Part 53

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Clarke had left me speechless in the dropship. It had been two whole days since the whole "thing" happend and now she kept smiling at everyone, Including me. She avoided situations were we needed to be alone together but whenever there was people around, she would hold my hand and 'be in love'. I dont know what the hell she was doing or planning but it sure as hell wasn't good. And I didn't know what to do about it. I had no proof that she had this whole secret agenda thing going on considering that everyone else was basically eating her bullshit. Everyone thinks that she's finally okay, but she's far from it.

And talking about the devil, there she went across the main square, smiling at the people who passed her.

"Clarke, honey," I took advantage of the ridicoulus situation by calling her names she would hate, trying to put her out of balance but she didn't even slightly flinch. I jogged towards her.

"Hey baby" she smiled back at me, acting for the people around us. "How are you?"

"Oh I'm just walking on the clouds as usual, and you sugerpie?" I could play this just as well as she did, if not better.

"That's wonderful! I'm just trying to help as much as I can" she said, loud enough for people to hear.

"Yes, I've noticed, you got a sec?"


"I'm not taking no for an answere, lovebird" I cut her off, grabbing her arm so she wouldnt get away.

"Bellamy!" she almost yelled. "Let go off my arm!" She said, also loud enough for other to hear. I quickly let go. A few people turned around to watch the action, but Clarke smiled at them to show everyone that it was okay. Then she pulled me close, talking me up in the face.

"I got them wrapped around my finger, Bellamy Blake," she whispered. "Watch your back" she pecked me on the cheek before she wandered off.

Was she serious? Did I need to watch my back? Was she on the Edge of crazytown or were she playing? I had an idea, but I wasn't ready to face the fact that Clarke might actually want to hurt me or anyone else in camp on purpose.


I squeezed my right hand harshly around my left wrist, leaving a quiet large visible bruis. I let go, and study it... it definitly looked believable...and hurtful.

"Clarke?" I jumped as I heard Novah walk into my tent.

"Yes?" I smiled weakly at her, rubbing my hand over the fresh bruis.

"I brought you some food" she smiled at me. "you okay?" her eyes left mine and she pointed on my hand.

I pretended to look sad, and smiled weakly at her.

"Yes, it's nothing," i started, meeting her eyes. Then when she slowly turned around to leave, I quickly added "he didn't mean it"

"What? He?" she turned back around and walked towards me. "Bellamy did this to you?"

"Dont worry about it," i turned away with a sad look. "he didn't realize how hard he was holding" I whispered to sound weak.

She touched my shoulder gently.

"Let me look" she took my hand softy and carefully as she started to examine it.

"It's fine..really!" I pulled my hand back and smiled sweetly at her. "Thanks for the food, Novah"

She looked at me for a long time before she slowly retreated from my tent, with a certain thought in mind. Bellamy was no longer the one in control.



Bellamy stormed inside my tent, with the look of confusion and fury.

"Why the hell does everyone in camp this I hurt you, Clarke? Physically!!" he yelled.

"Nice to see you too, baby" I said sarcastically as I pulled my jacket on.

"I would never hurt you..not like that" he took a step forward.

" did, Bell" I showed him my arm. He grabbed it carefully and stroked his thumb over the dark blue-purpleish bruise on my wrist.

"I didn't do this..." he said, sounding so insecure. I almost felt bad for the guy when I looked at him. His eyes were watery and shiny. He wasn't sure if he did it or not.

"It's okay though, it doesn't hurt unless you touch it" I said to ease some of hos pain as I pulled my hand back. I started to walk out of the tent, when his words made me stop in my tracks.

"I don't know who you are anymore, Clarke"

Okay everyone....intense intense!! what do you think?? any thoughts?? Please comment and vote! lovey'all

PS! Sorry for typos... I wrote this on my phone....


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