Chapter 63

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Ruby's POV

Today was the day I was going to go back home to tell my parents about going to LA.

I hopped on the train with Danni as she had decided to come back with me, there wasn't any point in staying in London I suppose.

After a couple of hours we arrived and we got into the taxi, telling him the address as I quickly texted Luke to let him know I had got there okay.

We headed to Danni's first where we decided to meet up again before I left for London tomorrow morning. "I'll see you soon then!" I called as she got out of the taxi and paid half to the driver.

"Bye!" She called back as we waved to one another.

After a few more minutes I arrived at my own house, hoping my parents would be in. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before it opened, my mum taking me into a hug as she greeted me.

I was also greeted by my dad with a hug once I finally got past the front door and almost got tipped over by my dog jumping up at me, which made me laugh.

"Hows London?" My mum asked as she led us into the kitchen.

"It's been really good fun, interesting, but fun." I laughed, recalling all that had happened. "Danni's came back as well, her and Beau broke up."

"Aw no, why?!" She replied, concentrating on what I was about to say.

"Well, I'll tell you everything in a the lounge when you're done making the tea." I smiled, hoping they would take the news about LA well.

I headed into the lounge and put my bag on the sofa as I sat down, my dad taking a seat on the other sofa.

"Is Luke alright then?" He asked.

"Yeah, he's great, along with the others. I'm surprised how much they've loved it here to be honest, considering the weather." I laughed, making him nod his head as he laughed.

"So, tell us everything." My mum said intriguingly as she brought a tray of tea and biscuits through.

"It's kind of huge news, so I don't know how you'll take this but just hear me out." I started. "Okay, basically the boys are moving back to LA and Beau couldn't handle a long distance relationship so he broke up with her." I began, not yet mentioning that I would be going with them.

"That's terrible, what does Luke think about it?" She asked.

"Well, he asked me to go with them... And I said yes." I said quickly, waiting for their reactions.

They both looked at each other with their eyebrows risen, I couldn't tell whether it was a look of surprise or a look of "no, she is certainly not going".

"How long for?" My dad asked.

"It's not planned out, I can come back any time. It's not for life either so don't worry." I laughed.

"Well, it would be an experience." My mum stated, making me smile as they seemed hopeful. "Why not?" She grinned from me to my dad.

"I suppose you have to take up these once in a lifetime opportunities!" My dad agreed.

"Exactly!" I grinned. "I better go pack now, I'll see you later." I smiled as I ran up stairs, instantly pulling the suitcase out of the cupboard as I began to pack. My dream was actually coming true.

~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~

My alarm sounded at 8am, making me moan as I would do anything to stay in bed for an extra hour - but I knew I had to get up and go.

I got ready within the hour and triple checked all of my essentials were in my suitcase and bags, making my mum check once as well. I couldn't miss anything.

"Well I best go if I want to say goodbye to Danni as well." I said, checking the time on my phone and realising the train would get here in 45 minutes.

"Okay love, well, make sure to call me as soon as you arrive there and stay safe!" My mum said, taking me into a hug.

"And don't say the word "bomb" on the plane, you will deeply regret it afterwards." My dad laughed, having to throw a joke in there somehow but he was right.

The taxi pulled up and I said my final goodbyes to them before getting in and heading to Danni's. As I got out at her house I asked him to stay for 5 minutes as that was all the time I would be able to have to stay with her.

I knocked on the door and was soon greeted by Danni who immediately invited me inside. "The last day in this ugly city, lucky you." She laughed as we sat down on the sofa.

"I bet I'll miss it after a few weeks." I laughed. "Just try your hardest to survive without me, okay?"

"It'll be easy." She smirked, making me laugh as I shook my head.

After the five minutes were up, I finally had to go. "I'll miss you too much!" I said as I took her into a big hug.

"I'll miss you more." She replied, pretending to cry.

I walked down the path and put my bags into the taxi before rolling down the window and shouting "Bye!!!" As loudly as I could, which she replied with just as loud.

I just wish she'd be coming with us.

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