouldn't know how pissed I was at Octavia. She had no right messing up my plans. 

"Actually, I do..." she said, acting guilty and remoursful. With a sad smile in her face she contined "I need Clarke's help. Medically" she shifted her eyes towards Clarke. "Would you mind?" She asked sugarsweet. 

"No of course not!" Clarke answered, smiling happily at her and then at me. "Can we talk later?" she asked me.

"eeh, Clarke, it's really important." I said with a concerned voice, meeting her gaze with sad eyes. I could feel Octavia's eyes scowling at me. She gave me a warning look. but I had already made up my mind. She, on the other hand, had plans on ruining everything, which is exactly what she did. 

"Bellamy here" she said before Clarke had the chance to open her mouth, gesticulating her hand in my direction, "is going to fake break up with you in front of everybody, without telling you...thank god for me thought, right?!" she finished. Damn it! Damn you, Octavia! Clarke looked paralyzed. I swear to god, nothing located on her body moved at all. 

"Clarke, I can explain! It's not like that! People are starting some sort of secret rebellion out there, ready to take us down at any moment because they think us being, you know, a sign of weakness. We just need to regain control again!" She turned to look at me while I said it. She stood up and walked towards me. She stopped when she was standing right in front of me. Suddenly, before I had a chance to react, she lifted her hand and slapped me across my face. Shit, the girl can hit. 

"That's my cue to go" Octavia said as she rushed out of the dropship. 


"SERIOUSLY? Without telling me?" she yelled. 

"I just needed it to be convincing! And truth is, I've never seen your acting skills! You know, we don't do alot of foreplay." I answered, half kidding. Truth really was that I wasn't afraid of her acting skills, but that if she knew about it, she wouldn't go through with it or using all her time finding another solution, until it was already to late for one of us, if not both. People here are real criminals. Some very ruthless.

"That's your excuse for almost humiliating me in front of everybody? Foreplay? REALLY?!" 

"I'm sorry, Princess, but we have to do this! Just until we got people on our side again!" I reassured her. She went silent for a moment before she bursted out in anger. 

"YOU LYING SON OF A BITCH! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?" she yelled, louder than nessisary. I looked at her with confusion. 

"WHAT? YOU THINK THAT EVERYTHING WILL JUST MAGICALLY COME TO YOU? GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING WORTH A SHIT!!" she continued yelling as she pushed my chest with both of her palms, causing me to stumble backwards, closer to the exit. Which is exactly what she wanted. 

"what are you waiting for?" she whispered challenging never leaving my eyes, clearly still pissed and a hint of hurt as well. "Let's make a scene" 

PART 37!!! Can't believe it!! I am so thankful to all my readers! You are amazing! Hope you enjoyed this update! 


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