Part 47

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OKAY, so this chapter contains some sexual content, so if you're not into reading that stuff or if you're not old enough , I suggest you just skip that part ;)) Enjoy! 


It had been two weeks. Two weeks since I had talked to her. Two weeks since I had touched her. Two weeks since I had had anything to do with her. I looked after her though. In the corner of my eye. But we never had eye contact and I knew it was for the best. This way, I can focus on helping people, giving orders, supporting and protecting my sister, even though I mostly just pissed her off. She told me i'm an idiot daily and I just kept telling her to mind her own buisness and she flipped me off. I hated this pregnancy thing.First of all, she was nowhere near ready to be a mother! Second of all, she didn't need any more hormones then she had already got. She was moody enough as it was. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked her carefully and calm.

"You mean the fact that I have a fucking baby growing inside of me or that you won't let me see the man I love?" she sarcastically replied. I rolled my eyes. She's so god damn difficult. I just asked her a simple question. 

"So, when are you planning on telling goggles about your love child?" I asked my overly hormonal sister.

"Fuck off" she flipped her finger at me.

"Just sayin' he will find out eventually! Oh wait! How about we bring Lincoln in so he could tell him?" I said dumbfoundedly.

"Okay, and then you can explain to Clarke that you broke up with her because of your brain damage!" She fired back. "You know...the one that makes you dumber for every second you live" she bitchy smirked at me.

"I heard Collin wants her" she tried to get under my skin by using the Clarke card.

"I'm sure he does" I dryly replied, although the truth was that it really bugged me. 

"And with you out of the picture, I guess nothings really stoping him" she told me, still a fake smile on her face.

"Guess not!" I said with a fake cheerfulness.

"I bet he's in her tent right now, probably laying next to her," she kept her evilish eyes on me. "Touching her, feeling her, kissing her" she continued.

The picture of someone else touching Clarke made me sick and I tried to hide it but I'm sure Octavia could see it through my horrible cover up. I stayed quiet, while looking away. A picture of Collin or Finn or even any other guy with Clarke, crossed my mind and I wanted to punch them so bad. But that's none of your buisness, a voice in my head reminded me.

"She's probably moaning his name right now" Octavia continued.

"God, stop it!" I yelled, before I could stop myself. The sound of Clarke moaning Collin's name rang my ears and I fliched. Octavia smirked in victory. I had to find Clarke. She can't moan unless it's my name!

It pained me to stay away from Clarke. Like physically. My body hurt because I no longer talked to her, touched her, kissed her, like I used to. God, I couldn't be without her. I couldn't stay away any longer. I needed her. Where was she? I needed to find her.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off my pants. I ran towards the dropship where Clarke worked. 

"Clarke?" I tried, but my voice sounded unfamiliar and wierd so I had to cough a few times before I said her name again more clearly and audibly. 


She was sitting on her working chair, her head in her hands. She looked up abruptly and she turned around to dry her tears away. I wondered if she cried because of me.

"Clarke, you got a minute?" 

"Would you leave if I said no?" she said sarcastically. 

"No.." but she already knew that. 

"It's really easy for you, isn't it?" she asked out of the blue.


"Moving on...was it really that easy for you?" she stood up and took a few steps toward me. 

"I wouldn't know... I never did" I answered. I took a step forward and she took a step back. Then one more. One more, and she crashed into her desk, leaving her trapped. 

"What do you want, Bellamy?" she inquired, her voice shaky and unsteady.

"I want to hear you moan, Princess" I whispered in her ear and grabbed her earlobe between my teeth. I slipped my hand up her t-shirt. She tried to fight it at first, but when my lips connected with her neck, all of her power faded. 

"Please stop" she whispered so silently, I didn't know if she told me or herself. 

"Moan my name, Clarke" I told her between kisses.  

"No" she replied and I pulled her closer. "You can't just expect me to forgive you as soon as you touch me" she whispered, her eyes fluttering shut. 

"But did you miss me?" I asked her.

"Yes" she admits,  almost moaning, her eyes still closed. 

"Then let's take forgiveness tomorrow and let me make you feel good right now, baby" I seductively whispered in her ear, my hand moving further up her waist.  I never really called her 'baby' before, but it just slipped out of me and she didn't seem to react to it so I just went with it. 

I moved my mouth to hers and I liked her lips with my tongue. She parted them and let my tongue dance with hers as I kissed her forcefully. I moved my hands to her ass and she let out a silent moan. 

"Say my name" I moaned into her mouth. When she didn't I opened her pants and slipped my hand inside her panties. She was caught by surprise.

"Bellamy," She moaned, louder then expected. She covered her mouth when I my hand left her pants.

"Again" I smirked at her. 

"Asshole" she moaned on purpose. She smiled, wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me as I laughed. I lifted her up on the desk and she wrapped her legs around me. I know this is just for tonight because we both need it and that tomorrow, reality will hit us like a truck, but right now, I don't care. 

"I love you, Clarke" I whispered to her.

"Bellamy?" Clarke said, concern and worry clear in her voice.

"Hm?" I answered against her mouth. 

"You're bleeding"


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