Part 54

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I was putting my boots on when Jasper rushed into my tent. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"No Jasper, I didn't touch Clarke" I said given.
He opened his mouth but closed it again. He looked at me puzzled and opened his mouth again.

"I know you didn't. You have way bigger hands than those marks show" he laughed a short laugh. I looked up at him, with a death glare. How the hell did he find this amusing?

"You think this is funny?"
He stopped smiling.

"No actually, I laugh when I'm worried, and I am really worried" He took a step closer and hushed his voice. "You and I both know, that's not Clarke out there." He pointed outside.

"And what do you suppose we do, huh?"

"Can't we like... I dont know...hit her in the head or something?" When he looked at me, he tried to quickly change his answere.

"Ooooor we could..." he started.

"We could try bringing out some old memories?" Monty suggested from the tent entrence.

"We already tried that. I've tried talking to her over and over, but it's like talking to a wall who just throws words back at you" I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face.

"Yes, but you always talked about your relationship." He looked at me.

I thought about it for a second. He was actually right. Maybe what Clarke needed was to remember something from her past. Something else that stood close to her heart.

"You think we should talk to her about us?" Jasper asked confused.

"No you idiot!" Monty smacked Jaspers head. "Bellamy? Anything?"

"Her parents? Or Wells?"

"It's worth a try" he said, and he was right. At this point, I'd try anything.

"So what do we do?"

"Get her alone. Talk to her. Break her down. Even of hatered and disgust is what she'll start feeling towards you it's better than this...and she'll get over it." He explained.

"One problem. There's no way I'll get Clarke alone. The others won't let me near her."

"We'll take care of that." Japser said. I nodded while I looked at my hands. I would never hurt her. Ever. I wouldn't lay my hands on her if it wasn't for good intensions. And yet, everyone around here seemed to believe that I would. Was I that bad?

"Bellamy?" Monty voice pulled my out of my own thoughts.

"You got it?" He asked, sympathy clear in hos eyes.

"Yeah; get her alone, make her hate me, I got it"

"No, i'm pretty sure she already hates you. You need to make her show you. You got to make her feel so much pain that you think it will break her." He looked at me one more time before he turned to walk out.

"And if it does?" I asked, almost choking on my words.

"Then you fix her" he said and left the tent.

"Don't worry, Clarkes a tough girl." Jasper quickly reassured me before he also left.

To be honest, Clarke being okay wasn't t was I most worried about. I always knew Clarke could handle herself and no matter how much pain she was in, she would find her way. But I was afraid that I wouldnt be the one to put her pieces back together. After all, she could do that on her own and then she wouldnt need me. And after this she wouldnt want me either... then all I'd be to her is dead. I'd be nothing to her...

And that scared me more than anything. Cause if I was dead to Clarke, I might as well be.

Hey everyone! This is not my best, not my worst but i'm posting it anyway! Lol... Hope you all enjoyed it though! Please vote and comment!!

And oh! I got this beautiful song stuck in my mind!!
Lost - Kris Allen
It's a perfect song!

Sorry for typos btw! Written on my phone ('_')


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