Part 49

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That's not good enough! I thought to myself as Collin left the room. I ran out into the main square and desperatly looked for someone who could possibly help me. My eyes found Novah sitting beside Monty by one of the tents. I pushed my way through the crowd and grabbed her wrist. 

"I need your help" I whispered to her so nobody else would notice how frantic I was. "Now!" 

She followed me into the dropship and she didn't hasitate when she saw Bell. She started to examine him right away and when I tried to always look over her shoulder and paced back and forth, tapping my foot and snapping my fingers, she told me to go sit in the corner and be quiet. So I did, and I got lost in my thoughts. 

Maybe this is how it was all meant to be. Maybe we were never meant to be together. Maybe we're cursed. Because no matter how many times we try, one of us will always somehow end up nearly dying and if we keep this up, it won't be long until one of us really is dead. Problem after problem! When will my break come? Or maybe there is no such thing as breaks. Maybe there's just life and it will test you until you fail.  I thought to myself as Novah helped Bellamy. She used a scalpel to cut a small hole in his chest while filtering air out of it. At least that's what it looked like she was doing. I didn't really concentrate as I saw him laying there on the floor. Not breathing. Again. When will this evil cycle of death attempts end? I was literally drained of power from watching him almost die.

"Clarke?" I bearly heared Novahs silent voice thorugh the noise of my head. She must have worked on him at least an hour or two. 

"Earth to Clarke" she waved her hand in front of my face. I looked at her then back at Bellamy, who's chest was now heaving up and down. I looked back to her for an explanation of what was wrong with him.

"His airways were closed. Completely. I would like to say he cought some sort of illness but if I'm being totally honest," she said, leaning closer to me. "someone's after him" her voice held a firm and steady tone and she didn't seem the least worried or affected. "Or you"

"Why?" I asked stupidly. Because we're leaders of course. That's all I can think of at least. And not the best ones at that. But we're doing a better job than anyone else ever could.

"how?" I changed my question.

"Could be poisoning or a virus? I'm not an expert, but I know that these things happen. If somebody's not happy with how you run things, they'll take you down" she explained. "In my camp, these things happened alot a few years ago, until someone powerful enough made them stop" her eyes flickered to Bellamy's resting body this she focused on me once more.

"It's time to be powerful, Clarke" she smiled encouraging at me and stood to her feet. In my opinion we had been just that for as long as we had been here.

"Let him rest, and he'll be just fine" she lets me know and leaves the room.

"Thank you, Novah" I smile briefly at her, but I can tell that it looks more like a grimace than a smile. She chose not to comment on it and she left the dropship.

I crawled over to sit beside Bellamy and he opened his eyes slightly to see me hovering over him. I couldn't hold back anymore and I started sobbing as I looked down at him. I could notice he didn't have any powers left to talk so he lifted his hand to my face and dried my tears like they never even existed. 

"This is getting pretty old, don't you think?" I tried lightening the mood and I was rewarded with him smiling back at me.But his smile faded quickly as another person entered the dropship again. Collin stood here, his eyes looking at Bellamy with what I would call disbelief. Bellamy desperatly looked up at me and pointed at Collin while narrowing his eyes at him. Then he used his finger to pretend like he sliced it over his throut. I looked down at him in confusion. 

"What?" I asked Bellamy, not certain if he's implying what I think he is. I turned my attention to Collin, who now covered his disbelief with a stone face. I  stood to my feet and rushed over to him. I shoved his chest as hard as possible but he didn't move an inch. The hate I all of a sudden felt for him was to much to bear. 

"Are you done?" he asked unfased. I lifted my hand to punch his face but he grabbed my wrist and twisted it behind my back. 

"Now, if anyone of you make a fucking noise, I will snap your arm off, Princess" he hissed. Bellamy tried to move but he's body was to numb and exhausted to budge. He tried to speak. but only mumbling sound left his lips. 

"You two are really hard to kill, you know!" he said, overdoing the fake cheerful tone in his voice. "Well, you that is" he pointed at Bell. 

"I don't really mind this one" he said against my ear, while he wrapped his disgusting arm around my waist. My anger was blossoming inside of me and I shot my elbow into his stomach with such force. He squealed and he let go of my other arm and I didn't waist a minute of the upper hand I suddently had. I kicked him as hard as I possibly could in his leg as before I hurried to find a scalpel and before I knew it, it was placed in his throat. His body slowly fell to the floor and I  backed up as I realized what I just did. I dragged my hands over my hair as my breathing increased. I looked down at his lifeless and dead body. Oh my god. No, no, no, what did I do?! Who have I become! This was the second guy I'd killed. This was also the second guy I'd killed in front of Bellamy.

Maybe we really are cursed. 

omg, I am incredibly sorry for being away for so long! I would like to give you guys the best explanation ever because you really deserve it for bothering to read my story, but I really can't give you one! School has been hell lately and there has also been alot going on besides that, and that's all I can give you! I am so sorry! haha, I really should make a book about my life so maybe you understood better but I that would be crap! :P I hope you liked this one though! I hope my next chapter will be better because this is so not my best work! But I am also working on a bonus chapter (Octavia and Jasper) which will hopefully be up tomorrow! Please give me feedback! I would love to hear what you think! ILY

PS! anyone interested in a Novah/Monty fiction? 


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