Part 40

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Yes, so maybe it was the stupidest idea ever. Maybe fake breaking up with Clarke was my biggest mistake so far. I couldn't cope without her. She was my reassurance and without her I was alone again. Although it wasn't real, Clarke still wasn't talking to me. Then I saw her by the fire with Collin. The way he puut his lips to her ear, the way he made her laugh. I felt anger and jealousy rise up and boil in my head, ready to explode. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to leave camp. I walked fast towards the gate as I heard footsteps behind me, then someone grabbed my arm. 

"Where the hell are you going?" Octavia snapped at me. 

"To clean up!" I said, pulling my hand back. 

"Can't it wait? It's dark and besides, you don't even look that dirty" she said as she check me up and down. 

"Just...leave it! Don't follow me! I'll be back soon!" I said as I turned around leaving her alone. To my surprise I didn't hear footsteps behind me, which meant she actually listened to me.  I reached the river and suddently all these memorize came flashing in my mind. My first kiss with Clarke. The time I saved her from herself and caught her when she fell. When we almost got killed. How she, then, saved my life. The day I killed two guys. I took a handful of water and splashed it in my face. It was cold and refreshing, and I suddenly felt the urge to jump in. As I took of my T-shirt I heard a twig snap in two behind me. I turned to find Clarke staring at me. 

"Geez, Octavia! I told you not,-" I stoped speaking as I turned around, finding Clarke staring at me, her eyes gazing over my bare, six-pack filled chest. 

"Sorry to interrupt you self-admiring time" She said sarcastically as she grinned. 

"Didn't look like I was the only one who was admiring, Princess." I fired back, smiling cocky at her. That sure removed her satisfied grin. "What are you doing here anyway?" 

"Octavia said you'd be here" she said as she moved closer. She stoped a few steps away, and looked down at her hands. 

"And?" I said, still waiting for a reason. 

"I wanted to,"

"Don't! I should be the one to apologies! I'm an asshole! I'm so sorry Clarke! I never meant to hurt you" I thought I was doing the right thing, but I can't breath! I can't breath without you! And seeing this other guy so close to you, closer than I was able to be, it was unbearable! " I blurt out, without meaning to. I guess I just had to get it of my chest. She stared at me while a smirk slowly crept to her face. 

"What?" I asked, sounding like I was out of breath after my 'speech'.

"I wanted to forgive you, not apologies." She startet laughing and moved closer to me. Close enough for me to reach her if I reached my hand out. 

"So there's nothing you want to apologies for?" I challenged her with a suductive smirk on my face. 

"Nope!" She said cheerfully, grinning brightly back at me. 

"Are you sure?" I said, as I folded my hands perfectly over my bare chest. 


"You're going to regret you didn't apologies Princess!" I said playfully as I picked her up by her waist and threw her over my shoulder and ran into the river. She started screaming as she both got soaked with water. She looked at me surprised as she stood up, the water reaching her waist. 

"What was that for?!" she said, not a hint of anger or irritation in her voice. 

"Fun" I smirked at her as I moved closer. I grabbed her face in my hands and moved my wet mouth passionatly and quickly down to hers. When I pulled away she whispered "What was that for?"

"Pleasure" I whispered sensually back as I kissed her again. Damn, it felt good. She felt good. I moved my down her waist, exploring familiar territory. Her hands found their way to my hair, pulling and tangling themselves in it. We were in a cold river, but my body has never felt warmer. 

OKAY! NOT my best chapter, but it's okay! I hope you liked it anyway! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 11K reads and over 600 votes!!  That's amazing!! Can't believe it! I am so so so grateful! you are truly amazing! 

PS! Please leave a comment on what you think of the development in the story and their relationship so far! If you have any ideas on what should happen further on, don't hasitate to share! I love reading them! 


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