Part 58 - Clarke POV

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"You sure about this, Clarke?" Raven asked by my side. I could sense the hesitation in everyone as they walked behind me through the woods.

I glanced over at her.

"I sure this is what Bellamy would have done for me" I answered.


"We should start building things soon, like houses," Bellamy suggested as he looked at the big tree infront of him.

"Knock yourself out" I laughed. Sure, houses would be great, but it wasn't really a big priority right now.

"The first one I build will be for you" he turned to me and smirked.

"Bell, I think the fact that we're fighting for our life's every day should be our main focus right now" I told him.

"Fine, if you dont want a house, I guess the first one I build will be for Jaylynn," he walked over to me, his gun hanging halfway over his chest. "Then the second one for Holly," he started counting in his fingers. "Third one will be for Cora," he looked at me.

"Oh don't stop! I wanna hear this." I smirked at him challenging and he laughed.

"Maybe the sixth or seventh will be for you" he smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. I loved when he kissed me while he smiled. It was like he wasn't just kissing me but he was also sharing his happiness with me.

"God you taste good" he groaned against my mouth.

"Not bad for sixth or seventh, hah?" I thread my fingers into his hair and gently pulled him closer.

He grabbed my hips and lifted me as I swung my legs around his torso. He walked forward, and pushed my back up against another tree. Our rapid breaths mixed and before Bellamy I had never believed that it was possible to actually crave someone as much as I did him.

"We should," I tried to break our kiss but he was so god damn addicting. "Probably save," another kiss interrupt my words. "The world or something" I managed to finish.

Bellamy slowly sat me down.

"Go ahead, Princess" he smiled down at me, and kissed me on my forehead. "I got some houses to get started on anyways"


Bellamy never started building houses and I was happy he didn't. It would be just be another thing he left behind that I would have to look at and be reminded of what I had lost.

I had had too many flashbacks of Bellamy lately. I kept replaying him in my mind and it needed to stop. I needed to end the endless cycle of heartache that I seemed to be lost in. This would have to end h-,

"Clarke, are you sure that this is what Bellamy would have done for you?" Raven asked from my side, pulling me out of my thoughts. She had stopped walking, along with many others. She held my wrist, so I stood still as well.
I gave her a harsh look.

"Of cou-,"

"Clarke" she interrupted me as her eyes focused on something behind me.

I quickly turned around, all thoughts in my head swirling with options of what she could be looking at. My eyes didn't find any of the options that crossed my mind though. Never would I have thought that I would find this. Him. Except it wasn't him. His hair was cut short and he was dressed as a grounder. He wore big clothes that made him look twice as big as I remembered him. He had gloves with rivets and his shoulder where covered in metal and fur. His face was painted with a black pattern that made him look like them. He looked completely different. I also noticed a long, faint scar on his cheek.

Everyone stood in silence as we looked at the grounder in front of us with a large knife in his hand.

"Bellamy," my voice came out as a broken whisper and I took a hesitant step forward. Thoughts of him being shot, and dead for months didn't add up to what was happening right now. What was happening right now?

"You need to leave" even his voice was different. "as in right now. Go back to camp" he looked at all of us and took a step backwards.

"Oh my god," I cried out, and walked closer to him. "You're alive" I reached up to touch his cheek and I swear to god, his eyes changed to a softer demeanor.

Suddenly, two grounders appeared behind Bellamy, and he seemed to notice without turning around. In a split of a second, his eyes hardened again and his arm punched mine away forcefully. So forcefully I stumbled backwards in shock.

"I said, LEAVE!" He yelled. More grounders appeared behind him .

I was so confused, my hearted ached. I never thought that the thought of Bellamy still being alive would hurt me more then him being dead. But seeing him like that, definitely hurt more.

The rest of camp started backing up as more and more grounders appeared, all carrying weapons and masks. Bellamy turned around and started walking away. The other grounders slowly backed up as well, as if they were following him.

Raven started pulling me away, but I fought out of her grip and ran towards Bellamy.

"No! Bellamy," my voice was so desperate and broken, I didn't even recognize it as my own. I ran forward and I clenched my hands around his wrist. He turned around quickly and before I even realized what the hell was going on, my body fell to the ground. Pain cursed through my body as it hit what felt like rock bottom. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. He spit words down to me that didn't make any sense. They weren't english.

Wilim appeared by my side and helped me to my feet. My shoulder hurt, and I was struggling to breath properly.

"Let's go, Clarke" Wilim pulled me by my wrist.

"No," I pulled my wrist back. "I buried you and here you are" I felt myself lose my mind in that moment. "tell me... are you the only one who can come back from the dead?" I asked as I stepped forward and pulled out a knife. He looked intensely at me, clearly giving me a warning. The other 30 grounders or so pulled out their weapons into shooting position, ready to shot me if I so much as took one step closer.

I put the knife against my throat. I looked up at Bellamy one last time, but he was no where to find. I held his gaze. "Are you?"

"Clarke, no!" Wilim yelled.

update update, maybe too late but still an update, haha I'm so sorry!! You deserve way more updates and I'll work on it, I promise! Hope you liked this though! Tell me your opinion :*

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