Part 24

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Clarke practicully dragged my ass into the dropship, ordering me to lay face down on the table. Her eyes ran wildly over the medical supplies.

"Clarke, are you capeable of doing this?" I asked worried, looking at her shaky hands.

She turned her head towards me.

"I have to! It's not like I'm gonna let you blow up!"

"You sure? It could be,"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Bell!" she said seriously, with a frown on her face. She headed for the door.

"Come on, Clarke! I didn't mean it!" I said after her.

"What? I'm just going to get some help?"

God. I can't believe I thought she would actually leave me here, with a bomb in my head. I heard her yell for Wilim, another guy named Gus and Octavia to help her out in the dropship. When they entered, they closed the door behind them and  turned to see me laying there, they turned to Clarke.

" you need help with?" Wilim asked confused, looking from Clarke to me to Gus.

"Keep him still..." she answered.

"Because...?" Gus wanted to know.

"Somebody put something inside his brain. We think it's a bomb. Now, I need to open his cut, and you need to hold him down, cause it will..," She stopped and then continued, but whispered this time so I wouldn't hear her.
"hurt like hell." she thought I couldn't hear, but I heard it all. But I acted like I didn't. Octavia rushed over to me. She cupped my face in her hands. 

"Bell," she said sadly, like I just got the news that I was going to die.

"Don't worry, O! Clarke'll fix me up" I said reassuring. I looked over at Clarke, and smiled at her. I wanted her to calm down so she would be able to do this. 

"Turn around," She commanded, without using her voice properly, just whirling her fingers around. "Gus and Wilim, hold his legs and arms still. Octavia, you have to hold his head steady and motionless or this could end really, really bad." she sighed out. She sounded terrified, and worn-out. They all got into their positions and did their jobs. My head was smashed against the operating table, ready to become bomb-free. I may have pretended to be fully controlled and calm, but the truth was, I couldn't be more frightened. If anything went wrong, my head would explode, inclouding everything around me. 

"Wait!" I said, realizing that if by any reason, somthing would go wrong, my last words would be a lie.

"What?" Clarke asked apprehensively.

"Can I have a minute with you, Clarke? Alone." 

The three others hesitatedly let go of me and went behind the drapes that seperated the two rooms in the dropship's first floor. This was the time to be completely honest. 

"Clarke," I started. looking at her beautiful face. "I'm gonna be totally honest here. I didn't like you in the beginning. You were a pain in the ass!" She started laughing, not really sure of what I was doing.  

"Then after a while you were bearable, but I still wasn't a fan though."

"Bellamy, why do I get the feeling you're not telling me this for fun?" 

"Just let me say this, okay?" 

She nodded, but I saw in her eyes that she really didn't want to listen.

"Then this wierd thing happend. I saw your eyes everytime I closed mine, and I found myself not wanting to open them again. They gave me comfort. The color in them felt safe. And when they looked at me, I felt like they saw ME. For who I really was. YOU saw me for who I really was, for who I really am. I found myself always looking for you, to see if you were still here. And let me tell you, I tried to stay away from you, to think about something else, but damn Princess, I wanted you so bad. And I always get what I want," I said cocky to make her laugh, and she did. But then I needed to say what I needed her to hear.  "Clarke, it's,"

"Don't," she quietly begged.

"It's been a privileged to love you, Clarke Griffin. And to be loved by you has fulfilled every dream I've ever had." I finished as I brushed away the tear streaming down her face. She didn't need to say anything. I already knew she felt it by the way she looked at me.

Then our lips met and I swear that this kiss came for the heart. There wasn't any emotion left out of it. There was pain, happiness, love, passion, anger, fear etc. It was a mix of everything, and it was real. 

"You guys done?" Octavia yelled from the other side of the dropship. 

"Yeah" I answered as I started to lay down again.


I was eager to get over with it. I just wanted to get it out, and sew him back up as fast as possible. I grabbed the knife as the others got ready to hold him down. I closed my eyes for a second, pushing all of the uncertainty and hesitation away. I needed to be a docter now. I breathed out slowly and pushed the knifed against his freshly healed cut and opened it. His body tensed up and he let out painfull sounds through his clenched teeth, then his body went limp, and he had passed out. Octavia looked away, not able to see her brother in such agony. 

I saw it right away. It was a white chip fastened to a black little bag, looking like a tea-bag. I reached my finger slowly inside to take it out when I saw his name was written on the chip. Bellamy Blake. How did they know who he was? I pulled the chip and the bag out as carefully as possible, scared it would blow up any second. I stitched him back up and just hoped I didn't mess anything up. 

"Clarke! He's not breathing!" Wilim quickly announced as soon as he noticed, and my heart dropped.

Don't die on me.

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